Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicato (2024)

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Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (1)

Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (2) Bad

Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (3) Decent

Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (4) Love it!

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Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (7)

Statistics for Social Data Analysis David Knoke, George W. Bohrnstedt, Alisa Potter Mee 4th Edition

Chapter 12, Problem 10

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    Problem 10 Respondents were presented with four contrasting …

    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (9)


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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at $p<.001$ or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are $\chi^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001$, $\mathrm{GFI}=0.96, \mathrm{AGFI}=0.93$, and $\mathrm{RMSEA}=0.070$, with $90 \%$ confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model.
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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (10) Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (11) Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (12)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (13)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (14)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at $p<.001$ or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are $\chi^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001$, $\mathrm{GFI}=0.96, \mathrm{AGFI}=0.93$, and $\mathrm{RMSEA}=0.070$, with $90 \%$ confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model.Figure can't copy

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (15)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (16)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (17)Ace Chat

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (18)Ask Our Educators

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (19)Notes & Exams

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (22)

    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (23)

    Statistics for Social Data Analysis

    David Knoke, George W. Bohrnstedt, Alisa Potter Mee 4th Edition

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 Problem 8 Problem 9 Problem 10 Problem 11 Problem 12 Problem 13 Problem 14 Problem 15


    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicators of religious beliefs (in afterlife, heaven, hell, and miracles), and the other independent construct has three indicators of socioeconomic status (education, occupational prestige, and income). All parameters are significant at p<.001 or lower. The model's goodness-of-fit statistics are χ^2=122.9, d f=22, p<.001, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.93, and RMSEA=0.070, with 90 % confidence interval from 0.057 to 0.083 . Give a substantive interpretation of this model. Figure can't copy | Numerade (24)

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    Here are estimates from a completely standardized solution to a path model where the dependent construct has three indicators of respondents' religious behavior (prayer, prayer frequency, and praying privately), one independent construct has four indicato (2024)


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