The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

WEDNESDAY C0213LEKCE AND FINANCE. BRITISH COTTON TRADE. Messrs. Ellison in their monthly circnlar dated Liverpool, February say Certain ingenious ami not over Tn3 nlorts critic eflect to be rriel hit whereas in October we calculate! iar. under certain conditions, the world do with an American crop of O.

bales, in January, under very conditions, we estimafwi that a croj nt bales wculii be surticient they are not honest enough to state the jrrounds npon wbich the two estimates were given. It does not suit their pur pnrpone to state ttiat in )f roller we said that a crop oi "would give all the cotton required toy the world, and leave the stocks in the porta and at the mills at the clow? as large as at the opening of the season, that igl.f.fKKt bales. airairt 1 OOT.OOO in and OTo.OOO iu in ami that "if the stocks were rednced to the level tonchftl at the close of Ncprcmbt there wonld remain 4M. bales available for consumption, in wuiflli American crop ot o.TJJ t.OOO would minice for the probable wants of tho world." Nor are they straightforward enough to say that in view of tho then prospect of supply we stated that whatever might be the fluctuations in prioi the average wonid rariitr und than over that of the previous seii.sou. whijn was 5' ince October very important chanijres have taken place in respect ot both auu nlv and con urn pT ion.

The cnrrenc esr.i nuttes of the probable out turn of tb? American crop are considerably red need: bat the extent of the vieid is still a matter of guess work. The result is that prices, instead of sinking to a lower average than ti' have risen considerably atfove that llgare, wiiLh an important piemin a has been paiil disfaut futures. The advance in prit has checked business throughout the world the working up of old contracts ha.s kept np an appearance of activity, but the slow giving one of new contracts uaa made it impossible for. producers to ar an advance in prices equivalent to the rise in cotton and already stocks beginning to acenmniate. The advance 11 prices has disclosed the that the enormous production of the past two seasons has not jet gone into consumption whereas, if prices had remained at a low level, this circ*mstance would have'reniainedont of sight until much later in the season.

In this respect, therefore, the outlook to day is distinctly different from that which presented itself in October. Moreover, while the supply of American cotton promises to be smaller than appeared probable October, that from India and miscellaneous sources promises to be much larger. This accounts tor the revised estimates given in our January Annual, which compare as follows with the figures put forth in October Act'l imp't Estimate for Total for Oct. to Dec. Jan.

tnSKnk beeenn. lUt 1. 240.000 1,4 24.000 Egypt. 160.000 2HO.OOO 446.000 8uJn. 115.000 :60.000 475.000 TotaL 465,000 Ave) age weight Baiee of 4O0 lb l.J0,OCO in OuO There is here an increased probable supply of 344,000 bales of 400 pounds.

As prices, instead of sinking below rtk have advanced to oHd. for spot cotton, and to tird. to Td. for distant futures, the large stock with which the season commenced may safely be trenched upon to the extent of bales, as the quantity left will still be over bales larger than in September. 1M, and nearly bales larger than in September.

lss. In October we estimated the probable requirements of Europe at bales per week, but as activity reigned in every manufacturing centre, and as prices promised to be rather lo wer than in the previous season, we thought it possible that i actual consumption might reach 1 bales per week. 2sow, however, with the changed aspect of aft'airs brought about by high er prices, and by the discovery that the leading markets are full of stocks, it is doubtful if the rate will exceed bales pr week, while it may be slightly less. Ii we add together the :J44.oOO bales increased supply from India, the 370,000 bales to be taken out of stock, and the 52,000 bales reduced estimate consuniDUon, we get a total of Tro.uoo bales of 400 or nearly 700.00O bales American weight, which, deducted fr the 8,215,000 bales American apparently required in October, leaves only oou wanted under the altered circ*mstances which have transpired since that date. It would no doubt hayo better suited the interests of our critics if we had attempted to show that the world could not do with less than 0 000 bales; but we never try to squura, present cirenmstaaces with previous forecasts: when change, takes place we accept the alteration, and at once proceed to' examine the sitaatian from the new standpoint.

In our October report we estimated the requirements of the United State Canada and Mexico at about 100,0 10 bales more than 1 but in January we placed the excess at Xm'O balea. We did this on the ground tU it the rate of consumption would be restricted by the higher average range of prices, while the wants of spinners ll 2 would also be diminished bv the using up of some portion of the stocks atthemilis at the close of 1) sj. la thi.s connection we may state that a. valued New England correspondent estimates that the consumption of cotton in the production of mixed fabrics 1 wool and cotton', wbich was exceptionally larjre laot season, will this season bo reduced by at least tio.ootj bales. It should be borne in mind that nur January estimates wn; bised ou .1.1 American crop of bales we lieve, however, tliat tile yield will couio out much larger than this, and consequently that the deliveries to both American and F.uronean spinners may fxceed our estimates.

Our content; is not that the cFop will be so small bales, but that if it should, as tome say. not ex eed this ligurt', tti re will nevertheless iie plenty or cotton lor the world's requirements. TLn inirer the crop is to bales t'; lower will be the average price, and the gre.i cr the deliveries to consumers. THE Sl'GAR Statistical position ot Feb. 1 s2.

compilel by Willett A Haiuleu. New York. lS 2. STOCK. Ton.

Sew York. Ffb 23 05 Boston. Ko V.i 3, 1S PtiWelplua. Fb. 23 il' Total Feb 2::.

1882 To a. Feb. J4. ItSSI 77,071 RKCEU T3 PAT WKEK. Nw York Bun no 4,4 52 Total pant 11, "78 Total avnee, Friiry 1 45,402 I'laTKIULTIOX VAST WEEK.

Sew York. Boston 2,032 Kuladelplua l.a'42 Total put week Total since February 1. H.140 47,603 Feb. il. 1Sh Decrease in stork compared with last tons.

Chances of the week, compared with the previous week, are Stocks increased 20:1 tons. Receipts tons less. Distribution Si5 tons less. Stock in four porta January 1, tons, against oti.yyo aarne time last year. ilessrs.

Delery Ptirvea send as following statistical statement of receipts of sugar and molasses at New Ui leans HIhIh. 9uer. Br In. Brls. Sugar, onaest a.

