The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 8 5 6 THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JANUARY 17: 1954 3B HOCKEY AND GOLFING DAYS OF TOMMY FILMORE ARE RELIVED AT FUNERAL Golfers Attend Last Rites for Tommy Filmore L. 4 Republivan Staff Photos) cross section of, the golf world hereabouts yesterday attended the last rites fort Tommy Filmore, Springfield Country Club pro, who' died suddenly at Clearwater, last. Monday. These pictures wore taken outside the Byron Funeral Home. Top left.

left to right--Joe LaCour, former Springfield, CC Dr. Richard: Cunningham and Lou Bondi, another: former president. Top Linnane, John Driscoll, another former president; Pete Pick nelly, Joe Redden and James Kelly, club treasurer. Lower. left, the pall bearers, Henry Bontempo, Franconia pro; George Shakour, Ed Beaudry, R.

A. Witherell, another former president; Emil J. Vlasek, present president and Mike Lower right--three of Filmore's brother. pros, Peter Dunn, Suffield; Alan Mack-. intosh, Wilbraham and Art House, Ludlow.

2 5 Courchesne Anxious to Get GEORGE All this snow and cold weather of Chicopee to plan a trip to. Florida der to make the vacation possible has arranged for at least two. penses and stay in shape at the something more important to think action at the Valley Arena in round bout with Johnny Lemons of Courchesne will be trying to get back into the win column after suffering his first defeat in 19 pro bouts Whitey Smith two weeks ago. More Road Courchesne, in that battle with Smith. learned that he has: a long way, to go before he.

gets to: the top. Bobby likes 'to stand off and take, pot shots at his opponent but A Back Into the Win Column -5 4 Faces Johnny Lemons Tomorrow Night in Feature 2 Eight-Rounder at Valley Arena: he an endless supply' of witty stories. The "St. Mary's Sports Jamboree committee has made an excellent in lining up: Robo for the big 4 event that takes place. just Three weeks from tomorrow: night.

Gentlemen's From C. E. McBride's column in the Kansas City. Star: "'Coach Woody Hayes. of the Ohio.

State football team" told a. TV' audience that the: Western Conference coach04 had. a. gentlemen's agreement that their. players would not fake injuries to stop the clock, the play: acting' that.

brought publicity to Notre Dame in the Iowa game. At the same time, Bob "Joslin, Ohio State end, was speaking at a high school banquet in Columbus telling his listeners that. he was State player assigned to 1 the fake business. of writhing in. pain when! Ohio.

State needed an additional time-out without penalty." Harry, Dalton. the one time. West Springfield resident put in a. term on The Spring. field Daily News.

sports staff. before enlisting in the Air 0. Force. is now out of military. service and is employed.

in the front office or the Baltiniore 0 Orioles: the American League. 'Marry 'is assistant to Jim Me Laughlin, the farin club secretary the. Baltimore (Harry's folks moved to Baltimore a couple of. years. ago." His dad worked for many years in the.

sporting. goods department of Carlisle's here.) A graduated of West' Springfield High and Amherst College, Harry. was always A enthusiast And did ai job.a% field. general of The Daily News Sandlot Raseball Tournament: couple 'of 3 Entering the Air Force pri-vate, Harry Dalton was a first lieutenant. when discharged a.

few months ago. For. more than al year he, was press officer at Force headquarters in Tokyo and spent a consideratie period of time, in Korea: Upon' returning to Balti; more, Ilarry was interviewed for a job with the Baltimore ball, and made, the 'grade in fine style. He sends best regards to his many friends Here, and these friends are sure wish him well on: his new post with the Baltimore club. NEST Br Walter Graham gone, and then refused first aid.

He stayed. in the game, went the distance and beat Gomez and the Yankees, 1-0. 6 9 3 Joe DiMaggio broke in in 1936. and was launching the fabulous career. that was, to he his, By midsummer he was the of the league, 'but Seirsom insisted DiMag was overrated: pitched against him in Coast League.

I know his weakness," said: Bobo. "Wait till the next time we play the Yankees, I'll show A few. days later; Newsom was: in there. pitching against" the Yanks. first; second and third times up, DiMaggio doubled.

