The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

TRANSPORTATION. 1858. 1858. Lake Superior. CLEVELAND, SUPEK.

OR DETROIT LINE. AND LAKE The favorite and fast steamer NORTH STAR, B. G. Sweet, Muster. The splendid new Screw Steamer NORTHERN LIGHT, Johu Spaulding, Master.

The well known P'ropeller MANHATTAN, C. Caldwell, Master. TLa number and character of these Boats will be a sunicient guarantee to the public of speed, safety and Lake promptuess Superior. lu car. rying For passengers passengers, It and affords freight to greater contort and peed than has all points on ever been offered to the that route.

For passage, freight or Information GARRETSON Agcuta. J. G. D. MORRIDE, late Hussey Sinclair, Late McBride Hammau, Cleveland, Cincinnati.

1858. HUSSEY McER IDE. Forwarding Produce Comission Merhants, 109 111 WINSLOW WAREHOUSE, SOn 41 the 43 Dock. River CLEVELAND, ONTO. Receive P'roduce by Canal or Rail Road, for Sale or Shipment, DEALERS IN GRAIN.

FLOUR, PORK, COPPER, FISH, SALT. SUPERIOR LIME, P'LAS TER, INGOT BLOOM ICON, Axeuta fo, the LAKE SUPERIOR LINE" of Steamboats and Propellers. Cash Advances on Consignments. -Aug AK UPERIOR splendid, low pressure steamera: CITY OF CLEVELAND," AND' ILLINOIS." The Propellers: "IRON CITY," MINERAL, TAYLOK." ROCK," AND With the above ample eteamboat facilities, enabling 09 to send ou three tomis every eek we are prepared to vuri. give prompt despatch to all freights consigned to our care, to the ous apS-blu0 points on Luke MUSSEY MOBRIDE, Agents.

1858. 1858. The Northern Trausportation Co. Will, during the present run their well known line of FIRST CLASS STEAD PROPELLERS AND NAILING VESSELS! Regularly between Ogdeneburgh LINE and Cowezo, BETWEEN and the Upper Lakes. BURGH AND a AND PORTS ON LAKE ERIE; DAILY and and Ports on Lake Michigan, connecuag as 0zdeusburgh with a Tri- Weekly Line beetweea Ogdensburgh and Oswego, the OGDENSBURGH VERMONT CENTRAL POUTE, Nashua, Lowell and Bostop; and at Oswego with Between Ogdensburgh, Burlington, Concord, Manchester, Law.

rence. CLASS CANAL BOATS, (large size,) on the enlarged Cabal beHOVEr CRAWFORD8'S NEW OSWEGO LINE OF IMIUTY FIRST dy tween and Oswego Cheap and Route, with but one transhipment between BoB. New York, thus affording a Regular, Spee. ton, This New Con pany having made the most ample arrangements at England aud New York, and the West. Oswego for Dock and Storage facilities with abundant ACCOINthe plan pricticed at can guarantee the safe, modations for handled, assorting and Shipping upon Prompt and P'erfect Delivery of all Property Entrusted to its Care.

This Line connects at Cleveland with the NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CANAL. OF CANAL A LINE OF PROPELLERS ON LAKE SUPERIOR, And with Kall Roads to Columbus, ludianapolis, Louisville acd St. Louis. AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES: J. MYERS, 8 c*nties Slip, New York.

GEO. CLARK, 113 Broad Street, New York. LOVEY CRAWFORD, wego, New York. OTIS KIMBALL, 103 State Street, Boston, CRAWFORD Ogdensburg, N. Y.

WM.T. WALKER, Toledo, 0. E. R. MATHEWS.

Detroit, Mich. BARCLAY CU. milwaukee, Wig. MATHER Chicago, Ill. CONSIGNEES: LOCKER Racine.

J. F. KIRKLAND, Sheboygan. CHAMBERLIN CRAWFORD, A With the steam beat facilities, enabling us to send out three boats every week, we are prepared give PROMPT DESPATCH TO ALL FREIGHTS CONSIGN. ED TO OUR CARE, THE VARIOUS POINTS LAKE SUPERIOR.

HUSSEY McBRIDE. $10,000. -MONEY to ADVANCED and well knew. WAGNER'S OFFICE--on Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry. Diamond-, Guns, Pisto's, Business strictly private.

Odice, No. 8 Water street, corner Superior in 1851. Opea from 8 A. M. to 8 P.

Al. Watches and Jewelry tor sale at, bargains. WA WAGNER. Upp. Commercial Er.

Bank. CRAWFORD COUNTY, Meadville, Notes bought by A. M. FERRY Lu Banker, 97 puperior i OLFNELAND, ONIO. March11-b12-8m A.


FLOUR AND OTHER PRODUCE, in the Oswego, Albany, Troy, Particular attention given to the sale of I WHEAT, CORN, and New York Market. from Also, Oswego to the Eastern Markets with fidelity and de patch, upon the most reasonable terms. to the Shipment of Grain, Flour. and A other property Chamberlin, Crawford 1858. P.


1868. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, DEALERS IM FLOUR, PORK, GRAIN, AND HANGING ROCK PIG IRON, ON CONMISION. Fire-'roof Building, corner Merwiu and Division Strects, (near the Bridge.) CLEVELAND, OHIO. Proprietors of the NoRTHERN for TRANSPORTATION LINE. Obio Canal, and Agents NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION LINK Between 1'roperty Forwarded with dispatch to and from New York, Boston and New Yerk, and Cleveland.

Boston, and all points in New England, via Us sego and 0g Marcu 11, LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK AND THE PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CLYDE City BUILT of Baltimore, 2307 K. Leitch. SCREW STEAMSHIPS. City of Washington, 3280 Capt. Capt.

J. O. Kenuedy. Petrie, City Kangaroo, Manchester, 1874 Capt. Jeffrey.

of 2109 The City of Baltimore sails trona New York for the Liverpool, Line On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, and one of every These alterate Steamers are Thursday, at constructed 12 o'clock with in noon. proved water tight compartments. Each Steamer carries an experlenced Surgeon, and every attention paid to the comfort bud accommodation of Passage in Cabin $75. PASSAGE Passage. can Third also be I Clues, secured 880 by first class exiling Packet sad tound in provisions.

Shipe from Liverpool, Havre, Hamburgh, Bremen, and Ant werp to New York. DRAFTS for any amount furniahed payable throughout the For continents further particulars apply to R. J. CURTIS 177 of Europe, Great Britain and Ireland. Broadway, New York, F.

SABLI, Liverpool, and at the Banaing and Exchange Office of J. Herdman No. 11 1 Water Street, CLEVELAND, OlIO, AGENT. nov6-r21-dly Omnibus Notice. NEW LINE STARTED, CALLED TIE A Euclid Street Station Linc.

P'ereons going East wil dud it to sheir comfort to take the Euclid Street Station Omni. bus escaping the noise and contusion of the lower depots, and having a ride of two mile the most pleasant drive in to 35 l'assengers will bu taken from the Hotels or residences cent, ordinary baggage included. Orders left at T. S. PADDOCK Has Store, will Jy28-pl-dtf W.

W. REDHEAD. Agent. promptly attended to. STEAM AND BETWEEN NEW BURG11, 2500 tons, Commander, Wx.

CUM. YORK, 2450 tons, Commander ROBERT CRAIG; 1962 tone, Commander, John DUNCAN. Are appointed to sail FROM NEW YORK. EDINBUTOR, 81st 12 o'clock, nooa. Nov.

NEW FROM GLASGOW, October. NEW 18th Noverater, And December December, FROM CLADGOW, NEW FORK RATES DE PASSAGE First Steerage, found with Stecrage, found with ..16 guineas, First cooked provisione, 8 cooked Children under 14 yeare of age, half fare; In.fants in 46:00. An experienced Surxcon attached to each Steamer. For Freight or Passus apply to JAM ES RAEBURN, Agent, 17 was. New York City Bills or Gold only received for Stoves and Enameled Grates.

W. L. MARVIN, NO. 9 PUBLIC SQUARE, (South Side.) HAVE manufactory, JUST one of the RECEIVED, largest and beet fresh assortments from of ENAMELED GRATES, Ever brought to this market. lie always keeps on hand the bast, newest aud most approved styles of COOLING and other kinds of locluding two of BUCK'S PATENT HOTEL COOK STOVE, Manufactured Expressly for this Market, AND WARRANTED TO GIVE PERFEUT SATISFACTION lie also is constantly supplied with an ass: rtment of Wooden Ware and House Furnishing Arucles, and has on band and manutactures a large stock of Tin, Copper ana Sheet Iron Ware, all of which MUST AND WILL BE SOLD, at wholesale or retail, for cash.

At Prices to Suit the Times! All ol JOBBING, ROOFING, TROUGH. ING, done in the most workmaulize manuer, and on SHORT NUMUE. proof of the pudding la in the chewing of the string. so please call betore purchasing elsewhere at the old and well. known staed of MARVIN.

wy No. 9 Sonth alde Public Square. JUST RECEIVED, PER WAbash Valley, 850 half bble. new caught Whitefish and Also, 100 halt bbls. North Bay bite Fish, equal to any Letroit River White Fish, tor sale at $4,75 la half Also, 50 half bbls.

Ivetroit River Whiteden, J. M. UKAW SUN, 183 River street. 1858. LAKE SUPERIOR LINE.

COMPRISING THE FOLLOWING Splendid Low Prea-ure Steamers City of Cleveland," AND Illinois." 'The P'ropellers: Iron City," "Mineral 'AND "General Taylor." Street, douadns 3 'OIHO Atwater COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE. FACULTY. W. HI.