Receipts during Feb 6,865 4o a.z7 Receipt duiini lfcol 21 941 Recupta fn.m fcept. 1 to date Bf ip' from Sept 1 to ilati 181 131.811 MEXICO'S MEN OK 4 340 39,457 65,803 186,721 43.269 293,443 1 he following is taken from an interesting article iu the February numb rof Harpers It is pernaps thought that the work of improvement in Mexico is to be effected by foreigners entirely, the Mexican remaining passive and allowing everything to be done for him. The view is supported by the extent to which the business of the country already is seen to be in the banns of foreigners. The bunkers and manufacturers are English (iermans control hardware and fancy good French and Italians keep the hotels and restaurants. The Spaniards have groceries aud pawnshops and deal in the products of the coantry.

They have a somewhat Jewish reputation for thrift. They are enterprising, too. as administrators of haciendas, often marrying the proprietors' daughters and possessing themselves in their own nght of the propertied to which they were accredited as agents. "'Whether it be doe to this rivalry in sbrewdneb or not, it is worth nothing that fliere are very few Jews in Mexico. Finally, the Americans btiild their railroads for them.

The Mexican proper is a retailer in a small way, an employee, or, if rich, draws his revenues from his haciendas wbich in many cases he never sees where his money is made for him. These are on an enormous scale The chief part of the land of the country is comprised in irreat estates, on which the peasants live in semi serfdom. Small farms are scarcely known." F. SanwenSt weekly Rio telegram. Rio de Janeiro, Feb.

28. 1M2 Purchases for L'nited Statss. bags: stock. 50,000 bags average dailv receipt, lbt 'O bags: exchange. Jo (notations Good firsts, C.

and nominal: regular firsts. ordinary, second gooti, nominal: market strong nnd art vancinir. FINANCIAL. PICAYUNE OF PICK, Tuesday Evening. Feb.

28. 1S82. i A stagnant market and quotations nominal. The money market stilll woiks very dose HEW ORLEANS CLltA RIHQ HOUSE. Clearlns a.

Balances. Feb. 25 9tf JIOU.17 40 Feb. 37 .4.077,338 55 114.666 81) Feb. 28 1.873.O00 45 52 Thns far Uua wrek $5 438.14 96 S477.2H1 1 SametlmelMt 47 277.429 47 Total laat 9.387.535 21 600.531 45 Total week before 14,266,343 24 1,253.016 81 KXCHAirtSK.

Commomal aterUsn. 80 daya. 4.83 4 S4 tiaoc aterllnK. SO tse PrlTate tranca. tJO days 5 31785.21 New York Baak night.

$1000. $2 pram. Do. com. aignwVSlOOO SI 91 SO prem.

a. o. MXErr month lt btitikeit. February 28, 1382. Gold deposits la Surer depoalta tn ounces Paid depositor In gold Paid depositors In ailver Coin age 8.

S. 578.84 403,453.80 4.089 74 441M85 43 47S.OOO OO 70. 50O OO 1.14 4 5 empmenta aollars. suvar BTJEW OaT.TCaNB STOCK JBXCHAJiaX. February 28.

18BX 10 A. M. Call. 10 shares Slaughter Houae Co. 45 Louisiana 7'e 6565 Premioms 79980'.

IS Can. Loulatana 7's 65d5 Premiums 7:3480 3 P. can. Louisiana 7'a 85 965 Premiums 80 8o 1 LATEST OFFERS AND BIDH At tie New Orleans stock Exchange imrMi.innn. car vatos.

Planters Crescant Oil loo Louisiana OU Uoaspany lOO O. Hiaoxlitaf iloaM 00 BTsw Orleans waauidK loo ii. O. Water works Co 100 totuaian Ice atrfr Co 50 refieraon City OaaUfrht Co. 100 aant.

125 110 4i 7i 42 67 453, ao 41 81 STATB AMD CJTT UmlfTtana T'a 6 LoumlAna 2's 63 1 5s 61 HO 80 9 Louisiana j's (bauy conds) Lomwlana 4 Crttr Premium bonaa Clsy Oonsoudated bonds, Cross t0 so City Contoiulail bouds, ex pons OanollBon 10O CrMeent City If ew Or lean City 100 tuuiea eiren 50 SAIU Omai n4 Haam Oo 100 rasuiiu' 100 nunal fM Ktltuiai 100 Olbenua Bkuosai lOO Looiaiana KUaaai loo Keutrpalltan 10O Ustaal Nuonal 100 10i 100 110 1144 130 iUti 125 120 loo 119 W4 ISO 124 110 122 Haw aauonai loo Paopia's 6O 9tac KiyooM 10O Dbjob loo 130 117 131 Si Factors' ana Xraaaxa. 12:2 9rmaaia lli 6S 120 12 LATaycio SO KmtwuU' iitusuai 100 HnebMBira' and TriMler' lOO y. O. lad. Aoclu)n JO S.

O. Ina. OmnpacT 60 People's 25 9oa Msoai lOO Tautooi 100 H01T8AI BOITDO. R. R.

1st morctrair 25 1J 131 a ill ll. St. O. city ii. 3 mortfcae 120 wvn Co.

mortsrr O. Pacific K. B. 1st guiU morv ffSKB tiaajuMo, CEHTtPtCArae, City aertp (Hoauoir debt) S4 91 57 07 i9 r.i iis i 3S50 warrant. I5al, (oousiira 93 state warrantis, liB2, tconstitn tional) Stale warrant, 11, (ordinary jtuut wanaBCs.

1SHX n. S. 4 pr cent, boniid fl 40 117 i an nTunoera oenfc. Cortn Kichacn 0O i'ohmebclajj. PICAYUNE OFFICE.

Tuesday Fejt. 2a, 1881. i COTTON. The deir.and esctlnaes very jroTd, and tba tueinesa to day. waicb was 'lulte liberal, was at mil prices.

JJB.W ORJ fiAN9 COTTOS EXCHASGX CXOSIO xl SPORT. To Day. Yeatereav Lcw Crrt iry Ormuary 6 'i ijo. Onllnkry 10 10 Low MldfUiug 11 1 M.rt:llin 11 11 11, 11 Middling Fair ii Fair 13 8ale ttvAay bales, including 1500 re i fi'tils'v. Mai net nriu.

aiALaaa Jo. lower toa rUTl RKs AT NEW ORLEANS. A fair bus'iifda aooeto (lay. prions on herp grad, closing points ovtr yes Tr day 's rtrfuren. The offers io1 tid ac rbe varlona calls wm First i alL Second oau.