Bobo: held A postgame conference. told. you show up Disiag's he said. "The guy a weak: ness for. (wo-base hits." Boho is A man who loves 2 to talk and.

1 Tommy Filmore, Athlete and Sportsman Veteran hockey fans of Springfield and Western Massachusetts will remember the late Tommy Filmore as one of the most talented. and polished forwards ever to have worn a Indian uniform. who was laid" to. his eternal rest at Holvoke yester-' day, put in four seasons of excellent play for the Indians. Ie played: three under, the Springfield club.

ownership, of J. Lucien Garneau, the 'final under Eddie Shore in the International-American League' campaign. 1939-40. Tommy a right wing lle sought no quarter, from And. as graceful a skater as ever any opponent, as long as that opbladed on Coliseums lee.

lle. was ponent. stayed within the rules. smooth and smart. on the attack, 2 the possessor of a stinging shot 3 Tomniy's.

death, following A that came zooming from extremely heart 3: attack 9 At Clearwater, powerful action: Tommy last Monday, was indeed. Filmore was a superb stylist in ad- a sad blow to the ever so many. dition to being an effective two- a friends he: made both AS A way hockey player, and he had the hockey player and As A knack of making difficult maneuv- did golf professional. His work ers look. easy.

5 7 5 As the golt pro at 0 field Country 'Club gained hint: Talented Right Winger 15 wide. esteem. and his passing Tommy. Filmore turned in many has made, for countless. heavy a brilliant hockey', game under 3 Tommy Filmore was Coaches George "Buck" kindly -man who had an.

un.and as Johnny Mitchell and was every swerving loyalty to effective in road games as on 0 He had sound maturity ot judg. States Exposition Coliseum ment and knew 4 well the Tommy's closing season of dations of a stable 'order. of play for Indians, 'he brotherly helpfulness. Ands alwas the "right winger on a clever 7 ways he had. the courage of his.

5 line" that. had Max Kaminsky "at convictions. We shall treasure center and. Normie Schultz at left. the memory of Tommy Filmore It' was 'in that season that as one of our precious recol: Eddie.

Shore, traded'hy the Boston lections. United and: sincere Bruins to, the New York 3 Ameri- condolences go to his wife. got permission from the dren, mother, sister, and brothAmerks to play for his Springfield -7 ers in their deep bereavement. team. Other members of that color1939-40 Springfield Indian squad C.

Showman Boho Newsom were Frank. Beisler, Toe Lamb, 2 Robo Newsom, the one-time maFreddie Thurier, Phil Corrigan, Irv1 jor league pitching star who is to Frew. Gordon Jenkins, Lloyd Jack- be the main speaker: at the sixth 'son, i' Pat Egan, George Brown; annual Sports Jamboree of 'St. Jack Tomson and the goalie, Benny Mary's 'Church, East Springfield, Grant. en was' a team: that at the Municipal Auditorium on reached the playoffs but bowed out Monday; Feis: 8,.

is in the baseball to. the Pittsburgh Hornets in the spotlight again; Not as a' player preliminary round; two games to this time. but as the choice of the one. 51 9 44-3 A Baltimore Orioles to handle their 4 3 pregame and postgame "television One of Tommy productions. It couldn't happen to brightest, "exhibitions a more willing guy.

It would seem Springfield Indian came in the. to. be an almost inevitable sequence opening game. of that playoff in Bobo's career, for wherever. the series against Coach Larry cameras.

were grinding the most. Aurie's 4 12 Pittsburgh combine. a was at. his best. Whether The series opened here on it was on.

A major league opening Coliseum ice' and in the first day. in a World Series with the Deperiod Filmore went on a troit, Tigers, or in an All-Star game. page to zip his way past such the big crowds were Newsom's Able Pittsburgh defenders AS 3 9 dish. For those days reserved Pete Bessone and Lorne Du. his.

finest performances. The large guld. Twice In. that first period 3 "audiences the TV cameras promise Filmore, fired blistering shots. are sure to spur Robo to efto heat Harvey Teno, the Hor.

forts. 0 net goalie. Tommy continued his great work in the second Boho Newsom happened to be. period and achieved the "hat: a fine pitcher, but: the suspitrick" by beating. Teno for.