E. J. P'RITON, I'rincipals and P'rots. ot Book- Keeping And collateral branchca. P.

COOPER, W. I. HOLLUTER, 19 Professors of Practical and Ornamental I. V. BIFACE, And other, Lecturers on and Marine Law.

JARVIS M. ADAMB. Esq, D. W. BROOKS, Lecturers on Commercial Law.


JOBBING AND COMMISSION- I. DWIGRT H. Ezras, (. CLEVELAND, Book -keeper for George Worthington Sec'y Cleveland Gas Co. Co.

LAFATETTE VOROF, Book keeper LiCE, for Auditor Edwardy of Cleveland Iddinga. and ON C. Toledo Bailroad Co. T. IMPRINg, Ass't Nuu't C.

T. R. CO. H. D.

WATTERSON, Clerk Freight Dep't O. T. 1. K. Co.

M. FERBIS, Cierk Ticket Dep't O. T. R. K.

A.M. Co. R. CO. H.

M. WAFFLER, Clerk Ticket Dep't C. I'. TUITION. For Full Course Book keepiry, including all departmenta, Lecturer, Commercial Law, time For Half Course.

do do For One Year usines .....910 For twents-tve Lessons Business Per Flourishing, ornamental and l'en Dralwng, may be agreed apon. Special Lectures will le delivered frequent'y by gentle. men of celebrity literary and scienitic eubjects. At this Institution each student is required to pars an exam. it.

at'on before the above Committees, in their respective de partments, and if qualided, receive their certificatea. Our manuscripts are now complete, and the public are invited to call and ramine then. For further information call at College looms or address HOLLISTER FELTON. Ulcveland. March 5, Granville Female Academy.

will commence on I Feb. 4th, and continue twen SPRING AND SUMMER SESSION ty weeks. two dollars pays and all expenses for tor the board, washing, lights, fuel, two rooni, hours from furniture Columbus, via 0. O. k.

R. Grunville is This Institution was never more prosperous and worthy of patronage. From Central Christian Herald Granville Female Academy la one of the beat of our lueti utions We for rejoice the in its thorough prosper- and christian education of young ladies. ity." From B. W.

Chidlaw, Agert of American Sunday School My contidence in the Granville Fevale as Academy an Insti is tution worthy the patronage of parents who would educate and I do most cheertully commend it their daughters for the realities of life." Cincinuati From Institution was, perhaps, never more prosperous as the communication to Daily Catalogue for the contains nearly two of the hundred place naines. the rigid Considering intellectual the discipline to which they are subjected -the healthfulness and quietness of fai. hful accommodations teachere, the Granville Female Acacemy possesses adof Seminary editice, and the parental care vantages for education second to those of no other Seminary in the Rev. west." B. J.

Lowe says af examination closing Jan. 28, I have was the best one I have ever attended. This attended examinatlons here for the laet ten years. is This one of the very beat schools for the Christian ed: cation of our daughters. The Ins itution has been exceedingly fortunate in securing Teachers 80 well qualified W.

for their KERR, prestions." Principal. Address P. Grenville, 0. CLEVELAND FEMALE SEMINARY. S.

N. SANFORD, Priccipal. FUL operation under the immediate care and instruction THIS INSTITUTION IS IN SUCCESSof Mr. Mrs. Sanford, and a large aud able corps ct accomTo those who desire for their daughters or wards the advanplished and successful instructors.

tages of a School of the highest order of excellence, combined with the advantages of a well ordered christian fumily, it in fully believed that the Cleveland Female Seminary presents inducements which few Seminaries in the lund can equal, and none can excel. The health. the comfort and the happiness of all the members of the funnily will be consulted, and their manners and their morals will be watched over with Dd. Ridnous Prof. care.

SAM'L ST. JOHN, L. L. will, about the first of April, commence his valuable ard highly interesting courses of lectures on Natural I'Lilosophy and Astronomy. For information or admission, address S.

N. SANFORD. Cleveland. Ohio. DENTISTRY.

Porcelain 'Teeth. DR. E. MERRITT RESPECTFULLY vicinity, INFORM that THE has opened CITI- an Office in No. 4 East Side of the Public Square, In the rooms formerly occupied by the Cleveland Library 48- gocation, where he 18 prepared to do a general Dental Hueiness, in connection with wakng and setting LOOMIS' PATENT PORCELAIN TEETH.

l'ersone in want of ARTIFIFICIAL TEETI, who are desirous of consulting beauty, durability, com.ort, utility, examine and cleanlinees, are requested to call at our rooms aud specin. Nuincrous eng. references can be given where persons have discarded terth, gum and plate are all one and made correct to life. Gold Plate and sobstituted this beautiful method, where Dr. MERRI has, for many yeara, been 8 FRACTICAL DENTIST and manufacturer P'orcelain Teeth du Pittsburg, l'a.

and others will he instrucwed, and Rights sold, to All my work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Dentista make and act these Patent Teeth. All materials wanted ore constantly kept an hand, seps dly DR. J. G.

MOORE, DENTIST. OFFERS Citizens lus of Cleveland PROFESSIONAL and vincinity. SERDr. Moore Laving been for many years a practicing dentist la confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may wish OFFICE WITH DRS. DODGE JOHNSON, his professional services.

No. 109 Superior etreet. FREEZING TO AVOID PAIN. STRICKLAND IS PREPARED TO use the apparatus patended by: Dr. Branch, for the thepurpose Teett of painless rendering by toe application of cold.

Dr. S. is als prepared to extracting and other operations upon perform all work in the most Surgical perfect or manner. Mechanical All new department Improve. of the ments Dental which have been entisfactoruy tested, will be promptly Art la the Rooms, 125 SUPERIOR STREET, where Dr.

9. adopted. been Dental located tor the last 15 ma-80-nb4-lv Graduate of the HALLIWELL, Cleveland Medical change DENTIST, College, color or continues decay. AND to supply the lose of wire Teeth, of any which never description, which so perfectly without rememble spriugs nature or that the practiced eye of a Dentist cond not detect. No extractions of ots, or any painful operations, at the following charges A Dr.

single bsving matte urrangements, be la prepared and will Tooth, Full Sets from $30. insert tull Seld of l'ure Porcelain Toe Patented Dr. Deutal (See Rooms opinions over of the Churchil 'a Drug Store, l'ublic Sq. TONS OF NO. I HOT BLAST, HANGING ROCK 100 to close tue CRAWFORD tor sole by (0.


For CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD CO. sale by T. HARNEY IS desirable DAILY Drees IN Goods, bought RECEIPT for cash, OF under NEW the best AND dir c*mstancca, and will be A sold HITHERTO on the terms, UNAPPROACHED (without IN eXCeptiou) AT PRICES Among CITY. the latcat noveltieg recelved are DRESS SILKS, In Robes in la quille, Kobes a la Bayedero, Robes Flounced, Futcy Striped Sitka, Foulard Silke, Summer Silke. Black Groude hise Silka, Bishoubs Best Black Silka, French Sating in all colors, Mode Silks of all kinde, Waralent and Sewing Silks.

DRESS GOODS. New Styles English Delainee, Black Shawl Alapacas, Marinoeg, French Manchester do do. 3 French Choleriage, Hamilton and P'acide do. Baruze Robes, Fancy Baragee, SHAWLS AND MANTILAS. The Best Styles Manufactured.

Stelle Shawle, P'rinted Shawls, Chiba French Crape up to the Crape INDIA CASHMERE. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS. In great variety. LINENS AND LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, the best makers. EMBROIDERIES Of all kinds.

Collars and Gloves, Linen Setta, Swiss and Jaconette Sette, and description Trimmings of every A splendid choice of DRESS FRINGE AND TRIMMINGS, HOIESRY AND RIBBONS, And other goods too numerous to mention are arriving dally at HARNEY'S GREAT CHEAP S.TORE, No. 154 Superior St. may3 Chemical Soaps. APLIN ARE SOLE Agents ER'S WHITE AND YELLOW CHEMICAL SOAPS, warranted as good as any other in use. Free from frem rosin, and will sell 25 per ceut.

cheaper tLan any other Chemical coop. Herald aud Leader copy. ma20 school R. beand PATON, IMPROVED STYLES MANUFACTURER SCHOOL of FURNITURE, NEW Teacher's Desks and Chaira, Tabies, ('hairs with Book Baakets attache 1 for Intant Scholars, Book Cares, Draft Boarde, Ink Wells and De vers, Slates, a subediute for Black Boarda of any dimensione required, Illustrated Ustalogues sent on application. R.

PATON, ma96-d11-3m No. 24 Grove N. Y. PATENT MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S Vegetable Elixir, For Dyspepsia or the Stomach and Bowels, and consesequent L038 of Appetite, Nervous Complaints, Lead.

ache, Sour Stomach, Flatulence, and Habitual Costiveness. MEDICINE IS COMPOSED tirely of Vegetable substances, children is and perfectly or safe the in its most opera de icate habits, without the lcant risk or inconvenleuce. The ton, and may be given to persons UNIFORM SUCCESS Which has attended die use of it where it has been extensivel used Boston and lu various other parts of the Union, al in the West Indies, attested by disinterested and biguly respe table persons-allords, next to a trial of the medicine itself, thi best commentary upol its virtues that can offered to those tha acquainted with it. It obstinate has bean headache. toune singularly eftica cious in of the most It is not injured by age, but will remain good for years any We are climate.

constautly receiving testimoniuls of the eNdcacy the medicine trom citizens of the highest respeculbility, in one instance to our knowledge has it tailed to accomplish what it of the protests public. to cure. No futily susuld be without it, as it 18 particuIt is rapidly gaining the eutire larly adapted to this climate. Follow the testimonial directione and are a fronu tain cure is warranted. The following gentlemeu weli known to the citizens of me Cuyabega what every Couuty: other Sir: -Your Ehxir Das accomplished for medicine (Aud I have given the most of them A fair trial) Suitce failed to do; namely, restored Lie to perfect heaish.

to that for many years I lave with Jaudles, or or Complaint, in its most until aggravating I was form. induced to Nothing try seemed Ander: to you a give me Vegetable Elixir. which bus Dad a Liost wounderful ottert p*rnament relief, upou am me; from any adectiou ol the Laver. My health was and although 1 have tikan but one bottle I teel 1 er bet' er; consequently it becoiues this luy moment duty to sudering give Lublicity from and this last similar that complaiuts may learn what your Euxir has ihonzande at for me. Norwalk, Dec.