12 M. Thirt Call. 2.30 P. 9:30 A. M.

Nominal. ilrch.U.47 cil.52 6 S4ay.ll. ll.Sl jane.11.97dll iS .12.:612 1H ln ...12.151130 sevt ..11.54.1 11.55 .11.2411.2 ll.l'.ror 11.52 11.55aill5J 11.H4911.H5 11.7111.72 ll.t4..l.M4 li.y(ll.aj 12.0112 02 12 08912 ia.La12.20 12.26912.2iS 12 912 35 12 3712 40 11.00911.64 11.64911. K7 11.2011.32 113311.37 11 22 rl 1. J6 11.1911.22 11.22 a 1L26 Nov.

11 17 llJ6.dll.10 12:30 P. M. FrlOM ror ruifrs ana margin April 11. H9. sfayll 8.

June 12.07, JtUy 12.24, Auffuot 12 37. eptemt)r 11 65. octootr 11. art, November 11.23, beoamber 11.22, March 11.53. SALES TO DAT Flrac CaU April.

300 at ll.tiO; May, 10O 11.80, HOO at 11.81; June. lOOO ac 11.98; July, 10O at 12.16; September. 200 at 11.54. tietweea Klrs sad Second Calls April. 200 at 11.64.

300 11.85: Mav, 100 at 11.81. 5O0 at 11.82. 100 at 0JL83, 4O0 at 11.84,2100 11.S5 Jnne, TOO at 11.98. I30O at 11.99. 70O at 12.00.

60Oat 12.01. 2 KM a 1.0? July. 300 at 12.16, 300 at 1A20. SOO at 12 19 Ana uat. 800 ia.35.

400 at 1X34; September, SOO at 11 55. 200 at 11.59,300 at 11 October, 2000 at 1 Second Can April 1200 at 11 64; May, 100 10O IOO lOO 117 Vj lOO 1 1 4 40 10O 55 at 11.84. 400 at 11.85 June. 600 at 12.01 July, 400 at 1 20. Between Second and Third Callo Maren.

10O at 11.53. 300 at 11.54. 1300 at 11 55; April, 600 at 11 65. lOO at 11 68. 100 at 1L71.

2UOat 11.72. 120O at 11.73 Mav, 800 at 11.88. 200 at 11.00. 1400 at 11.92 June, 200 a 12 U2. 100 ac 12 04.

600 at 12.00, SOO at 12.07. 2400 ac 12 08. 500 12.00. lOO at li lO. July.

lOO at 12.20. lOO at 12.24. 300 at 12.25 luo at 12.22. 10OO at 12 26 Aorost. 100 at 12.35.

eaies atier 1 P. M. March, 200 at 11 54, 300 at 11 56, 2C0 at 11 58 Apr.t 400 at 1 1 67. 100 at 11 70. 300 at 11.74.

flOO ac 11.75. 200 at 11.76; Mw. IIOO at 6, liOO at 1 1.87. lOO at 1 1 H. 8OO ar.

11.90. 10O at 11 93. 300 at 11.H4, 26CO at 11.06. 300 at 11.91. IIOO ar 11.

fid Jiina. I' 'IjO at 12 to IIOO at 12.06. 300 at 12 )7 at 12.0. 1400 at 12.C9, 70o at 12 12, 21o0at 12 I. lOO at 12.13.

loo at 12 14 July, 7 'JO at 1 25. at 12.2(4. 200 at 12.29 August. lOO at 12.40 September, "JOO at 11 o4. Toral aftr 1 17 600 total tor to day, 91,000.

MwUt cltaed firm. CLOSING QUOTATION S. To rtay. Yesterday. February 11.

4 1.50 Marcb 1153. 1 1.48&H.50 April 11.71 11.6211. rt3 Mav 11 1181911.82 Jane i2.otii207 11.9411.97 Jttlv 12.2412 5 12 1312.14 12 36912.37 12.27912.28 11.6211.63 11.54 911 56 tctolwr 113391134 11.2411.26 SOTfrnitHT 11.22'11 23 11.1411.16 Decern ber 11.22 a 11.2 3 1 1. 14 1 16 SIW OBXJtANS 9et reoelp ttrojw reoaivts KXVOU to (i. B.

Exports Channel Kxporta to F.xporta Continent Bbrporta aautwiw. Stoca on nana In preeeea COTTOU STAT KM HINT To day. Stnoe Same sum ftj. 1. laMC r'T.

2 535 1.060.227 1,194,31 4 2 167 I 20L717 1.408.927 397,223 601.738 1,43 170.480 224.811 154 50 1 fil 181.932 120 H20 368.741 297,484 291.719 223,112 OS 8HIFBOA3D AT 5BW OBLJXANS. To Day. Laat Year 27.616 14. "46 600 18.452 2. 333 1.820 74.372 BXCEIPT8 AT U.

S. POSTS, tut k. Last 'r. 11.230 36.120 2 631 6.25 3,735 3,634 34 5Jit 70O 5,5:9 7,180 133 561 1,612 1,339 2 692 2,4 61 1,059 This TNL New Orleans 2 Ual reaton Mobile llminffton Nortoia Baltimore New Vom Boeton Philadelphia Loft 1.823 3.385 2.H82 514 ".937 4 2.0 '4 2 085 240 Totals 25,863 35,233 78.526 Reeelpte at ports to iay .305 Tbla iay la yuar 2.M.; Keceipta at porta ince September 1.. 3.99i.dsii game time 4.567, 4eJ AND STOCKS AT ALL PORTS.

ii. Britain. France. Cont'aU 8toMt.i. THIS 30 854 8.544 1.073.793 Laet 44.720 8.368 1.089 307 Last 37.703 5,239 16,691 874,796 FTJTUiLEa AT SIW YORK.

To day. Yesterday. ....11.7311.74 11.611.B April lt.89 9Tl.90 1181 12.08912.09 June. 12.25 912.26 12 16912.17 JulJ 12 41912 42 12.3212.33 Aujruat 12 55112 56 12.4591X46 September 12.189 12.0312.04 October .11 6011.61 11.48 911.50 No rember. 11.4491145 1134 911.36 December 1L4791149 11.37911.38 DOMJSSTIC KAJLKXTB.