R. cion is. born for the. third time. 'The Indians wound business.

He wasn't up winners, by 5-1, tapped for the Baltimore Origame's end both Shore: and oles job because he an Coach Mitchell declared that pitcher. He won' it In audiFilmore had given one of the tons: They are hiring no green brightest right wing pea in the radio TY business; ances they had ever seen. The incidentally. Newsom was one site of the series then shifted to of the most interviewed fellows Pittsburgh where Filmore con- in baseball, and the trick for 4 A tinued his impressive play, but his interviewers was the Hornets annexed the series him. off the air, not on it.

by taking the second and third There's an ease in. Boho's mangames. ner that. at the Bat 2. could envy, and he.

makes A Respected by. Opponents production out of his every apHis "hat" trick" in that playoff pearance. 2 "opener in March. 1940, ranked with 6, 3 Tommy: Filmore's- best: but you of His Finest Hours he had many bought. Robot other star -games to go along with from the Browns.

in 1935: he talked Filmore began his pro hockey himself into. pitching the opening playing. back in '1927 with the Lon- game for Bucky Harris at Griffith club of the old Stadium 'the next season. Lefty tional loop and as time went on Gomez was" the Yankees starting saw NHL service with such teams pitcher. for that famous opener, and pitcher prob- of as the Detroit Red Wings, New ably the most York Americans and.

Boston Bru- that They asked Bobo to pose ins. He, came. to, Springfield from with Gomez before, the game. The the Providence Reds in 1936. Tom- picture they got was Newsom showmy was strictly' business on the ling Gomez how to grip a fast ball: ice.

He T. never went looking for That: was day when Bobo: attrouble and frequently, when high- tained one: of- his finest hours. No sticked or, elbowed by 'an opponent. pitcher. ever put on.

a more drahe. would put a firm: hand on the matic show. In the fourth opponent and calmly suggest that. of a scoreless duel with Gomez, the game be played according to Ben Chapman laid down a. bunt for Those who didn't give some the Yankees 0 and Ossie Bluege rut herd to Filmore's warnings soon loose A.

rifle throw toward first found that Tommy: was no base. 3 3: tangle, with. Players who insisted. The hall never got. there.

New, on furthering their rough stuff som, standing squarely in the line quickly discovered that in picking of fire, where he had no on Filmore they had picked on the took. Bluege's blazing throw full on wrong Tommy. knew how the, side of: the skull. Another to handle himself, and then, some! pitcher Not. might have gone crowd down in: On the few occasions he found it stantly.

Bobo. The was necessary to mix in fisticuffs, Fil- too big. the President of the United more always came out on top. It States. was there, and, the opporwasn't' long before.

most of the tunity for dramatics too. overpowrough-housers learned that it didn't ering. Newsom went rubber legged, pay, to, get fresh with Tommy. Fast. did full a circle slow of the, pirouette pitching around mound.

the clean hockey was what Filmore 'played and what he EI en- registered all the, agonies: of the 3 MAJOR LEAGUE HOCKEY BASKETBALL SUNDAY 1:15 BASKETBALL P.M. 24 0 MC MILWAUKEE Y. KNICKS CELTICS vS. ROCHESTER. 1.25 2.00 2.50 tax incl.

.8:30 P.M. HOCKEY 6 BRUINS vS: RANGERS 1.50°. MAIL 2.25 2.75 ORDERS 3.50 FILLED trincl BOSTON GARDEN Tom Filmore Reaches -Y End of Golfing Fellow Pros and. Members of Springfield Country Club: Attend Funeral of. Popular Hockey-Golf Figure; Tournament to Be Named in His Honor By.

GEORGE B. They laid Tommy. Filmore to rest. estdale Cemetery. in Holyoke, but, for Home on State it looked: member golf tournament wa's about to pay their last respects to who been the pro at the: Springfield.