1807. 1'. GEEK. Most Yours, MAY 14th, 1557. tack of Dyspeps some time no with severe headache and shor part I Lave audered extreirely from an was breathing, completely Duding nuft for my dally vocation.

Noticing the it to take a long breath-in a of previous your knowledge of the high estimation in which Medicine, Woe laving veld in loston, where A have tormeriy re side, I clubracco the opportunity of providing myself most with a bottle, and resulte. have Ken headache left we at once, and by continuing the use of regularly elaco, with the Mlixir, I And rapidly regaining much my Lealtu. confidence I Lave experienCe 1 LO your difficulty medicine, in my that of my have been induced breathing. So me to mike a trial of it. and 1 haupy to say, consiner Lave this experi encl of service, you have wy consent to use it.

the Should you formation Recrecttully youre, CHIAS. CAIGAN. I'ut up by G. E. LEMON.

ole proprietor, Roxbury, Cleveland, Vale successor to the late L. 1. the Drug Lomon, dels of generally. sold in HUTCHINSON Cleveland by Wholesale Ageute, Nev laud, P'rile per bottle. 1n5 dir Ohio.

LIST OF UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE Remaining in the ('. E. R. R. Barrage April Room.

1858. CLEVELAND, 12th, 1-Small Pine Box, marked F. Bauman, contains French Glass. 2 Trunk, markep Capt. Bartholemew.

8-Large Pice Box, marked C. W. Bates. 6- Black Trunk marked A. Chase, contains Women Valise, marked Q.

M. Case. Clotning, Trunk. Letters, turked B. F.

Cuapmas, coutalus Cl thing. Letters, 7-Black Trunk warked Willians Castillo, contains Clothing. Letters, 8-Hair Trunk marked O. Colburn. Black Bag marked W.

De Witt. 10-Small Green Box marked 11. Doyle. 11 Kole of Maps marked A. Elweil.

12 Black Trunk marked Johu Fuller, Chest marked Jir. J. Failing, contatus Tin Ware. 11-P'iue Box marked J. D.

Ford. 15-Dry Good Box marked Mira. ('. 11. FOrd.

15-Black Trunk marked A. F. 17-Russet Valise marked P. E. Fox.

18 Black Oil Cloth Bag marked Mr. Ford. 19-Black Bag marked S. B. Gooley.

2-Large Dry Good Box marked Garte, contains ding, Booke, dc. 21-l'ine Box larked Gilbert. 22-Kusect Trunk marked Mariah Henderson. 28-LODE Black Trunk marked C. F.

H. 24-Carpet Bay marked Mary A. Hobson. Valise marked B. lull.

26-Black Trunk marked l'almer O. Hunt, 'contains Clothing, Letters, 27-Bluck Trunk marked Joseph lare, contains Mens ing, Letters, Clock, 23-Large White Box marked 1, Johnson. Harper. 29 Trunk marked James 8-Biack Valise marked C. G.

King. 31-Black Trunk marked A gusta Kellogg. 32 -Blue Chest marked Thomas Kean. 88-Pine Box warred Kellogg Co, containe Light Stands. 84-Unpainted Wood Cheat warkeu Mama Kazzel, con Womeus Clothing.

Letters. 35-Red Chest marked Johana Kropf. 36 -11 Valine marked G. I. Lockey, contains Linen Letters, 37-Black Sailor's Bags marked Peter.

Watson, conta'as Letters, 88- Black Oak Chest marked T. Marshal, contalue clothing, bedding, 39 Black Bay marked Ilenry Misegatdes, 40-Pine Box marked Henry Mior, 41-Dry (loud Box marked McCarthey, Cincinnati. 32 Black Packing Trunk I'. D. marked Mira.

l'ense. Box marked 44-White Sack murked Nathan Reed. Blue Chess marked Cath. Schade, contains diug. 46-Small Pine Box marked Thomas Seehler, contains clothing.

47-lLair 'Trunk marked I'. S. contains clothing, Box marked A. V. contains leaf tobacco.

49-Dry Good marked kev. D. Alie, Contairs books. 61-bole Red Wood Leather Ches, Valise marked mouked A. D.

U. S. Snead. Thompson. son.

52-Russet Valise marked A. Wood Box Word, clothing, tic. 54-icough Pine Chest marked Themas Warbuted. Paper Covered Chest marked Thomas Waburton, contains clothiog, book, ac. Russet Valise marked Geo W.

Willey. 07- Black Truuk marked Jon l. Woolsen. Trunk marked Albert Going, contains clothing, bouts, Violin, ARTICLES WITH MARKS. 89-Carpet Sick, Contains carpet aid log chain.

Black Trunk, contains EggS, 8 daguerctypes, box, ciothing, c. 61-Black Trunk, contains coats, rants, boots, carpenter's scalre, de. 62-French Trunk, contains old clothing, german books, 63 Lead loreu Cheet, con aids catrage balla, 04-Sailor's Linen Bag, containe clothing. 05-Sallora Lim bag contain 67-Linen Bag, con alus Wolseus clothing. 0-Flour Bag, Co'.

wOnt ns g. 09-Blak Trunk, contains womens clothing. TO -Dry Good Box, contains pillows, glass ware, bedding, band box, c. 71-Bla Bag, contains worlea War ket, clothing, 12-Luzoct Truuk; contairs l'edlar'a Goods, Carpet Bag; contains Mens Clothing, 14-Music Box contains Bass Violin, 75-Groeu woods chest contains white chirte, looking Sc. 76-Black wood ('hest, contains Buckscira, Boots, Lat; clothing, 77-blae race, women's clothing.

73-Pine Chest, painted black, contains men's clothing. White Sa. contairs Bed irg. 80-l'ine chest, women's clothing. bag, con.tains women's clotblog.

82-Carpet bag, WOLLEL's clothing. 83-Carpet Las, containa reD's clothing. 81-Carpet bag, contalud WOllELd clothing and childrous shoes, cil Bag, conta us men's clothing. 8i-Carpet tag, contain mela clothing. Blue Blanket, Ac.

87-Kurset Trunk, Cebtains mucus clothiug. 88-Black clot covered truuk contains womeus clothing. 69 -One SC) the and Spathe. 90-Swall Pine DOX, contalucs Macula tools, Sc. 91-Carpet Bar contains mens clothi' g.

92-Black oil cloth bag containg men clothing. 98-Emegraot chest, contains til ware and German's goode. or Bedding. 94-llair trunk, containe bedding. 96 Linen eack, contains beddiLy.

97-White pine box. contains Dutch clothing, 98-Graiu bay, contains a slors clothing. 99-Unarse eack, contains uxe and tin ware 100-Grsin contains Mens clothing, bouta, 101-Long Dox, contains beddi ritles, taw. gun bag, irone, clothing 102 Black Trunk, contains womens clothing, letters, Owners are requested to come for ward and claime this gage on or before the day of July, 1808; otherwise it it be sold at auction by Mollen, on account of whom concern. N.

NOTTINGHAM, bupt. C. E. R. K.

E. D. YAGK, J.oft baggage Agent. April 12-013-td. PASTURAGE 1858.

PASTURES 800 acres in OF the Cuyahoga THE A subscriber, about Valley, will be open on aud after May lot. Per. 8009 who way beud Cows rre hereby bouded that sue, charged for the tntire uson forom date of entrance to Nov. unless they give Lotice in writing at the time of an earlier darawal: and, alto, that the undersigned will not be liable any animals that may from, or be injured, while on premises. Terms, 50 cen's per week, payable every Monday, in vance, unless arrangements are made with the subteriber the season.

Apply at my office, ever Merchants' Bout, rior street, or to Wm. FORD, Herdsivan, at the en gates, near Ashcraft Fipe Foundry, or ut his dwelling House on University Heigh'8. S. S. STONE.

Cleveland. April 28th, Indigestion, Jaundice, and Bilious Complaints TAIL NEW CASKET. THIS IS THE AGE OF IMPROVE. A Ament and refinement, the lakes pleasure in Ing that be is now prepared to turnish an entire new article in the Up ertak ng line superior to anything ever belore introduced. It is of his own manufacture, a' made in the Casket formi, and is highly ornamented, with thick plate glass running the entire length of the top.

HE CASKET has none of the gloomy land unpleasant appearance of the vid style of Tuey are pertecly air. tight, and are very light and couvenient for transportation, or putting la vaults, or common luterinents. l'er losing friends and wishing to procure anything in the above line, will dnd it much to their interest by culling and examining for thesselves, where they will tou W. every DUTY, attention given. apr26-ct8-3m No.