Middlina Midalln. Sal yeaci Havana ah 11 Mobile us Charleston Norfolk 11 Boston 11 Memphis Wilminjrtoa 11, Baitlmote 11 Philadelphia Aoraata. 11 MONTHLY COTTON TABLES. TOTAL KECK11TS AT ALL I'ORTS 181 2 18KO 1 19 0 September October November Dei ember January February April May July AUiCUSt. 420,716 o22.630 943.371 959.395 573.320 2S 300 456.292 96U.0O2 1.605.476 1.018.514 561.81 9 565.373 475.031 282.971 181.463 113.743 79.21 115.075 356.837 884.245 93H.H08 952.877 644.805 5 445.1 268.228 158.022 109 551 87.824 51.743 64,982 To 5.

15.i)47 4.964.069 UEt 1 HIS Kill 1 TO rt.lllll 18rtl. ,194,344 I. 534. i.7 T3 503 329. lOO 8.672 539.991 40.765 752,577 4.691 106.222 579.756 17.259 24.365 1 28.

10 24. 18 411.932 1382. .1,066,227 1 370.943 13.025 Nt Orleans. talveston IiKllanula Mobile I'm macula Chaneeton Port savannah Brnnawick Wilmington NorluU lty and W. Points Balumur.

IMuladejjitua Sew Yolk PwTMtenCSk: Los ton Total Eaiance Total aeaeon CorrMiUima Overland and Ma consumption Total crop. 7.368 322,72 1 4.54 41 1.827 30.007 877,7. 1 3,531 728 154.1a3 14.7 53 2 16U 3 J4 29.951 173.457 230.14.1 10.630 446,233 20,37 1 657.007 6.824 123.235 51S.769 157,007 23.712 1 4 1.151 11.605 162,736 73 110,178 692 4. 567.43 751 i 247,564 740,3 i8 5.815.047 d3.O50 62,962 727.64 4 6,605,750 5,7612252 KCK1PTS AT POUTS TO CLObK OK FKBKL'A AV ISCLLfE. Year TTiia year.

Last year, before. (iulf ports 1.690,388 2.O80.597 1.994.760 Atlantic ports. 2. 306 I2A 2,483.880 2.228.961 Total 3,996.682 4.567.483 4,223.721 SOL Rl Krt OF AT SEW OrtLEANr. Red Kive' OuaoLuta iver 1881 2.

1880 1. 11.535 34.41. 62 926 6,658 74.461 103. 071 49,096 152.167 C. SLL.N.o.

R. R. 181 2. 1880 1. 18.849 4S.357 384 288.72 18812.

10 1. Februarv 14 390 28,541 irevioutly 86.514 1O5.044 Total 100,904 133.585 Bal. scaaon 53.000 Total tt a.Hon 186.55 ArkanHaa River. 1881 2. 1880 1.

F.braarv 4.079 Prevtocaly. 11.740. 14.043 Total 11,740 18.122 Eai. VL3VU 6.o 247.1T33 337,05 6. 125 42:1,210 Mi.

isstpyn ivtvtr and utber 1881 2. 1 80 1 3t 39 95.5;T Suv. IJ 12d.dll Total aeaon. 24.205 Houston Kai.ioail. 1881 2.

18'i 1. Kebrnry 3 1'63 8 i7i I'reNiously 85.2UO 71. Total BaL aeaooc Total season. o.323 25,385 .606 522.158 172.045 Ji'3 Total at New Orleans from ail aourceH. l8rtl 2.

1880 1 21 9.4 February 1'ltivloilsiy T. tal. liaiance season 1.1 "4.. 44 7 Total 1.5 86.C7 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT np ('OTTOV UKCKIPTS. I 'iiusu, l.

Loins and ui leans Raiiioau. Uab 1878 79 1 79 80 18. 0 1 1 1 2. 4.699 15.224 24.171 ia.496 71.933 81.8 jy ol. 't 7 6.975 82.140 6S 156 89,371 69.518 75 511 38wlSS 4S.1A5 37 69 16 46i 40.492 I.

1S.17 October annary Februarv. Tctal 242.222 23 339.281 217. 5i 2 3.532 26 323 46.64 5 i 78.3 1 91 729 Decrease under 1875 76 1876 77 1877 78 rncreas over 1878 79 Decrease under 1879 80 1880 81 DAN. MORE V. Freight Agent.

3ew Orleans. Feb. 28. 182. FREIGHTS ouon.

Steam. sail. Liverpool. VL 64d. Havre 23 32, Bemeii.

7 16U. sc. Keval 7l6t. tienoa. 7 16iL 13 Barrelona New York, for com nreaaed cotton 30e.

100 Boron. Providence. Fall River and Philadelphia, for compremed 150c Hr 100 Via Sew York. LOUISIANA STAPLES. 8TJ6AB Beelpta to day, 443 hods 43 bbis.

Belpt today were comparatively liberal, and embraced a fair assortment, bat Levee badness la retarded by the continued rains. The market anowa no eh an ire. but the best descriptions of open kettle sugar axe scarce. We quote OPES KITTLI SUGARS, 13 PKB CVTI. TAKX.

Inferior 55'' Common 5a Good oomaaon Fair tfS9ea. feed fair 6o7 Fully 77" 7 Lrverpool 33.990 Havre 8,204 Nortn Sea Baltic 20 796 Channel 11.05O Ppain 260 MeditaH ranean 1.375 Coaatwiae. 147 Total. 77,022 etrietly prims 7S9 Choice 747 CKTrRTFUSAl. BCGARH, ACTU AL TAKJC Cbetee whits ctartned 8T99 Prune white 83 Good white olarlned 88 Choice yellow clarified 8a98 Prime yellow elan fled 8V Gray yellow planned 4 Cboiee seennda 7VH Prime seconds iiil Clarified saxars In c.

additional. MOLA33E3 Bcelyta to dar tot bb's 8np plla are now greatly reduced, and It Is extremely difficult to necnw ardors for plantation a iMMfo. acnonly. as round lots are scarcely obtluble; our iuotatlons g)T the nominal raae of ra.nca. We qnote CPU K.ETTX.

70 T72 Ptrictly prime ....66 t8 Prme. 62 84 Fair 5657 Cemmon 4850 CHUTRIPURAL. Common 44 946 Fair 4. 50 55 z56 Choice 60 61 BICE Receipts to day, none of cleaned are limited by the mMs to meet only the daily requirements aud rue market i rules firm and unonaoged. quote: Per S.