Country last Monday afternoon at Clearwater, REDS SOX HOLDING OWN WITH YOUTH MOVEMENT FOR '54 6 Boston 38-Man Roster Average Age Under 27 Years Boston', Jan. 16-The Boston Red Sot "youth movement" was holding its own today 'as the club announced a 38-man: 1954 roster with an average age of less than 27. Only 11 members of the "squad are over 30 years of the being 39-year-old Ellis Kinder, veteran Sox relief pitcher: Bonus baby Billy Consolo, an infielder, is the team's youngest. player at 19. Rookie -From Albany Fourteen, 'huriers were listed on the roster: which also included five catcher.

10 infielders and nine out-! fielders. Among the only! Herrin. never has seen servlice in a Boston uniform: Herrin won eight and 'lost four last year at Baltimore. Pete Daley Guy- Morton are the rookie receivers on the squad. Morton hit .302 for Albany for half of the 1953 season averaged only ..225 for the remainder at Roanoke.

Daley's mark for a full campaign at Louisville was .256. Infield newcomers are Ken Aspromonte and Lew Damman. from Louisville and Vin Furfaro from Roanoke, none of Avhom batted anywhere near .300 last season. The trio of Sox outfield hopefuls fared Charley Maxwell, who was up with the parent club once before, blasted RBI's 23 at home Louisville runs and posted 107 while compiling 2 a :305 batting av3 D. 7 Dr Maxwell's' tea a Bob Broome, knocked across 85: runs and hit .306.

Al Van Alstyne, up from Albany. Fi hit .284 in 1953. Also returning for another crack at a Boston outfield post is 22-year-old Gene Stephens. a classy fielder would have made the grade last -vear except for his anemic hitting. Lou Boudreau:" may! carry a 28-man roster for most of 1954 if he so wishes, because of rule covering players who return from Ca military service.

Sox players 'may he kept. on the roster in addition to the specified 25-man limit 'are slugger Ted Williams. who returned la'st August from his. second tour of duty as a Marine pilot: outfielder Karl son, who rejoined the team about the serving same in the time as Army, Williams and pitcher after Kiely. 93 6 Kiely.

a "promising 24-year-old southpaw. charted a 7-7 record for the: team in 1951 before he was drafted. 5,3 GO 3 YOUNG SAINT FIGHTS AT: NEW BRITAIN New Jan: 16 Norwich featherweight. Kenny Adams 'is an 8-5 favorite 10 get past Young Saint of. Holyoke in his long-range drive for the.

New England featherweight title: The pair of Connecticut Valley fighters tangle in an eight-round feature bout at the Stanley Arena Tuesday night in the 2 ring show of the vear here. 2 c3 0 FO 0 SKIERS EDGE LENOX SCHOOL Lenox, "Jan. 6 -Berkshire School edged Lenox in a ski meet here today. 53.85 to 53.34. Turnure of Berkshire captured the jumping event and finished second to Boslter of.

Lenox in. the cross country. Berkshire, won. the jumping 'and Lenox 'the cross country' contests. The summaries: 6 3.

50 0 0.. Jumping Berkshire Lenox 8 -no Turnure, Berkshire 4 -llart. O. 9 Selkowitz. Lenox-89 Berkshire- 87.8 Cross Country 3 53.84 Berkshire Holster.

min. 3 Berkshire Hutchingon, Berkshire 0 KELLEHER: yesterday. hour, afternoon at, at Byron's Foras though member-prostart as golfers gathered to for the past 10. years has Club. 'Tommy passed away 3 Flat, just after completing a er.

.3 :1 Classical Holds West Side Flashing. George Burley sparked team to. a stunning 4-4 tie with field yesterday' afternoon as the closest, most interesting. program Classical "upset," Cathedral's, small: got, "by tough. Trade, 6-3, to bounce checked much-improved Holyoke, out.

He turned the 'hat trick' against West Side. He interchanged at center and defense: He played, almost every minute. It was fellow who kept Classical in the game. The Bulldogs--they played in-. spired hockey all day- assumed.

the lead at 1.20 of the third when Burley, took a passout: from Dick Fisk and whipped into the clear at midice. West Side. goalie Al Klein came out to meet Burley feinted him cleverly and drilled a high Then a little later, George puck again. He started another. rush.

This time Chuck: Badone came to meet. him. and in A scuffle poked the puck away and took off He swung down the left lane. and clicked A corner tied things. 4-4.