IS Erie DANIEL Street. PLUMBERS. UNDERSIGNED IN respectfully Informs the Inhabitants of Cleveland anci vicinity, that he has opened bla place of bueines3 AT 138 ST. CLAIR STREET, Where he la prepared PLUMBING. Having had eleven years in the experience most in approved Boston, manner.

now erableshim Any information given hie of! to execute work mb25-b83-8m ANTHONY F. STRATER. Cleveland Plumbing Works, ATWATER BLOCK. FOOT OF SUPERIOR STREET J. B.

Barnes Proprietors. led to ing the great facilities of establishment for doing ATTENTION OF the I WATER THOSE I WORKS, INTEND- is cal. every description PLUMBING WORKS, Including the FITTING: UP OF BATHING ROOMS, Hot Water Fixtures and Fountains. The Proprietors keep constantly on band every description of the BEST FINISHED PLUMBING MATERIALS, for doing the most perfeet work, comprising their choice seleo tion of Fountains, Of different sizca and patterns BATHING Of Wood, Lined Tinned Copper and Zinc; Lead and Galvanized Pipes, And the best and latest improved WATER CLOSET FILTERS, FIX. BRASS TURES, AND PLATED co*ckS, including the Patent Self HYDRANTS, POROUS GLASS Closing co*cks recently introduced and highly recommendal tor non-liability to get out of order.

STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, For Heating Lwellings, Hotels, Stores, satisfaction. latest improved kind, put up and force of warranted to experienced give workmen kept conA stantly large on and hand, expressly to atuend to repairing and refitting efficient works. P'articular attention la invited to their facilities Atting BATHING SALOONS, in a perfect manner, and on the up HOTELS, DWELLINGS, SHOPS, SALOONS, ost mscientitic plan. 1718 CURTAIN MATERIALS and Muslin AND Curtains, WIN. Buff' DOW and White Hollands 82 inches to 2 yards wide, Gold Banded and Boba Shades, Cotton and Worated Damasks, Turkey Red Cotton.

Striped Twilled Cotton for Furniture Covering aud Curtaics, Embroidered Curtain Muslins by the yard, Putnam' Pateut Window Mixtures, Brass Fixtures of all kinda, Corda and Picture AT Cords, Ac. BECKWITH'S CARPET STORM, RAILROAD CARDS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, CON- necting the Atlantic cities with Western, North- western And South western Stater, by a continuous Railway The road also counecta at P'ittsburgu with dally line of Steam. erg to all ports on the Western Rivera, and at Vieveland and Sandusky with Steamere to all pointe on the Nortb-western Lakes; aking the most direct, cheupest reliable route by which can te 1or wardel to and trow the Great I 'Cot.

RATES BETWEEN P'HILADELPHIA AND J'ITTS. BURG. FIRST Shoes. Hate and) Caps. Books, Dry boxes, bales and 16 per 100 1 3.

trunka,) Drugs (in boxes and bales,) Feathers Furs Domealic Sheeting Shirting and Ticking (in original bales) (in casks,) Hardware, Leather, (in GO 190. Ta. caske,) Well l'aper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, eastward, CLANS Anvils, Chains (in casks) Hemp Bacon, and Pork, Salled, loose or in 50 per 100 113. Macks,) P'aints (dry and lo oll.) Oile, (except lard ard rosin.) FOURTH Fled, Bacon, Beef and l'ork (in casks or boxeR, east ward, Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ach, German Clay, Piuh, rosin, Steel, Manufac 40 per 100 Le. lured Tobaco, 1 oil, Queeusware, Sugar, (hogsheads, barrels aud boxee,) FLOUR-15 per bbl until further notice.

GRAIN-35 ctaper 100 until further notice. COTTON-42 per bale, not exceeding 540 ta weight, further notice. Lu shipping Goods from any, point east of Philadelphia, be particular to MARK packages "via Pensylvania All goods consigned to the Agouts of this load at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, wi.l be forwarded without detention. FREIGHT AGENT Chicago; Parker Memphis, K. F.

St. P. G.O'Riley Co, Evensville, Ind, Win. Bingham, Loulev R. U.

Meldrum, Madison, 13. 9. Pierce Zances. ville, Leech No. t4 Kit Street, Bestou Leech No.

4 Astor House, N. No. I William Street, N. E. J.

Sneed. or, Philadelphia; Al agraw KOONE, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. 11.

U. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. 11. J. LOMBAERT, altoona, l'eansylvania.


Going West Clev'd Yngst'wn. Trains Leave Clev's. Mall. 1 Exp. Aiail.

P. V. A. 8 80 10,40 7,11 8,51 10,19 0 45 4,12 9,51 0,11 441 Aurora, 6 10 8,85 6,09 8,06 352 0.25 7, 8,29 10,10 0,46 Braceville, 1.7.29 2,09 10,89 7,02 Leavittsburge, 2,87 1,15 Warren, 2,19 7,86 0,89 1,49 11.101 7,58 6,12 1,29 11 641 8,04 Brier 6,11 1.19 12,03 8,15 6,001 1,10 Cleveland and Erie Rail Road. NE Winter Making Connections At Cleveland with Cleveland 'Toledo, Cieveland, Columbus and Ci cinnau, Cleveland Erie, and Cleveland Pittsburgh Rail Ronde.

At Solon with Hacks to Chagrin Falls, etc. At Mantua with Hacks to Kavenna, etc. At Bracoville with lacks Newton Falle, etc. At Warren with Hacks to Sharon. Greenville, Maadville, At bloomtield, Youngstown with Stages to New Castie, Lowell, P'oland, Canfeld, and Enon Valley, and theue by P.

F. W. C. K. K.

10 Fitte burgh. April 14. CHAS L. RHODES. Sup't.

AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10th, 1857, Trains will run as follows: LEAVE CLEVELAND. 9:00 A. M. Chicago Express and litte, Mall Train Mentor, stops l'erry, at all Union- way ville statione, and except Saybrook, and arrives at Erie 12:50 I'. Wick 8:50 P.

M. Cincinnati Dur kirk Express Train stope at Painesville Kings 8:40 P. Budalo 5:20 P. M. vlile and only Girard, and arrives at Erie 7:20 P.

Dunkirk 9:45 P. Builalo 11:15 and I'. M. Way 4:20 P. M.

Accommodation Train for Conneaut tions. 10:00 P.M. Night Express and Train stops only, at and Paineaville, arrives at Ashtabs. Erie at la, 1:40 A. Dunkirrk 4:05 A.

Buttalo 0:4) A. Couneaut M. LEAVE ERIE. 2:00 A. M.

Night Express Train Painesville stops at only, Girard, and arrives Connesu', st Ashtabula, and I'. M. Mail Cleveland, Train stops at all 17ay stations except SaT. 0:00 A.M. 11:00 brook, Unionville, Mentor, and Wicklit P.

M. and Day Ex preas Train stops at Girard, Conneaut,• arrives at (leveland 8:00. I' M. 1:55 tabula and Painesville ouly. and arrives at Clevethe land through 8:30 trains going Vutward connect at Clere P.

M. land All of with 'Traine for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, tic. with the And trsina of the New York and Erie Railroad, all the trains going Eastward connect al Dankirk with those of the New York Central and Buffalo and and at New Buffalo York City Railroade. M. NOTTINGHAM.

Superintendent. Uleveland. May 10. 1857-nOv28 1858. 1858.

A TO Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati Railroad. SUMMER AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10th, 6:45 A. 1858, M. Cincinuati stopping at Berea. Grafton, Now l'assenger Trains leave Cleveland as follows: London, Wellington, Shelby, Crestline, Gailion, 8:30 J'.

M. Cardington Accommodation stop ing at all Statious. and Delaware. 6:10 1'. M.

Night ger, and stopping Gallion, at all and War al Cardington aud Delaware; also, stopping to leave Sta between Cleveland passengers at all stations south of dalliou. CONNECTIONS. Shelby, Sandusky, Mt. Vernon, and Nowark. Railroad, for Crestline, Pittsburgh, Upper Fort Wayre, andusky, and Delpho8, Chicago Lima, Kallroad, Ft.

for Forcel, Wayne, Laporte, Chicago, west and east 1Gr Wooster, Gallion Sidney. Unlok, Railrond Line, Muncie, Marion, Indianapolis, Bellefon. Terre taine, Haute, Vincennes, Evansville, Louisville, Cairo, St. Deleware, Louie, Dayton and Cincinnati Line for Dayton, "T'erre Haute St. Loula, and at with Cincinnati, Richmoud, Indianapolis, the Ohio and Railroad for Louieville, Columbus and Little Miami and Columbus, and Xenla all pointe on the CLio liver.

for Xenia. Darion, Indianapolie, Tote Haute, St. Louis. Morrow, Loveland, and Railrond Cincinnati at and with the Ohio ale Missiesippi bati for Louisville, Evansville, Cairo, St. Louis, and Columbus, a'l Central points Ohio Railroad for Newark, Zanesville, on the Ohio Kiver.

Wheeling. Columbus, l'iqua and Inciana Rail road for liqua, Urbana, For Tickris to all points, and or formation, at Passenger apply at the Umon Ticket Otice, ol Super.or street, Stalion. May 10. 1808. C.

8. FLINT. Su'pt. CLEVELAND TOLEDO RAIL ROAD. For Traine Toledo and ('hicago 6:80 A.M.

8:90 and 6:00 1'. M1. lenve Cleveland, Sunday excepted For Detroit A.M. For St. Jacksou Louie, 6:80 La A Fayette, Ft.

Wayne and S'ations ou Toledo, W'abasti Ar estern Railroad 6:30 A. M. and 1'. M. For Circ'nna I.

Dayton a Stations on Sandusky, Dayton Railroad :30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. For Norwalk and Stations on Southern Divisi.n0:80 A.