Choice 6789 Prime 6a86 food a 6 5 i ii .4 Ordinai ...55 Common 4 95 Clean No. 1 Bice polliti. J189 19 BREADSTUFFS. The stock of dour tn this marker. In the ha ads of receivers and dealers, as ascertained at the aloee to day was 33.475 bbis.

The momii opened with a stock here of 28,028 and as the receipts tram trie West have been 73,116 tne total supply appears to have been 101,144 and deducting therefrom the) Docks in hand, a total distribution Is shown of 67.669 Is. during tne past months figures now an excess In tne supply of 13,734 bbls. over that of last month, and an lnoresse or 16.J 37 bbls. in the totl dlstnblUon. But wnile tne flgnres Indicate a saUsfactory aad Increased niovemenr, it is to be coted tint values have declined in the average about soc.

per barrel, compared with pnoes ir lent at the close of January. As com partrt 1th laxt week, the receipts this week snow a aecline, and the market Is steadier tu cm loslDg to dsy quiet, with a falr local and order demand. Open market sales 10 bbls at $6, 100 at 1 6 37 3. 50. 25 at 6 90, 40 and 200 at 7, 25 at t7 40.

25 at 7 so, loo Minnesota I pat nt at 7 J5, 50 and liK) on private terms. Open market quotations Faaoy 7 259 7 oO choice 16 757. family $6 2586 622. I treble extras 15 7oe)A bakers' rtae i 7S7 so. paten te 7 75 8)8 25, Minnesota r7 25 97 so.

Dealers get the usual a ranoe on wholesale prices. Closliig bids and offers on 'Change Fancy s97 50 cash, 17 157 so. March; choice $6 80 36 86 February, 61 a 96 70 March. CORN ML AL February opened with no stock of meal tn the hands of receivers or dealers, but the receipts since then have been 20.942 bbls. As the stocks in the hands of receivers and principal dealers ac the close to day was 2535 bbls the total distribution appears to have been 18.358 against bbls.

last month. This inquiry continues good, with fair sales and free offerings at $4 75. At the Exchange 400 bbls tn lots of loo bbls. each, were sold to day for March delivery at 94 26 per bbl. The closing bids and offers were 94 7094 tecash, 94 85 February, 94 124 25 March.

HOMINY Quiet and steady, 94 25 94 50 bbl. CREAM MEAL Per bbl. 94 909S for choice in sales to the trade. Dealers obtain higher rate. GRITS cnotes) 94 755, ordinary to good 94 25 94 so bbL Oat of store rates are sicnar.

PROVISIONS. The stocks of provisions in the bands of receivers and principal dealers at the cow of business on the 28Lh day of February, 1. K2, were as follows Mess pork, 4110 other pork. 400. Dry salt meats, estimated iu casks shoulders 443.

clear rib sides 10. long clear side 21. Bacon, casks shoulders aJ. clear rib sides long clear sides Lard tierces 852, kegs 70, palls 553. Hams tierces 372.

Since our review of last Friday the tone of the market has become easier ou m8s pork, and that staple Is now selling at a decline oc iu pared with rates current at the close of last week but dry saltl shoulders have advanced about and other 'it meats, owing to scsrciry In the supply, have aiso advanced, the market dosing today wl'h prices steady to lirm on meats, with a very fair eorsump'lve demand. Dry salted sides are pretty much out of season and the spot supply is wholly inconsiderable. Lard Is quiet, and sugar cured hams are tn fair request at steady prlees. ut at 11 notations lowered a lit tic on the inside rgnrn. Open market sales Dry salt meats 40 boxes shoulders at 8 9oe.t boxes on private terms.

Baon 60 half casks clear rib shies at IcHe. 10. 2 and 40 half casks do. at 10 oo. Hams 150 tierces at I2a.ic.

Exchange tales: Mesa pork 100 bbls, sel er. Marco, at $18 or1? 59 seller, March, at 18 10. On property by the ear load we quote Mess pork tl8 jSlo 25. Dry salt sours, shoulders looee, and 4o. packed; sides, market bare and nominal at l)f4 97 o.

for looee, and 10 loc. for packed rib and long clear sides. Bacon, shoulder 7H elear rib and long clear sides lo alo7o no clear sides on sale. Betlowdlara UHvU'to. In tleroes, and la kegs.

Bams 129i3o. Dealers la their trade obtain an advance oi ViHo. on these rates where property Is sold in a jobbing or retail war. BIDS AND OFFEBS ON 'CHANGE. 12:30 P.

M. Call. Stoned lard 911 81 March; bacon shoulders 118 February sad Maren; baeon clear ribs cash and February. a loa Marsh bacon. Ions; clear 10.ea al073 cash, 104 Marc a dry salt shoulders, parked, 6 709 caab, 6 70377i February.

6 96.90 Matco dry rait long clear, packed. 10 cash and February. 10 Marco mess pork tl. ilHl cash, sta 07. lM February, 918 07V 18 12 March.

BUGAR CURED AM la gwl snpp'T ard demand, small at 13 0., medium at ieaw at 12. uiicanvased 12. BRKiKKAdf 11ACON rn llgut supply arc! Kood demand. tjaote both can axl nncanvasd at 12 a. SL'CrAR CURLD HiioULDnaS Uacn vaffed are scarce snd In moderate rexiaeet at 9o.

No demand for aaovaeed. EZ.KF TONCJCES Are seiliiitf at il V) dozen. PRIME ME33 PORJC 8aliinjr at 9ld bbl. PRIME PORK ar V) KCMP POUK Selilug at li bol FAMILY PORK HtlllE' at tlS do: 9J so bail i til. PIt PORK aelllng at tls 2r, bbl.

CMiT nm. PIGS' FEI T. ePARE VACS. ET Th aeon is nw over ror these sooas, ana tiitre no deinaocl for them. GRAIN AND FEEDSTUFFS.

The after slowly receded Id fympathy with the ductuatlons at tun Wet. appears to have touohed what the trade be; Is di. po ed to consider bJt trm. and receivers ret using to make further eenceeeiots. are low holdiog at steady prices, with do unfavorable factor tn view except the ar arrival of considerable supplies of corn in balk, some of whlca has already ben sold to arrive lor home enc uirptlT.

and some lor shipment on foreign orders. Thus tar tills week business on the Levee has been restricted by supp.lae and continued stormy weather. SACK CORN Levee sales to day 100 bais white at io loo at 100 fancy at 4, white mixed at 83. 3oo old mixed at 73. i wUte at 3.