'at the 4.52 mark. The teams battled madly from then on. West Side showed comeback stuff. Classical took the lead four times only to see the never Terriers come. back tie.

The deadlock was the first blemish on. West Springfield's Western Mass. League record in four years. Don. Hall did an outstanding defense job for Classical.

He played pair of brother. acts, and a the entire slim wing combined. to give Cathedral its big: win- over. Trade. Red and Joe Lyons: played the whole game on defense.

They did a good job of stifling Trade's dangerous. offense. In. big Red. rushed the rink for a vital third-period goal.

which put CatheTwins Roger and Bob Haley combined with Leo: Grassilli. 10 give Cathedral good And when they weren't. little Johnny Conway, took wover: He scored two goals. His second smashed, a 3-3 tie at 8.01. the second period.

Capt. Giulio Misitano got two for Trade. But' the 'Beavers, were out of the game after Conway's late second-period goal. Fast-stepper Clyde McClelland scored three times for Chicopec its: second. victory.

The Pacers Thad a -4-1 lead at the. end of two periods and held off. Iolyoke's hard-trying youngsters in the third Al Stefanik, a rugged defense player, notched both lIolyoke goals. Cathedral now leads the league with. three victories, one loss.

and six points. "West, Side has five. points on two wins and a tie. a A fired Classical. hockey defending champion.

West SpringWestern Mass. League presented its in years. To go along with this group of stamina-filled skaters into first place, and. Chicopee 4-2. Burley's performance stood WM HOCKEY LINEUPS: WEST SIDE.

(4) CLASSICAL (4) C'onlin, 8 Id D. Fisk Klein. Russell Hadone, Mattoon, Hurley rd. Serra, lw R. Collins; West Nide R.

Bessetr. la Branches Cody. Burger, Jennt. ani. Tranghese, Taskey, Welker, Nannini, Kulik, Classical Whittier.

Munsell. Tarrant, Snow. Shephan. Barry; Steinbers. Mazer.

Corvio. Officials, Zanetti, Easton. i First Period Burley 2- -West Side, (Radone) 5.13 Penalties, 'Tarrant, Serra. second Period -West. Side.

Badone 6.04 Whitt or (Snow. Warrant) West. Side, J. Bessette (Reid) 8:46 Penalty, Mattoon. Third P'eriod 7-Classical.

Buriey (unassisted) 4.62 9-West Badone Collin 2., Mattoon. 7 CHICOPEE (1) ingian. 8. Klarfeld Churchill. Id ld.

Kane rd. rd. Hartiga; McClelland, Canova hw rw Chicopee spares: Martin. Vie miee. Kozub.

Conniff. Swift, patrick. Brown. Holyoke spares; Wheeier, McCormick. Smith, Green.

Gallagher Ethier, Herron; Cousineau, Chretien; Harrington, Officials, Canetti, Peterson. First' Period 1-Chicopee, Conniff '(unassisted) -Holyoke. Stefancik (unassisted, McClelland, (kubik), No penalties. LY second P'eriod McClelland (Churchill Mcflelland (unass: sted) 8.59 Penalty. Martin.

Thirds Period 6 -Holyoke. lacher) Stefancik (Cahnva, Gal- 0:28 Penalties, Green. Ethier. CATHEDRAL (6) TRADE Burgess 73) Scibelli. 8 R.

Lyona, 14 -Briggs R. lyons, 1A. Kober R. 0 Misitano R. Paulhus Grassilli, vw rw.

Miller sparea: Conway, Tetreault, Driscolli. Barta. Carlin: McGrath. Murphy, Doner, Lennon. Trade Boyer, Gifford: Pagnoni.

Johnson. Valentino: Liberatori, Rioni, Willoutt, Marciel, Easton. Peterson. First Period' 1-Cathedral, R. JIaley Conway (Carlin) 3-Trade, Misitano.

8.17 Kober. R. Haley, ford: 3 Second Period (R. 0.12 -Trade; Misitano Kober 4.01 1 Paulhur (Miller) 7-Cathedral Conway (Carlin) 8.01 Brides, R. Lvons.