M. and 6:00 P. M. For Sandusky and Stations on Northern 6:30 A. Al.

and 3:80 L'. M. Trains arrive in ('leveland: From C'hicago 8:10 A. M. 3:05 and 9:45 1' Al.

From Toledo via Norwalk 8:05 and 9:45 M. From Toleto via Sandusky 8:40 A. M. and 7:50 P. M.

May 10, PHILLIP'S, Sup't. HEALTH! GRACE! AND BEAUTY Conferred upon LADIES, by wearing DOUGLAS SHERWOOD'S NEW EXPANSION SKIRT, WITH THE ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, April, WHICH medical HAS authority BEEN to be the DECIDED most beneficial BY garment eve- introduced for the Judies' use, the weight being are stamped with their trade mark, and none genuine uuleas PO only All 12 Of oz. DOUGLAS A SHERWOOD'S celebrated SKIRTS For stamped, sale at all the principal stores in the United States and and vacadas. 'The above SKIRT is for sale fu Cleveland, ouly by S. MYRIAN CORNER OF SUPERIOR STREET AND PUBLIC SQUARE.

Ladies are invited to call and examine. PIECES OF HAMS THOSE AND FINE SHOULDERS, SU- by 500. Carten Wrights. Bags Java and Rio Coffees. 300 Cheete Y.

H. Impel al and Black Teas, fresh and cheap. With a fall assortment of GROCERIES for be Jobbing Trade, in store and arriving. To be sold cheap for prompt pay. BABco*ck 16 Water HURD, mh12 street.

HAIR BRAIDS. 7M. DAY, MANUFACTURER of every description of Ladies' and Gent's HAIR WORK of the mort natural and lifelike appearance jet made, consisting in part of Wigs Top pieces, plain Lands, with natural or transpa. or hair,) partings. Curle, Bandeaux, and, la fact, every article la the tent Also long Braids of Hair, (tor side, froat line made of the best quality of hair and warranled to dit.

A Private rooms ior Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. DAT'S STETAM O7 MZABORING THE HEAD. Persons can have Wigs or 'Toupees forwarded to order with the certainty of a perfect ft by follow ir.g these Forehead to directions: 8d. Around he head. nape.

Ear to ear over the head. 81. Around Ear the to eat Lead. over 241. the Forchesd 4th.

to ACrOBa EX treme of baldness, baldness over the crown. Opposite the Fountain, 56 PUBLIC SQUARE, 2cal CLEVELAND, 0. 20 30 bbls. HHDS. New NEW Orleans Molasses.

SUGAR; Just received and for sale by M. CUMMINGS A ('O. 1858. ICE. ICE.

1858. FOREST prepared CITY furnish ICE our customers Sand -We all others who may favor 118 with their patronage, the coming sealeft at Office, No. 97 Superior or given to the Driver, will son, with Pure Spring Pond Ice at reasonable rates All orders mneel with prompt attention, JOUN CRABLE. P'ropritor, EO'D THIS -Bleached Cottons at cents per yard, at H. D.

KENDALI, 125 Superior street, 2 Public Square. RAIL ROAD CARDS. TWO THROUGII TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY, Sundays excepted. V6. County, Ohio.

Petition for Divorce. CoaLI Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoya WILLIAM CONLT. THE SAID WIIILLIAM Conly has Aled in CONLY the said is Court here- her petition by notifled praying for a divorce, on the ground of abandenment that Sarah and the wutul absence of said William Conly for will more be than three yeare without just cause, and that said cause that depositions 10r will bearirg be at taken iu May this term case at the ce of L. J. Rider, in the of said 1858, and City of Cleveland, in the County aloresaid, o'clock A.

on M. the and 15th 9 day o'clock of P. on the part of the Pa itioner. May, 18:8, between the hours L. J.

RIDER. Attorney for Petitiouer, Uleveland, April 22ad, 1868-apr28 MALT LAFLER, Plaintit, State of olio, Common Uuyaboga Pleas. vE. Ucurt of HOSTA LAFLER, tendant.) Petition for moncy and ate tachmeut. THE the SAID of Iowa, HOSEA will please to LAFLER, take notica a that resident Mary State Later, of the County of Guyahoga, State of Oblo, did, on the 12th day of April, 4853, ale her petition in the Court of ComMOR Pleas, within and for said County, against due the to said ber Hotea ube defendant, the sum of $160 and inters at thereon from the Lafter, defendant, setting forth that there is irst day of Jannary, 1358, on a promissory note given by PAid defendant to said plaintiff; (a copy of which note is attached to said petition) praying judgment against sald defendant for said auin and luterept, and attachment: and that the eaid Hores Latler is required to answer sald petition on or before toe 26th day 0.

Jude, 1808. Dated April 19, 1863. 4. W. A LYNDE, Pl'u: for MARTHA M.

la Court of Common I'leas, Loga County, Ohio. D. P. W. ALIOR E.

DAY. l'etition for inorey and to charge BE EoN RICE. land. DEFENDANTS, D. P.

W. DAY, Alice E. Day, and Byron Rice, will take notice petition that on the 19th cay of April, 1858, filed her in the Court of Pless of County, oblo, for the recovery of judgwent against defendents D. P. W.

Day and Alice K. Day, tor sum of $141, for erest due on 2 certain promissory notcs, dated March 12, 18:7, for the sum of 3900 tach, payable in four and aux years alter date, with intereet serbi-aunually at the rate of eight per cent. per agnum which Ha'd notes were recured by mortgage upon the following property of eaid D. P. W.

and Alice E. Day, to wit 2 69-10ULLA ace of laud situstd in East Clereland in County of CuTSnogs, Chio, aud bounded: beginning lb the center of the Sha her roa 1, leadlag from Doau's Corners to the shaker village, and at tue b. cor. er of land owned by Peter Bigler, and deeded to Surtevant and Leonard; thence S. 41 deg.

E. along the center of said road 2 chains 89 links; therce 8. 29 deg. W. 10 chains aDd ly linka to the W.

line of lot 411; thence N. along the W. line of said lot 411, 8 chains 35 lake to land ed by said Bigler whence N. 47 deg. 2 min.

E. 1 chains of 4 land, linka to the place vI be inulug. Also a triangular piece bounded beginning at point in the center of the Shaker road on toe est hue of 10t 411. 14 chains 95 links from the N. W.

corner of raid lot thence running South deg. K. along said road 4 chains 10 Inks thence S. deg. W.

4 chains 97 inks to the West line of said lot; thence Northerly on said W. line 6 chains 36 linka to the place of beginning; it being bound. ed on two aides, to wit: the E. and S. b.

by 8 part of the tame lot deeded to Sam'l Cowles on the Cth day of May, 1835. and con ains one ace, more or less. The whole being 8 65-100 acres, and being the same land conveyed by deed by Wm. Van Viece aLd wife to said D. P.

W. Day and Alice E. Day. And for an order for the eale of said land as described in the petition 10 this eul: And said defendants ale required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of June, A. D.

1858. BINGHAM HOVEY, PAD EAtI'ya. Dated April 20, MENUE C. GL anaM, Guardian, Sale of Real Estate V3. by order of Court.

Widow add Heirs of ROD'T GRANAM.) THE 16th DAY OF ou the JUNE, premises, 1858, in the AT city one o'clock in the af.ernoon, vi Cleveland, wil be sold to the highest bidder, the following real estate, as the property of Robert Graham, deceased, to wit: Iseing city lot No 208 in the Welling ville allotment, 80 called, in Oar City, and is bounded as follows, viz: Easterly and southerly by loc lines of lot; Northeriy on Bridge street, and Westerly co licks street. Said lot la Afty-Ave feet front un Bridge street, and one hundred and thirty-two teet front on Hicks street, as by the platt of said Wellit gville. Appraleed a. $2.025,00. Terms of Salc-One third cash, and balance in two equal anQual payments.

M. C. GRAHAM, 4 Guardian of K. Grabam's heirs. HAMLIN, 1 aquinst CLINTON FRENCH, In Court of Common Pleas SELAH CHAMBERLIN, Cuyahoga County, 0.

HUGH AND HENRY WICK, bud others, Defendants. SANGER, EDWARD LAMbert, William H. an ajor, John B. Stephenson, Willlam A. Joseph S.

A. Davidson, Thomas W. W. Gibson, John K. buward Jadray, Arthur Jaftray, Richard W.

Jauray, David Stirratt, KIDgOD, Davill loughton, Samuel E. Sauger, L. Gage, James M. Sloan, Hirani R. Dater, Daniel Sloan, William E.

Fuller, William D. Hart, Henry M. McConkles, Joepb W. B. Pierce, Eaton, Gustavus Lyman H.

Nichola, Mower, Ze nay Cushing, Nathaniel S. Wilson Son, who are made defendants in said action, and non-residents of the State or Ohio, are hereby nouded that on the day of April, 1858, the said Myron Lainlin fled, in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyaboga County, Ohio, his petition against them, Clinton Freach, aud others, the object and prayer of which la to recover a personal judgment against the bald Clinton French, and for the sale of a certain lot of jand, situate in the city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and Stat: vi Oblo, bounded -Beginuing at a point on the South aide of superior-st. in said city of Cleveland, being at a point in the Nurth- West corner of the lot owned and occupied by Mr. Vincent; tocuce Westerly along the Southerly line of said Su. perior street, feet; thence Southerly parallel with tha Went line of said Vincent's lot to a point way between said Superior and Euclid streets: thence Kasterly along a line balt-way between said superior and Euclid streets to the Weeterly line of tald Vincent's leu; theuce Northerly along the Westerly line of said Vincent's lot, to the place o1 beginning.