150 mixed at si, 500 do. at 7j; Monday Ti) new mixed at 68. OAT3 LBvee sales to day 500bas sedy at S3c. 300 choice at 64. 200 do.

at Monday 3rn bags seedy at 62. 150 and aoO do. at 53, 200 ch ilce at 54. BRAN Leveo sales: To day, 250 ba corn bran at Monday, 500 bags bran at 91 35. HAY Levee sl none yesterday or today.

We quote Choice $22923, prime t2'J9 n. common 13 9. Exchange 12:30 P. M. ca 1 No.

a whPe eorn in bulk 82 a 0. oasli. 82ata3o. Fsoruary, No. a mixed 72 973c cash, 72 e.

February. Oata 54 a c. cash and March, red mat proof oats February. Bran 91 JJ MrClU DAIRY PRODUCTS. BUTTER The market shows considerable improvement lor the beat descriptions of both creamery and dairy, and the scarcity or strictly fancy creamery stock eonttn ues.

favorite brands commanding 65a. The best grades ot dairy butter are in more re quest and at better prices, and thejaiedliim qaaUuet have also partially shared in the appreciation ot value, but the demand for the latter Is only limited, while the interior and common goods are unsaleable. Ws quote Western tmaaj oreamery 50 fine creamery 45 0., eholoe ery 40 enotoe dairy 3a prime dairy 3o good dairy 35 medlnm dairy Inferior dairy lillMb CHEESE rhe market continues liberally supplied and Is dulL with no aymptoma of any immediate improvement. The) weather ia a Hi tie more favorable, but It does) not Mnaltie demand, and tli iiosaiasama uiem of the Lenten season has not helped any. We quote: Ohio factory 12 1 Ohio skims 119 li'lnols skims 8 99c.

Ergiish dairy 17 New York cream is OLEOMARGARINE Dull and nominal. Mrk oversr eked, and there la no demand. Quoted 139150. FRCiTS AND ESCULENTS. POTATOES The volume of bualBeaa has been materially reduced In consequenee of the better supply of green fruits.

Northern potatoes are pretty well exhausted, bat the demand for Western Is about equal to tte snpply. We qnote Northern eariy rose fa 54. peerless 93 8S4, 93 75 94; Western peach blovs 93 409 rn suets 93 10 d3 05. ON iONS Scare and wonld command 94 for choice, en her Eastern or Western. Sales to arrive at 93 60.

APPLES Are selling at 9435. LEMONS Are selling at 93'93 35 for Palermo. S3 2693 50 for Messina. ORANGES Palermo 12 23 32 50. Messina 22 so 93 if box.

A eargo from Palermo baa just arrived, and one from Moral a Is due. BANANAS Are selling at 9193 bunch, as Id size and quality. COCOAJS UTS Are selling at 130935 10f DRIED FRUIT In ample supply and doll. Apple 6 peaches 9 BEANS Northern red kidney SKas1. Northern white kidney 59, Northern choice medfum CH 9, Western do.

6 9, choice naw GREEN PEAS Dull at 2So. HOCK KROUT Unsalable, nominally $6 28. MISCELLANEOUS. COTTON SEED PRODUCTS. We quote CruCe cotton seed on 38 9400., re tinea ditto 47 9600., oilcake, dry, ditto, country cotton seed meal 126 ton of 2000 m.

OILS We quote: Linseed oil. raw. 67 9 ditto, boiled. 70 9780.. coal oU 110 16c.

lard Oil No. 1 76 9850., ditto No. 2 62, 9700. ditto extra as siooo. SALT a good business doing.

We quote Liverpool ooarae One 30 sack tram warehouse. When delivered drayage Is abided. Turk's Island 30 9350. Doshel Table salt In pockets as to size, LOUISIANA HALT From wharf In Gretna. Coarse.

80o tine saxsk. 91 COFFEE DulL We qnote: Cargoes m. orcinarv a1? fair 9i 9 good 101 9 p'lme JoO lots Ordinary 89 lair 10 9 good 10S pnrue. a va. WBISKY Choice Western selling at 91 2191 22, with a good demand, and we note active sales of spring 1881 Bourbon on private terms.

STAR CANDLES Are selling at 149150. STARCH Is selling at 34e. Lell ws give quotations as follows Lbs. Ex. mess.

No. T. No. Shore. 913 00 7 OO 4 00 1 25 No.

3 Med. 97 60 4 25 3 40 80 8 50 8 75 ...21 2 00 5 So SI 10 5 1 06 Barrels 200 Half Quarts 50 Silts 15 $30 OO 15 75 8 00 2 75 924 00 13 50 6 50 2 25 No. 3 Lbs. Barrela.300 Halfao.100 SO No. X.

99 00 6 OO a 75 NO. 3. 8 00 4 60 3 60 Large. 7 75 4 SO Kltta 19 83 Herring, per bbL, 200 lbs naii iw ios Salmon, per bbL, 200 bs Vltts 15 lbs Codfish, 'a drums, 'a doim Haddock, i drums, boxes Boneless Fish Senulne 7 97 SO STAVES Extra pipe, 00 inch, heavy per M. S19O9200 xtra pipe, 60 Inch none.

Kxtra pipe, 56 Inch none. Light pipe, 5d inch 130135 Kxtra hokaheada. 48 mcb 140 a 145 Light bogsheada. 48 a 90 Extra elaret.40 lnoh tf 10O lkht claret. 40 Inch Oa 5 Extra barrel.

33 inch Extra keg, 28 inch 60 LEAF TOBACCO Messrs. A. Q. Ramsey A Co. report as follows "The market Is bare ot stock tn dealers' hands for home trade, and It Is almost a matter of lmoosal MUty to till orders for such goods as the trade requires.

The stock of smokers Is so diminished at New. York. Cincinnati and elsewhere that orders from manufacturers cannot be supplied with old tooaooo, and at Lonisvtile the past week the demand for cutters', smokers' and cigvr stock could not be supplied. In the absence of supplies, and without any transactions to report, the market Is uot quotable." HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL, ETC. 7 r75 IT TUlJ Bteer hidea, 70 and 8ter aod cow hides, 30 to 70 a Kips.

14 so SO Oatl skins, eah Cut, scored, grubby kips, 2c. off. COD 8TSY Srean salted, Dry hist. Dry sailed. Damaged green hides, 2c off and grub selection.