Third Period Cathedral. tuna aristod Hockey Team 4 to 4-4 Tie 3. Burley Outstanding for Cathedral Beats Trade, 6-3, to Take League Lead; Chicopee Wins BY GARRY BROWN BULLETS SCORE. 82-72 WIN OVER WARRIORS Baltimore, Jan. 16.

(P- The Baltimore Bullets led from start. to finish this afternoon, to turn back Philadelphia. 82-72 in their nationally televised National Basketball Association contest. The victory ended a three-game losing string for. Clair Bee's charges.

The Baltimore Philadelphia F. 3 ZA 13 11 y- 6 a lohnston, Writsche. 0 000 0 Fulks. Miller. 6 Davis, Felix." 6 14.

Grabdekl, Hoffman; George. 4 18 Karnhorst 2. 5 Finn. Hans; Valther. 00 2 Luisi, Senesky.

Totala. C5 36 Totals BALTIMORE 19 18 13 13 round of golf, the game he' loved so well: More then one tear dropped from eyes. which 'have watched Tommy through the years, first as a hockey player with the. Spring-. field.

Indians: and then. as a golf. professional. To Erect: de Tommy, Filmore, will no longer. be around 'at the Springfield Country Club' but the officers, and members have made certain that 'his name will never be forgotten.

The' first: member pro member ment year 'SCC, "for eternity" will be the. Tommy Filmore Tournament. A scroll 'is also to: be 'placed in the' clubhouse in Tommy's memory, duplicate of one which. will be. presented to Mrs.

Filmore. Before and after. services, the'. men, and women of Country Club who filled the. service chamb-.

ers, told many a story, about Tom-" my: Filmore, his accomplishments, interest in. the 'club; its members and his untiring devotion to helping make the club what it is today. The 4 pallbearer's who Tommy to his grave were men were closely 'associated with him since. Tom gave a profes- sional hockey career. enter the golfing field: His spirit was such that he had to succeed, no matter the field he tried.

But at the height. of his career, at the age of 46, 'a heart attack proved tatal. The active bearers were 'Henry' Bontempo, pro at Franconia; Richard Witherell, former president of Springfield Country Club who signed Filmore; Emil Vlasak, president of the SCC and other ricers of. the popular West Side course, Andrews, George Shakour. "and Edmore Beaudry.

9 llonorary bearers were the following past-presidents and of the Springfield club: John Driscoll, Lou Charles V. Ryan, Francis Lynch; Joseph, LaCour, William Baker, James A. Kelly, Frank P. Lucey, Guido Calonico and. Richard.

Boynton. Besides Bontempo, other golf pros attending the funeral were Art House of Ludlow; Allan Mackintosh of Wilbraham and 'Pete Dunn of Suffield. Leaves Three. Children. Among other Springfield.

members attending the services were Ray Dutilly, Dr. Ambrose Connelly Robert Johnston, 3 Carter, E. F. Redden, Thomas Dr. William Geran, Richard CunDr.

Thomas', Ernest William Chapman, Doering'. Thomas and William 8 Barry. GO 0 Gr Rev. Ierbert W. Goers, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, con-.

ducted the services and delivered. the eulogy. Rev. Goerss also con-. services at, the grave.

Besides, 'his widow. Tommy left three children, T. Ronald 'of the U. S. Navy; Thomas, nine, and.

Barbara Ann, six. Tommy's two older brothers, Clyde, Thamesford, and Fred. of Fort Erie; were in attendance. A golf pro is of necessity a businessman. women But to who the passed.

hundreds Tom- of my's bier during the last few days. it was 10. a friend they were giving final respects. may. erase his memory from many, but: not from the present day members of the Springfield Country Clab.

dL R. KELLEHER has prompted Bobby. Cotirchesne for a brief vacation. But in orthe Chicopee featherweight boxer there--to take care of the exsame time. But Courchesne has Holyoke tomorrow, night.

for about right He returnsito you can't do that against a fighter who swarms all over you: That's how Smith won the decision: Bobby also learned that his legs weren't in the best of shape, not to go eight fast rounds. So. Chicopee boy has done a lot motel road work as well as more leg exercises in the Holyoke Boys' Club where he does his training. Lemons. has far more experience than has Courchesne but the Stamford boy: has had his.