And which, ou the 921 day of 1866, Eald Clinton French to said Myron Hamlin to secure the payment of three promissory notes of said Clinton French of 1270 81 10ths dollars each, all dated the 7th day of April, 1855, and payable to the oruer of aid Hallio in one. two and three years from the date the date thereof, with per cent. Interest, payable an. Dually; no part of the principal of said note, falling due April 7th, leb8, litto been aid: the inter. at on the same is due and uupaid from April 7th, 1888.

Said mortgage was left for re cord with the Recoruer of County Oct. 98d. 1856, and recorded. petition also states that said defendanta have, or to have, some lien uron, or interest in, said land, by virtue of mortgage, judgment, or otherwise; but which are subject to, and subsequent te, said lien. The said defendants are further notided that they are required to Bald petition OIL or before the cd day of July, 1858.

BINGHAM HOVEY, Att'y tor Plaintia. Notice. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Ton following will be sold for Freight and 6 at public auctio. at 0. Cutter Son's Auction Store, Bank called Ciereiand, Thursday, July lat, 13:8, unlesa previously for by owners, and charges paid thereon: Arnold, No Bead, 1 chest.

.851, 1 chest. li A. I truck. Allan, Freemont, Pa, 1 box. HI AILC bor.

Mira Martha Allen, 1 chest. DO ALdersOn, Mat P'leasant, lowa, 1 box. Austin, Cleveland, I box. A Aldridge, Bradford, 1 Kenoela, trunk. Wis, I valise.

0 Buronam. 1 trunk. a Bale, Mr. mout, 1 bor. Brouron, i valise.

Mre Barrett, Hudson, 1 box. Naru'l Bower, 1 trunk. Win Briggs, 1 cheat. Wm Braden, 1 truok. Wm Baird, I satchel.

J. Bowman, 1 bag. blazer, Davenport, i truuk. Aaron Beck, Lexington, Ill, 1 box. Ci John Barrington, Milledale, Mich, I bor.

Joseph Brown, Keokuk, Iowa, 1 box. 48 Chance, 1 truuk. Margaret Casey, I chest. S.aters of Charity, Baltimore, 1 trunk. James Crippen, I trunk.

Uharle, 1 Lux. Cyrus Case, 1 bag. James Cooney, 1 a Uiother, 1 chest, 11 Crain, Chicazo, 1 box. Mr8 Candell, Coldwater, lox. A Mary A Ootfee, 1 b-x.

Harvey Campb-11, Danville, Ill, 1 bag. Chitten, 1 trunk. Dubuque, 1 tool chest. 4 Carl Dare. 1 chest.

Dubuque, 1 mitchel. Louis Darwin, I chest. bau'l Debolt, 1 bay. John belurny, Madison, I trunk. a Dullum, a bbl Joseph Dale, Galena, 1 bor.

4 P' De Meer, Burlington, lowa, tor. Mire Ver 11), 7 boI. th Elmer, Volumbus, 1 trunk. Eggert, I trunk. JD brnest, 1 cheat.

G-or A1 kel, bi Paul, Mic, I bor. L. 1 vallae. Co, Quincy, Ill. 1 box.

ranciece, Chicago, 1 tocl chest. A Frank, Milwaukle, Wie, 1 box, All Salem, 0, 1 trunk. James Green, Duuleith, I cheet. Jacob Guuber, I box. Hotmar.

I trunk. Hammond, 1 carpet bag. Orrin Huvy, l'ainesville, I lx. Win Hobbs, Fort Wayne, 1 box. Ehzabeth Hunt, I trunk.

Jacob luthuan, Fremont, 1 chest. Lower, Mit Vernon, Ind, 1 box. Ira Harp 'r, Ferry, 0, 1 box. 1 Watson Hughes, Piusburgo, 1 carpet bag. Christiana flauz, 1 chest.

James lubtard, l'eoria, Ill, 1 chest. i. Lewis Herring, 1 carpet bay. W' Cleveland, I trunk. Catherine Marbour, Burlington, lowa, I frank.

Ilibbat, Chicago, 1 trunk. Au't Husbagh, Chicago, 1 trunk. Frledich lauricke, Cleveland, 1 trunk. 1, Halsted, Bingampton, I trunk. Mra A Haisted, cutfalo, 1 box.

1 Joanton, Maysville, 1 val J. 1 bag. A 1 cheat. Krache, 1 eLest. Sir 1 trunk.

Krebe, 1 ux. John Knert, Detroit, 1. chest. A Kaue, Kickapoo, 2 boxee. Luwan Ladue, 1 carpet bax.

Lyon, Adrian, i box. Isaac Lepley, Dubuque, lowa, 1 Edward Morgan, Mercer, 1 1 box. trunk. 'L Monteveddi, Detrait, 1 box. Jacob Me) era, 1 vallee.

A Miller, Cleve land, 1 box. Mcbean, Newark, 0., 1 trunk. 1 trunk. EL Osgood, 1 Streetaboro, trunk. (), 1 carpet A Von Moline, Ill, 1 bag'Ira Pikerd, 1 trunk.

I Pentecost, Mihawk, Ind, 1 4 Pu.ney, 1 chest. Huron, 1 trunk. Wilbelm Koemer, 2 chests. Saran Kiley, 1 trunk. Mira Wu Loul.

a Richarda, Oleveland, 1 chest. Rockatellow, Detroit, 1 Keevvs, Cleveland, 1 tedding. A bi Schuewer, Steves, Sandusky, Mcurrgor 1 chest. Landing, 1 Wilhe' Schumann, 1 chest, 1 1 box. 1 box.

Stabler, trunk, Stepbenson, 1 satchel. WE Miss A 11 11 suilling, Shaw, 1 1 trunk. box. an. 1 trunk.

Shoemaker. Dubuque, Iowa, 1 box. Schlo. berg, 1 trunk. Mra Eliza Stewart, Beaver Dam, Wis.

1 trunk. 1 box. James Savage, 1 valise. Tinsopp. 1 trunk.

Julia Taylor, 1 chest. Mary Frederick Travis ucter, 1 trunk. 1 box. La Arbuckle 1 trunk. Thompson, Crip, 1 bag.

Josep: MT, 1 Townsley, cbest. 1 bax. NO 1 chest. Turner, 1 chest. Witmeyer, 1 trunk, A.

i chest. West Toledo, 2 bc res graas. Toledo, I box glass. 13 1 bug. Carister nuot, 1 satchel.

Wiseman, 1 trunk. 1 15 Williams, 1 chest. ferry. uigh, Williams, 1 box. 1 chest.

r. George White, 1 A chests. Berlin, Wis, 1 trunk. NO 'MARK. Si 84 Trunke, 2 Dutch Cheste, Chente, tar 7 Valises, 22 Satchels, 4 Tools, 24 Carpet Baga, 1 Bund 14 Boxer, 1 Pair Saudle Bags, 16 bundles Bedding.

2 Hacks Bedding. 8 14 BagS! 2 4 Barrels, 2 Feather Beds, 1 Saddle, 1 Bag Feathere. "iC E. B. PHIL Sup't.



Weakness and the Infirmities of Youth Unice and corner Maturity. of Main by Dr. and AMOS SON, Butalo, New York, Quay A (up MOST etaira.) SCIENTIFIO INVENTION. An Instrument more for properly the cure kuown as Seminal Weakness, of genital debility, or Nocturnal Can be. o1 this permanently instrun cured ent, in when used conjointly with medl.

from tuleen to twenty days, by the use cines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTIOULAR NOTICE. Dr. ADIOS HON take pleasure in ann tor uncing the cure that of they the have above diseases. lt has been subjected to a test by the most invented a most important Instrument eminent physicians in London, Paris, the only Philadelphia and instrument New York: yet it has discovered been tor the cure of Seminul Weakness, or any declared to be ever genital orgabe, caused by the secret liabita vi disenap of the youth.

Dr. AMOS SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical so the merits of their instrument, pledge after a that fair in trial, any to the money where will be they retanded may prove by returning unsatisfactory the good 124 order. Perions wieking the above useful Instrument will observ that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely back3 and sout by NAW express REMEDIES AND QUICK CURLS is ten dollar. Dr. A SON mAY be consulted from stage eight und as o'clock mpion: in or the Disease, morning until Gonorrhora, nine at Gleete, Secondary Symptoms.

Seminal night, in every Weaknese, Impotence and strictures from Li of the secret habit Urethra, of and youth, all those which dreadful produces constitutional debility, renders marriage imposalections arising sible, and in the end destrose both the re burly fult and of mind. upwards of thiter 'The cateneive and successiul practice in Europe and Atu treatment they adore is years' "Dr. ASOS SON have, for a long serica treatment of of yeara, these been deli en gaged te in complaints, an extensive and are the only lezully qualitied l'byalclaas practice io the who now advertise in Western New York, thousands to cure fall private victima to plaits. It 18 8 melancholy fact that men, who, by tie nee of that Private deadly Disease, poison, ruin the constitution, cause ulce. owing to unskillful rations with blotches on the head, nodes isce on and the shin body, bones, dimness ulce- of sore noise in throst, diseased nose, with nocturnal pains in the the eare, deatnese, head rated and limbs til at length a general debility and decay of the constitution ensues and a melancholy death puts a period 10 their dreadiul A CURE WARRENTED.