TALLOW I 7 Hi UO City rendered. 4S 71, US uonntry ranaersa, m. Ox horns, prime, as Oow hores. BSKHWaZ Prune yellow, WOOlr Lake. 9 30 til 35 32 9 16 13 Looiaiaua.

Barry The hide and wool market remains quiet, with a fair stock. CATTXJS 81ARK9T REPORT. STXW OBT.BAHS. Man 1. 1812.

Cams Oaives aad Hogs Milan Texas eorn led gross Srass Cattle, III gmes araas Cattle, kd guadty, head. Miaalsmppi, a rase Cattle 1st quilt head 3d quality, r' head. Cou moc acd old Cows calves, 1st Quality, Calvs, 3d qoauty, eheep, let quaaty, btaeep, 2d quality, head Sheep, So qnaUty, bead YtoifcT iLfra, In 4 ty, heal VsarUi, ffm, 3d qtiaikry. head Hogs, extern. gross, 1st Mors, b.

greai, 3d Hags. gross, 3d quality. anieh Cm. ohotee St9 4 10 00 923 00 jo oo 5 oo id 00i: 'Hi i 009U iM) 9 0OH10 00 OOw OO 009 3 50 3 3 SOO 5t1 3 0O iX) 9U OO 1 11 OOwlO 6 70 00 90 00 A. DAG0BET, HTOCK AND BOND BOKSit, 34 Charrres street.

New Orleans. Payment of City and Btats Taxes and LioeD ties I a Specialty. Jad 3ra I FKBSOXS WTSHTKQ TO OPKRATK IX STOCKS to Uie eint of $50 to $1000 or upwards, WTllaO CO HENEY L. EAYMOND Maw 4 Pine street. Now Torsu Befer by peniiission to prominent Backers, State Senators and leading Business Houaes.

References and complete Inform atl am concern. Ing Wail street operations mailed bo intending Investors. CORRESPONDENTS: MATTHEWS A JCDD. Bankers. Scranton, Pa.

K. HIrtK CO Brokers. Himitmri. Pa. COSKLIIIO, A5DK1IWS A CO Chicago.


TOP PI LIVER. Chronie Diarrhea aad Dyaenterv. Stan Diseases, Scrofula, Chionic Pneumonia, etc It Is a rowerful alterative tonic aad is ANTI MAXaRIAI. its effects. Reil certitt oaVes rrsaKMINKNT PflYSICUSd in our pamphlets.

No Artificial Gaae or Salts. Bottled In its natural state, direct from the BDlTaTVhleh are beautifully located tn Rockbridge connty. and are ouen for the re tum of visitors frosa June 1 to October L. eacn year: capacity lOOO gneew. For sale by all prominent druggists.

14 Arrlvsd sold Stook yeaterdav. yeaver y. on saie. 6U i id Teariinga. 4'J 115 101 Oowa i l2 FOB UimABRTED PEOPLE! NEW ORLEANS MUTUAL AID UNION.

OFTICK, 6RAT1IR ST. Incorporate. Under the liwi of Lanisiaw, DIRECTORS SAMCKL M. TOIT, President. r.


P. LONOLEY, R8TNOIbT H. HEN BY. This Union was organl sad taaaaeelate together worthy unmarried mn and women, to aaaist each other by providing a rund for tihem at marriage by means of mutual assessments. No member can marry before six months and have any claim on the mama fund.

In Class A the eertlOcatM run from 50 to SIOOO. membership fees SB. annual dues mmmwn SI. In Class the oenirteates are from S600 ta 93000. membership fee $9, annnai does $4.

assessmnnt $2. In Class the certificates are from $750 to $3000. membership fee $12 50. annual dues S5, sssessment $3. In Class the ceruiloatea are from SIOOO to SAOOO.

membership fee 9ie. annnai dues aaaeeament tt. The pnoes In tliis Union are cheaper than those of any similar organization, and its benents are greater. Ladles can Join on the same terms as men. An agent will call on all ladies of New Orleans wbo wish information.

Call at the otnes for roll Information, or write tor circulars and blank applications. Active, reliable agents, wno can give saUsfactory references, are wanted everywhere. Address all eommunioationa to R. H. BIN RY.

Secretary and Treasurer, 133 Oraviar street. New Orleans. Ja29 tmh3 111 '83 lyW PURCHASERS, TO AVOID MISTAKES AND IMPOSITION, Will please be careful to call for UDOLPHO WOLFE'S Ameliorated Hollanld Gin. The proprietor guarantees that it is tree from FUSIL OR FLAVOUnt OILS 08 EXTRACTS, and IT Its manufacture uses no rkctiftio spijuts nothing in a liquid form but an Infusion of herbs and PURE GIN. NEW ORLEANS, March 23.

1881. I hereby certify that I have carefully analysed UDOLPHO WOlFFS AMELIORATED SCHIEDAM HOLLAND OIN, and had it to oontain the medicinal pkopkktixb claimed, and to be absoluixlt frek from dijuriul's ciGREcrkirrs. B. TUMA, Chemist, No. 8 Camp street.

i For Bale by tbo rsdlewiasT Lesisllasi Wbeta ssUo Boaaoe la New OH ns Smith Bros. Schmidt A. Zlegler. Jno. T.

Moore, Ca Burke A Thompson, J. a. Spor. J. Vimea.

Mrs. E. Burke, Lochte A Cordes. Flash, Preston A Cow, Bassettl A Xltiuea, I). Morlartr, B.

H. Flaspoller. a. R. Flnlay Zuberbier A Behan, C.

Doyle, F. Hollander, L. Reder fc Jno. Henderson. H.

Mehnert, I L. Lyons and others. WHOLESALE DEPOT: i Nos. 50 and 52 Hacrazine NEW ORLEANS. L.A.

Jel9 '81 MuTttBa eowly CHEAP BS Kid Gloves STORE, Nos. 1 0 anal l'A Boairvon street. Dear Canal. LADIES' 2 bntton kid gloves, opera colors, Nos. to 6 a pair at 23 cents.

A Large Assortment, for LADIES, of KID tiLoVEH, with the New Fasenlngs (String and Hooks). Also. 4. 6. H.

10 aud 12 button and Mousquetaire GLOVES, All Very Cheap. GENTS' KID OLOVES. opera colors, 1 button, all a pair at 50 cents. GENTS' Kid GLOVES.

