Council Grove Republican from Council Grove, Kansas (2024)

the the Memorial Building COUNCIL GROVE RE REPUBLICAN PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 80 COUNCIL GROVE, KANSAS (Birthplace of the Santa Fe Trail) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1953 NUMBER 108 State Historical Society Germany Grabs Lead In WaMoCo League Race Germany overcame a seven-run White City lead yesterday afternoon to win 8-7 in the ninth inning and become the only undefeated team in WaMoCo league play. Grensing was the winning pitcher although he gave up 13 hits to only eight for Sams, the loser. The Germany win moved that team into first place and dropped White City into a tie for second. White City started fast with five hits in the first inning, accounting for a 4-0 lead. Two hits and an error in the second built the lead to 6-0, and another run scored in the third to give the former league leaders a 7-0 lead.

During the course of the game every White City player hit safely at least once. Two runs on three hits by Germany narrowed the margin to 7-2 and the score stood until the seventh as neither team could tally in the middle innings. Two hits and an error made the score 7-4 in the seventh, and then Germany pulled to within shouting distance in the eighth on three walks and a hit by S. Fisher. Two more runs in the ninth with only one out gave Germany the win.

Chiefs Get First Win Council Grove's Chiefs picked up their first WaMoCo league win of the season Sunday with a 7-5 victory at Wilsey, but they had to overcome a 4-0 lead to gain the decision. Richardson started for Wilsey and Schoof for Council Grove, but neither pitcher was around for the finish. D. Alspaw was tagged with the defeat, and Brooks got the win for Council Grove. The win put Council Grove in a three way tie for fourth and dropped Wilsey into a cellar tie with Bushong.

A walk, error and single by Filkin gave Wilsey a 2-0 first inning. lead, and Rochat drove in a second-inning run to make it 3-0. Errors in the seventh added another tally to the Wilsey string. Richardson had allowed only two hits in the first seven innings, but in the eighth he faltered and gave up five consecutive singles to score two runs and load the bases. Pattison finally forced Hogue at second for the first out, but another run scored and then the game was tied 4-4 on Riley's fly to center.

Wilsey regained the lead in the of the eighth when a walk to last Robinson and singles by Parks, and Rochat gave the Richardson home team a 5-4 lead. Swanson got on base to start Chiefs off in the ninth, and the and Hylton singled to Hickman tie the score. John Waters flied make it one away, and out to forced Hickman for the Person second out. Then came a blast by Hogue good for the winning runs. Dunlap Over Bushong made seven hits account Dunlap yesterday as the home for 10 runs (Continued on Page Four) CROPS BEST EVER and Oats in Allen and WilWheat counties show the best prosson Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. pects ever, Patterson found in a weekend visit in that area. The couple brought back samples from fields near Moran and Fredonia, and they are on display now in the Republican office.

TO SPEND TWO MONTHS IN EUROPE Irene Winters, former Mrs. Union operator here, was Western Maryville, today for to leave York and is to sail from New for England. She there tomorrow spend two months touring will Europe. WILL LEAVE TUESDAY FOR AIR FORCE DUTY and Mrs. Albert Southard Capt.

family will leave tomorrow for and Louis, where they will visit St. Southard's parents for a few Mrs. days before the captain has to report to San Antonio for active duty, DON BROWN HERE Brown, who is to be assoDon with the law firm of ciated Brown, started his new Brown today. He and Mrs. Brown duties are moving into an apartment on West Main.

APPENDIX OPERATION Max Cade underwent an appendix operation at the Morris County hospital yesterday. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Maggie Hills came home this ing from Trinity Lutheran hospital Kansas City. A daughter, Mrs. in Robert Bowers, is here with her. DELAVAN REUNION A Record Attendance At Delavan High School Alumni Event A record attendance was recorded for the annual Delavan High School Alumni association reunion Saturday night, and plans were made to continue the event even though the district is being disorganized.

Mrs. Marjorie Bettles was elected to succeed Clyde Waylan as president. Other officers for the coming year are: Richard Dix, vice president; Mrs. Mary Haefner, secretary; Milan Harkness, treasurer. Mrs.