Dr. peculiar class of maladies, and the relict they have COuAMOS SON have devoted their attention exclusively to this been enabled to render their tellow-creaturda, is ful. ly sequenty testided and gratefully acknowledged by convalescent paothere dairy arriving iu town truin all consultations, parts of while the tients and country for the express Lien purpose crowned only with of the most elgnal advan. their exertions from what they Lave experienced in enquiring into Lave tages; causes yet of theso infectious complainte, (from their most simthe ple condition to that of the most dangerous and inveterated.) they have always entertained the variably possibility found Gi that their the most prevention hur31d rible and removal, malignaut and forws of disease could almost invariably be likewise in traced to one of the folic wing cause treatment: neglect. therefore or the ill -flecte of unskillful and succeeded improper in discovering, in the selec.

tien Dr. of AMOS their remedies, a safe, ettectual and caitious course; SON have omitting all combiuation those of whose remedies which ur bear an injudicious equivocal spplication character, as might well be ca productive of bad consequence in the hands of dies pri is rate the individuals. lessening of a great of nitery by the In short, the laudable end of their roniallev ation, relief ard prevention of of life, those and which, grevoua while attictions they that are in reality surround the us, cull aloud for our skill and interfer secret foe go enc for their extermination. extensively COUNTRY INVALIDS. Persone in any part of the detail of world eir may case, lee with succeesfully a remittance treated by a correct Addres Medicines, Dr.

AMOS SON, corner Main and Quay strce Dutialo, N. Y. AYER'S CELEBRATED CATHARTIC PILLS. A powerful the internal viscera to YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS OPERATE by their and stimulate it into healthy action. They re.

purify the blood obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and all move the the body, and, by restoring their irregular ac other organs of correct, where. er they exist, such derangements tion to of discase. An extensive trial of their as are the first causes and P'atiente bay shown vir.ue:, by dangerous uiseases almost beyond belief, were they cures of by persons of such exalted position and char. not subatantiated forbid the suspicion ot untruth. "Their certifcate acter as to Ameri an Almanac, which the A gents be are low named publishea to in furnish my tree to all inquiring.

give Directing for their use in the complainte Aunexed they we have been to nd to cure. which -Take oue or two or such quantity FoR the bowels. is frequently the as to gently move cause of and the cure of one complaint le agzravating No person can feel well while under a cos the cure of of both. body. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly tive habit relieved.

which is sometimes the cause of Costivenese FOR take wild doses -from one to four and always the uncomfortable, stomach aud liver i to bralthy action -to stimulate and the www tburn, bolyburn, ard coulburn of They will do it, disappear. When it la gone, don't for dyspepsia will you. rapidly get what cured STOMACH, or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, which For a FOUL depression rube and bad health take produces general eight Pills at drst, and doses afterwarde, from four to and strengtA is stored to the system, until activity SICK P'ain the FOR or Side, take from four to eight Pills on going Stomach, Back, they do 1 o1 operate sutliciently, take more the next to bed. It complaints will be swept out from day until they Don't do. wear these and their kindred disorders be the cause eyeten.

your stomrch is foul. SCROFULth an AYs ulld 10 Enntrequand keep IPELA3, Diseasese of bowels the open. Shin, FOR take the l'illa will freely tiy, generally soou begin to diminish and disapThe cruptions dreadtul ulcers al.d sorus have been healed up by pear. Many and pEri ying ettects of these ond some dis the purging which seemed to saturate the whole gretem gusting diseases yicided to their influence, leaving the suterer health. yourself your around duty the to world society covered forbids with that in you should parade ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean the blotches.

ekiu, because your eystem wants cleaning. diseases of BLOOD, they are the best medicine over di To PURIFY THE be taken freely and frequently, and the covered. Tney should the reeds of incurable diseases will be impurities of which the syatem like chut betore the wind. By this swept do as much good in preventing as by Lue remarkproperty they are makingevery e. obo able LIVEn cures they C'OWPLAINT, JAUNDIUE, and Bilious A fictions from some the Liver.

ceraugement-either Torpicity and conges don vi lathere congestion, arise. struction of uuft for digestion. This disastrous to the bile and reuder it is frequently undermined by 110 bealth, auk the constitution is the Obstruction the other cause. Indigestion bile into the stomach causes the bile to duct which empurs blocd. the Tuis produces Jaundice, with a lonz overdow dangerous into the train of evils.

Contiveness, alternately custiveand ness and diarrboa, prevails. Feverish languor, luw weariness, great melancholy, with sometimes sometimes spirits, inability to eleep, and the side; tue ELin and the the wite of bowels the there is severe pain greenish in yellow; the stomach acid; eyes bacome the whole eyetem irritable, with a tendeucy sore to the touch: turn to bilious fever, bi lous colic, bilious to fever, which may NC. medium (lose of three or four diarrhea, dysentary, night, followed by two or three in the morniog, Pilla taken at days, will remove the cause of all these and repeated a few wicked to sutter such pairs when you can cure troubles. It 13 them for RHEUMATISM, 25 cents. Your, and all Fevers are rapidly of these Pills upon be blood and cured by the which purtying they elects adord to the vital principle of the etimulus complains they should be taken in inild For dodes, these to move aud the nowels geutly, but ireely.

kindred this is both agreeable aud useful. none has No AB a be DINNER made l'IGh, more pleasant to take, and certaluly Pill can electual to the purpose for which a dinner been waue more THE gratuitous RETIRED making the PHYSICIAN, Axtract of whose Uanabie ludica has cured so hundreds Wany to cases do so, hereby consumption, mA6 ca known Davina en requested great remedy, th. PURIFYING AND REGULATING his other concentration of rare foreign herbs, disan intense of research in the Hast indies, luany covered during unknown years in the modern pharmacopia, which pos of which are cures (no matter of how itively and permanently pleasantly and remedies every other long standing) and and of the rest of the viscera. It is regar. diseas: of the rowels, America, ny the only Infallible cure over in Europe and discovered for INTERNAL COMPLAINTS.

makes it koowu by I this method REULATING only PILL because will he is The obliged to. 'The l'UMINYING AND Old Doctor the bowers to one intestince, natural or blood motion a can day, r. malu and no regulate, disease of surely, the stunnuch, liver, when the bowels act th'8 thus Pul is not naturally. to open or nure the bowels It shou'd be understood that be used in all casa DYSEN. n.

erely. It must OVERFLOWS, leading to violent purging TERY, BILIOUS mature among the many valuable character, The greatest wonderful 1'ill, 18 the quiet and easy method byLatice of this its infraculous Chang-8 the tudering burr an which it works ore of those remedi. that people sick, eystem. It Lot may partinily set well. It immediately acte in order that stomach, they heart, liver, bowels, kidneys, and bladder, upon the regulates all the of tie that and opens and ant entreb.

pd. From the moment it comway be ile ecarebing and purifying, but almost unperceptible mences feel the some healthful promp.ings and operations. untir animated you be ore of any sort had lain Ita impulses that you, it imparte a sense of relief, a 1 eling of touch upon buoyant cLergy and activity. worth mullions tentment. to and a those who would live for unal.oyed euroyment.

of dollars Pi la, doses, and is a. com. Each: box contains directie R3 tor every particular code, and panied by special to cycry complaint, for which a medical by information otherwise as bare to be called in. man free of po. tav6, at one dollar a box.

Sent any where, Addresa DR. IT. JAMES, NG. 19 Grand Jersey Olty, N. J.

is to certify that I that Late he, no nor business bis agent, connection N. with Dr. Thos. Hi. thica, and Dr.

Outert, has no medicine tor ale prepared ty H. JAMES. me. 0a20 HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH, DOCTOR WRIGHT OCCUPIES THE SAME OLD Within a Squirrel's OFFICE jump of Superior Street, in Dayi' Frankin STILL ON WATER STREET, Buildinga No. 1 up staira; and, as usual, is in it 8 in the morninn 7 -seven year: of uninterruptad practice in this city to in the evening.

has given him complete control over Imprudence many and complainta, especial ly such as are the result of alarmed or ludeud ever so little unNow, easiness my about friend, it yourselt, you you are respectfully invited to walk feel up to the Captain's oftice and get 8 Consolatory Ticket. This move you will probably never line, as regret. others If, are however, doing it ev. 1 and, like then, you will get a prompt and not convenient to drop in drop a did esy tew answer. daye, Alcuicine harmless, and operates like 3 charm, 4 can be gent with perfect safety by Express TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY.

Counsel and Advice Gratis. CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS st lacked up and the key thrown away. DENGAL -DRAB PLAID MATS for Spring and Summer at 25 Superior st. THE CO ship heretofore existing La under the cay, by asme mutual ct consent, HOLLIS FELTON TOWNSEND, dissolved. Megers.

Hollister ald Felton continue la charge of the Col. Mr. Townsend retires from be drip. lege, where they are prepared they to call receive the and attention co iull of all justice those to in pursuit applicants of a to thorough Commercial Eduztion. which face Cleveland May 19, 22 8w TOE I PURE LAKE ICE M.

M. THE SPANGLER CLEVELAND ICE PROPRIETORS, Are prepared to turnith Hotela, Railroade, and reasonably Familles, with a superior quality of Lake Ice, 100 uaon pounds tbe All must orders will meet by with the prompt stasou attention. ottice 83 Superior contract or W. GAINES. Agent.

ADIES' beautiful assort ment just received by H. KAYMOND (0). GEO. Cattle SCHMIDT or Hogs will reinove carcasses of dead Horsca, free vi charge, thereby aviug all expense of 80 40,00, and Ly 32 Do or leas ing orders at wet the gide. of troit street, LAID BENGAL ('all rece and ved, get one the at ty Superior steel, under the Jouusou P.

Plaid Bengal Hat- something Dew. Houso, BENTON'S. Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Harrisburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. THE CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD COMPANY. in 1O cer.

has it Liv. that nevto this done a fact ad. and it tea My in by la Mens Mens Shirta Books, bed. faucy tools, boote glass Itnen fut. bag.

will may Ut 1, withfor sald ad. for Supe rance brick Having made an arrangement K. with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago k. tor the joint use of their 'Track between Rochester and Pittsburgh, Will run Trains Daily, (Sundays excepted,) 8.3 follows, com. mercing Monday, March 10th, 1853.