ups. and downs since he started boxing as a "professional years 'ago. He fought in West Springfield once. in 1949, Josing A "round decision to Danny Falcone; Most. of his fighting has in.

been done in and around New York "and Philadelphia. "His best year was in 19.0 when he won four, lost. three and. drew in one. Lemons has been flattened more (than once but whether Courchesne Can turn the trick is.

something. that tomorrow night will tell. The pair have agreed on 2 a pound contract and will weigh. in tomorfrow afternoon 2 at the Valley. will be the usual two sixes and three four-rounders: on the card.

Young Kid Sharkey Clark of of Holyoke Westfield will and appear. in four rounders. Clark. gunning for his fourth straight win, is paired with Jack McKenna at pounds while Sharkey draws Bob Lenois of Worcester as his rival, also at 140 pounds. Jimmy Walls of Englewood, J.

and Allan Williams of Norwich, A pair of 'hard punching heavyweights, appear in the six round semifinal while Nick Devanno of Middletown and George Stephany of Brooklyn renew their rivalry in" another six. Devanno and Stephany have met twice before, each winning decision: This is the 'They featherweights. 5 "opening bout, a four-spot. brings together. a pair.

of Brooklyn boys, Johnny Cox and Leroy Fasion at 135 pounds. These two go. into the ring at 8.30 p.m. LENOX HOCKEY TEAM LOSES. TO BERKSHIRE Jan.

16-The Borkshire. School hockey: team scored four goals in: the second period here, this afternoon and: went or trim visiting Lenox, 6-2: The victory marked the second for the locals in three matches. The lineBERKSHIRE (6) LINOX Jana vitz. g. Ferguson Young Sawyer Bassett, Tend'eton Chaffee: C.

Givens Klinck, 1w. Bennett smiti Berkshire rw rw. Thomas Gilbert, Goodyear, Opusland, Spaulding. Harvey, Nichols, Van Sant. Field.

Aran. Blaney. Lenox spares: Poole. Clare Reiners. Period No scoting.

Second Period (Smith klinck) (unassisted; 3-Spaulding 6.4 (unassisted) 9.00 -Givens (Bennett) 9.0.1 Third Period 20 Sam Clare A Van Sant (tripping POI 43 9 BERKSHIRE 53 14 13 5 0 WESTMINTER SQUAD Sheffield. Jan. Berkshire School basketball team its third victory five starts. here this afternoon by Westminster: 48-40: Sadler led the winners with 27 points, doing most of -his work in the second half whon" the locals came from. a 23-16 deficit: Serralles Thigh for Westminster with 11.

The lineups: BERKSHIRE ESTMINSTER Ptal. Pt Rarkowski 1. 0 Woodward rif Buckley If 2 2' Cozier rb 0 9 2 C. Sadler 13 A 27 Clark lh 2 4 Cohen if Pette rh Goodman 5e Aqua Vella" 1b 3 Smith lb 0 2 2 Quaintance Francis rb 2, 0 Serralles L.o Sadler: rb 0: 01 Crooke 3 Totals 48 Totals 11 18 40 Score at balt time -Westminster 23. Berkshire Haley' Briggs.

Rajoy. B. Haley, Koher, Vermont Academy defeated Cushing here today in 51-31. Angell led the winning attack points. The lincuos: 3 8 VERMONT: B.

F. Pial Pie Barry If Sandelli 'rb Marshall rt 2. Kana rh Georgie 3 1. 7 Steven. Ih 6 Angelf A 19 Swanson 12 Hurlburd Booth.

rt 1b 0. 2 Byrnes lb .0 Tarras: Rim'ds. Steverja Totals 17 511 Total 11: 13 37 at halt time 31r Cushing 16 Referees Currie, Rousseau VERMONT ACADEMY DEFEATS CUSHING Saxtons River, Jan. 16 9 8 Esso 2 Service Station Garage 2 75 UNION WEST SPRINGFIELD 3 Near Gilbert Barker 3 Now Under New Name Management JOHNSON'S GARAGE 5- C. 3 3 featuring GREASING WASHING POLISHING.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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