1 bnt. at 85c. and 1 15 2 but. ax 1 40 and 1 75 IMPORTERS. lO anal I'J Beurbea acreet, near L'sial.

N. B. By imDorting directly and being undar low expenses, Una house sells HE APE A than any other. SuTuFrtfm E.J. HART importers C062VAU FINE WINES, CHATEAU BRUN.



kWSt ft a amsnifs oTiriniA mrm faLTIU A oenam ear lor Dysnwpsia. Ia digestion. Headache, Oonstlpattoa. Bin oca, ness, and all Diseases of Liver and Stomach. One bottts will oonviaoe yoo et its priceless vaiue as an Iavigorator.

It Is reeommended by 'ov. L. A. wuts, Adam Thomsoa, Askbel 6 reek aad many others wbo havs nsod la. DERMAOtJBA The twreraiga.

COM tor all SEIN DISEA8KS Cum, Barn, Old Sores. Piles. ChaXes, Chapa. PUnplas. Corns, Bunions, Btmgs, Itch, Kingworm, etc No family should be without bottle tor Immndlats sn Prioa So.

HAJLRiorr cocoh armciTio Is the most else sent and sat ODR1 for Ceukha, Oulda, Broneniaa Asthma, Crosta, Woooping Osnga. aad aU Tfcroas and Lang mscssrr The taste is goad, aad the eCeet Ilka magic. TRY IT IT ONCE. HA.ERISOBTS EMULSION. rHOS PHORIZED OOD LIVIB Oil.

AfiD SOLCBLX PHOSJPHATa Of LIM It a perfect food by nutrition building ui II afl MiMM ll Seretalous timers and Oesuauapttve qA AIm hi irmpwaa II is tao ntoas eaegasts ssm tBcaat preparaOoa msSs, taming as) per eeat. of the purest Oe4 Uvwz OIL res ia veer siistasis afclHrssi saksv laadiiy. jtwwSrtssaCTiaC 'L Awteiashy M. 2. atAJTT al OO.

MsW4iSs ic THE SPRING STFLGS OT FASHIONABLE HI in VU 11 UUUL Are Now Open for Inspection Our stock is and comprises all grides of Cassimeres TO THE FTNEST. New Goods. NEW PATTERNS. ELEGANT GARMENTS MAJDK FOB THE FINE TRADE. NO FANCY PRICES.

FOR Men, Yontbs, Boys and Children COHPUTI LINK Or FURNISHIIIG GOODS AN I Stylish Hats. Of All DeeerfatJwa, QamUty us Prlso. C. LAZARD 213, 215 and 217 Decatur Near Domains street. N.

B. A flrsvclass Cutter has Charge of our I custom Department. A perfect fit guaranteed. FT0 lm DUS. S.

D. D1VIBS0N, i 7 Rampart street 7 NEW ORLEANS, LA. Dr. David Davieson, M. R.

C. 8., LONDON, M. OIE3KN, NEW VOKK. Author of Practical Observations on Nervous I Esear on Marriage," etc. Lecturer of Anatomj, Physiology, at the Missouri State Museum of Anauany, Bt.

I on is, MO hegs to Inform the citizens of Slow Orleans and vicinity that he may be consulted Oil JOth of April next at his rooms. 7 BAMPAHT BTHJCET, between Canal anil Customhouse streets, DAILY, from 10 A. M. till 3 P. and from till ri If.

M. DR. DAVTXSON, having adopted as his lino of practice the treatment and ours of NERVOUS DISEASES, has spent years of study and research In that branch of Medical Science bearing specially on the suffer In ir arialna from youthful follies or In itac re Lions, causing nervosa, mental asul physical debility, and the loss of all vitality, and his long and varied experience In tho best European hospitals, together with years of tho most successful practice, both in Europe and America, enables hm to guarantee BELIEF TO ALL HUFFEB.ETR9 who consult him. Dr. Davieson has been specially and cemarkably successful la his TREATMENT BV CORRESPONDENCE.

It ia, however, dealranie that as least on personal interview suould be had. If practicable. Dr. DAVIESON especially Invites the attention of those who, by plaoin themselves onder the care of Ignorant charlatans. have only increased their suffenaga.

The physisian who understands his profession and labors with intelligence) to advance it in the respoot of msa is a benefactor to mankind, and. the high estimation in which Dr. DaVl0. Is held oy physicians themselves Is proof that all who apply ts him may have IMPLICIT FAITH IN A KAPID AND PERMANENT CCRE. Dr.

DAVIESON' worg. riM5tlcal OtiservsV tlons." now in its lttOth edition, will lm founder valuable irnide. and may he had free on applies Uon to the amnnr. Dr. DAVlEfcON maybe consnlted at Io.

7 Rampart street, between Canal and customhouse streets. New Orleans, up to tlie 30th of April, after whi his address will be No. 1707 Olive street. Ht. Louis, where he has been permanently located for many ream.

Ottlce honrs from 19 A.M. till 3 P. and from to 8 P. M. Sunday.

10 A. M. to P. M. only.

JalO 4ns JeM 3m Cured By Jilagnetism. Th08. Cripps, Magnetic Ilealer. lc(3 Shmts) sirs st. Now Orl ns.

Offlos Hpurs Item to LLscd a lot. By his rcronr nowen of ANIMAL MAO PTXTIMM en res RHEUMATISM, NEURAL. Uia, PARAJLYTlC or HJtJtVOtJS ArJ. TIOBS, or i Alfl from say smm, by JLayiaj On of Hands, ni iiiss ta taa 9mat VTsav MAGNETIZED PAPER for persons unable to oome to my offlos Its 1st St i oy Baau aoo. mnmmm.

Slav DENNETTS TEIUflPII. fHI CUA31PIOH RX3LKDT OW IBS AtsBs AND AN UNPARALLELED rAXN EXIXXM AND CURE FOB, BOOT, XHJCTJM A TIM, BICK HEanAOHM AMD BKTJsldfsalA. taee the rati ode attorn ot tbo aUsvs rssaodytm this city It has takam tho load od aU oUiaxS 1b tHnea ananlal atawMS. IS la mas Vaq ia Its affect, and each peUo bsaro a happy tetlmoalal to tne ennereo. uesniaii to get a nonii as as V.

FBJrEEIOKflOsr. 1 Caoas saj New Orleans, or fi, WARD'S Mobile, Ais mi tv START LI WC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD dress J. H. llMJZm SlOl XjSwdW 1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.