AND WARELING MAIL. A leaves Cleveland, 9,10 m. Bridgeport 1.00 P.M. 8,15 M. Mi.

...12,80 M. New 0,80 1'. al. ACCOMMODATION. ANuIVES: Hudson.

4.45 1. 314 4.05 P.M. 6,25 6,90 P. P. Ni.

Mi. Milleraburgh 8,10 EASTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Cleveland on arrival of Train from Chicago. AuRIY Ld: P. M.

Bridgeport 0,43 A.M 9.55 A. 'This Train runs through to I'. Pittsburgh on Sa urdav Philade P. enirg. Pas engera can leave NEw 6,50 A W.

for Philadeiphia on Sunday evening at 10,00 l'. M. GOING BOUTH AND CONNECTIONS ARE MALE At Hudson, 10r ('uyahoga Falle, Akron and Biller At Alliance, Canton, Maaallou, Wooster and caleh. At Bayard, for Carr lion, Dover aud New Pillado: ta At Steubenville, for Cadiz, Coshocton and Newark At Wheeling, tor Baltimore and Waebington. At for Cambridge, Zane ville and Circlerilly.

and hew York, At Pittsbu'gh, for I Baltimore, CLEVELAND. DUFFALO AND ONICAGO TRAINS. MOL Leaves Pittsburgh at. A Bridgeport oppoeite. do Wheeling Cleveland A.

N. Arrives at 2,15 P. M. do at Butfalo at. P.M.

du ('Licago 9,00 A FAST TUTOUGU EXPRESS. Leaves 4,05 P. MI. Arrives as Cleve and 9,60 P. Si.

tit But'a'0 6,00 A. do at Chicago 2,0 1'. M. MM Leaves Ravenna 8,0) A. M.

do Hudson at 9.45 A. M. Arrives at Cleveland at. A. M.

Connections are made with Returning Traits in the fame polute 88 are made going Sonth diF0 5t CLEVELAND for Toledo, Detroit, Eric, Dunkirk, Budale, Niagara Falle, aid Canada, Your town, Warren and New Castle. Baggage checked through to all pointe, and fr of charge. For Tickets or information apply at the 01i o1 Superior street, at the oflice che I a dat ail Rail Road 'Ticket J. FARMER, Cleveland. F.

R. MYERS, Gen. Ticket A2't CLEVELAND. ZANESVILLE CINCINNATI Rail Roads, of the surv. ving tricude of tue de parted that are valued above price.

'There ale many however who reek attending to this portant matter until it is too lute. How often is it remarked, would give a hundied dollars it I Lad a good Daguerreotype or Ambrot xe of my father, mother, son or daughter, or sole friend that was but now is not. Allow ine to give this advice: Secure the Likeness of you- friends while in wealth. Go 10 the beet Artist you can and if he docs charge more than others; for 2 good Liken.ces is better worth one or two doilara than a poor oue as worth one dime. I am prepared to to all in the heel style of the art, the following pictures: Daguerreotypes, Plain Phosographe, and Photograph: in Oil, The size of life, or any size desired.

jugucrreotyjes of de ceased persons takeu the size of lite, and warrented true to us ture. of adults taken n9 well in cloud, ha 116 cleat weather. Firrat P'remium awarded at the Now York Stall dit for Lie beet Aud Daguerr pee. Roome, Mel deon Building, Cieveland, whio. nov2, Vi.

WA. ROGERS, LANDSCAPE GARDENNE, HEMLOCK PARK. CEDAR STREET, CLEVELAND. W. perionce in TRUSTS, laying out FROM IS LONG EXParks, Cemeteries and Pleasure Grounds, ing 8 8:1 elegant Art is so generally cunivated,) be 18 fully In England, (where the bry nch of Landscape Garden.

competent to give to those who pita proteseionally in the of their W. It. are aleo a line stock of Larze Fr 11 Which he will plant and warrant for two venre. al prices. Every variety of Hardy Evergreens, Decidious Trees Flowering Shrubs, Fruite, loses and Herbacrous l'laute, n3 lon 88 aRy nursery.

VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHED On favorable terina. del. WIGS! WIGS! WIGS! Geo. Greenfield, 6 Bank Street, opposite Weddell louse. Manutucturer of Ladies' and Wiga, Braids, Lauds, Curls, lle has on hand at a most lowest posalble ni of cash

lie also calls particular attention to his selection of every variety of color, which he offers the dc. Landi. a' Hair Pressed for part t5 at hie rooma of BI French, and American Perfumeries, Combe, Brushes, their own residences. Particular attention paid to the Cutting of Cu. Idreu's and Hair.

deel1 65 D. F. FIELD. Watch Maker, Jeweler and Engraver, No. 15 BANK BIOCK, GIVE Repalring HIS of Watches, PERSONAL.

Clocke, ATTENtion Jewelry of all kinds made to order aud repaired. Sectacles reset With warranted Probe ca the lea Eugraring executed in the very Euglieh Glass. Orders cifully eclicited. April 21. 1807.

183 1y HOTEL, Frankfort street and City Hall Squa.c, opposite the city fall, NEW YORK CITY. This Hotel is conducted or. the LODGING ROOMS, and incale as EUROPEAN they may be in the us Iciertory, PLAN OF 'There is Barber'a Shop, with Bathe in convection there. Co with. utile bus The nesa, popular and the principal places of Amusem*nt, and Hotel le in the immediate vicinity of intr.

oilers every inducemeut to there who consult convenience or d1 economy. going to Califorula or Europe, will be furnished whit all Tho the intormation they may dreire, and ale be protected from in the purchase of R. passage FRENCH, Proprietor. ticket-. N.

B. -Beware of who say we are full, as 8m mauy are interested in eaying to 2415 NEW AND ICE CREAM SINKET. ROOMS, NO. MI 0 53 MI would repeatrully and C. varied the WHITING assortinent atter of of CO.

the public to their large CONFECTIONERY, Both of home and foreign manufacture, which they now offer for saie. COMPETENT WORKMEN In their employ, they are ready to furnish at a.l times Confec. donery of all kinds and quality, iu quantities to suit purcha sera, and at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. They are also ready tu SUPPLY PARTIES With various delicacics at all times and on short notice. Ite attention of the SMOKING PUBLIO Is also invited to their large stock of CIGARS, which have been selected with great care, to suit both the Wholesale aDd Retail trade.

Ice Cream Rooms, Are also attached to the Estublishment, which in point of Ele gance and Comfort, are unsurpassed in the city, and where all times may be found all the delicacies of the season. June 281. 1867. MILLINERY OPENING.Shaw Co. Fall Will open Styles on Ladles THURSDAY Hate, Head and Dresses, Caps, cf laFRIDAY, Oct.

8th aud VLu, test and moet approved styles, to which they luvite the sttention of all. New Millinery Store. oct? 129 SUPERIOR STREET. JAMIES SPEAR, Central Market Ground, Pitteburgh Street. IN AND SECOND and KEEPING ARTICLES GENERALLY.

l'er DEALER FURNITURE, STOVES, BEDDING sons HOUSE wishing to go to house keeping, as well as those wishiux to replenish thair Furniture, will And chia the most 1891 48 lv -lacs in the city to purchase. SPECIAL of have opened a of the newest desigus, aud for Go days I Wall Paper, Decorations and Borders, The Patierrs are below those that propose to sell at less sell at prices far than Painting, cost Graining and Paperhanging reduced rates. DOWNIE, Corner Wood ani Rock wall STRAW are now opening our Spring Stock of Straw Goode--a eplendid BUTTS 13. April 20, 1368 35 Superior PENDLETON 0. Coal Dealers.

OFFICE, No. 5 OVIATT'S EXCHANGE, YARD, FOOL SUPERIOR.ST. ap20.042;3m ON going and South after cau March Sthi, Cleveland 1858, on the train l'assengers of the CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD at 4:15 P. (changing cars at Hudson) for Cuyuboga Aaron, Orville and Millersburg. Connecting at Orville with traits on the PITTSBURO, FF.

WAYNE CHICAGO R. Ext and Wert for Canton, Massillon, Wooster, Loudenville Trains leave Millerabrug for Cleveland at 6.00 A. M. and 1:35 P. cornecting at Orville with trains on th Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Kail by which Pas.

frow Canton, Massillon, Wooster. ville and reach Cleveland by oven ng train at 10.00 P. Mi SIMON PERKING A MAN HALL HOTEL, Corner of Nersou aud Frankfort Streete, opprette the Park aud City tall, NEW This hotel is still conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN OF LODGING ROOMS, and moalz, as may be ordored, in the large and grad Retro. tory for LADIES, AS WELL AS GENTLEMEN, Having recently This added au Hotel is Parlor in the tor the immediate ace vicini. ton of Ladies.

popular ty of Business and places of Amusem*nt, and oilers vary ducement to those who colsult couveulence and crocomy. with all the Information and be protected in the pur Par. ice going to CALIFORNIA, or will be tarnished chase of passage tickets. CHARLES BROWN. etor.

PHOTOGRAPHS. BEFORE wonderful THE art DISCOVERY OF' even poor THIS like. nesses of their frienda, but now a miniature. true to lite, 18 with. in the reach of all.

very tanuly therefore should have a Well executed Likeness of each individual member; th should the Substance fade away, the Shadow would remain. I have practised this beautiful alt for the Ja.t fontteen years, and there are hundreds of jactures, which I Lave in the.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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