Stanley Stalter will be chairman of the table decorations committee and Marlin Siegrist of the gym committee. Three new members from the district, graduated this spring from Wilsey high school, were initiated by Bob Peterson. They are Marlin Siegrist, James Miller and Isabelle Adams. All but five classes graduated since the first in 1921 were represented at the reunion this year, and five members of the 1921 class were on hand. They are Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Howard Huyler, Miss Carrie Davis of Lawrence and Miss Dorothy Davis of Herington. Former faculty members attendding were Dr. and Mrs.

Roy Moser of Holton, the doctor having taught at Delavan in 1926, when the gym was being built, Mrs. Wanda Briix of Herington, Frank Jilka and Mrs. Theresa Herpich, Mrs. Edith McConnell, Council Grove, the first principal, was unable to be present. NLRB Will Get Kansas City.

Case Kansas City--The National Labor Relations Board will get a complaint filed this morning from the head of the Teamsters union in Kansas City. The Union Leader stated he is withdrawing his union from the Building Trades council. A contract failed to materialize this morning after the old contract expired last night. Virtually all construction work has stopped in greater Kansas City, and wages have been cited as the core of the trouble. Seoul- South Korean sources say Synghman Rhee has sent Eisenhower a compromise plan for truce.

The plan stated South Korea will accept the present truce plan under consideration if America will pledge to defend the country against aggression and will provide support and funds for rehabilitation. Topeka-Governor Arn opened the initial meeting of a 22-man commission today. The commission will spend two years studying equalization of tax property assessments. Topeka--The long Memorial Day deaths in the Missouri Kansas area. weekend resulted traffic Eight died in Missouri seven in Kansas.

TO INDEPENDENCE TODAY FOR CHURCH CONFERENCE The Rev. and Mrs. Merle Whitlow left this morning for Independence, where they will attend this week the annual sessions of the Kansas Conference of the Methodist church. Reverend Whitlow had to go early because he is conference secretary K. O.

Esping is lay delegate from the local church, and he plans to attend meetings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. GEORGE LEMAY TO JOB IN TEXAS FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. George LeMay will leave early Friday morning for Corpus Christi, where George has accepted a job. He is a former city officer here.

They will retain their home here, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Zink will move into it. WATCH FOR STOLEN CAR Sheriff Elliot Smith and Undersheriff Carroll Wray were called out at 3:30 o'clock this morning to watch for a car that had been stolen at Admire. It did not appear here, however, and officers were advised later that the vehicle had been located.

ON JOB TODAY Dean McCallum, who is to be in training here three months as an assistant extension agent, spent his first day on the job at the court house today. He is from Matfield Green. TO HERINGTON MEETING Don Crilly and K. O. Esping plan to drive this evening to Herington, where they will be guests at the Town Hall meeting being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce there.

THE WEATHER Partly cloudy with high temperatures expected. Possible showers tomorrow evening. WILSEY ALUMNI ELECT Kenneth Hutchinson President Of High School Alumni Association Kenneth Hutchinson was elected president of the Wilsey High School Alumni association at a renuion held at the community building there yesterday. He succeeds Lloyd Hanna. Three hundred forty-seven registered in attendance at the reunion, which was for alumni and former teachers at the school.

There have been 493 graduated from Wilsey high since it was made a four-year school in 1916. The reunion yesterday was the first in the past 11 years. Plans were made, however, for it to become an annual event. Other officers elected yesterday are: Secretary--Marjorie Hudson. Treasurer- -Leonard Johnson.

Mary Davis Dies Mrs. Mary Davis, a resident of the Parkerville. community for more than 40 years, passed away at the home of a daughter day night at 10:50 o'clock. She was 64 years old. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Block funeral home, with the Rev.

Frank Parker in charge. Burial will be in the Parkerville cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Davis are one daughter, Mrs. Olivette Johnson of Council Grove and one grandson, Orville E.

Johnson, also of Council Grove. KIWANIANS TO HEAR ABOUT FORT RILEY Kiwanians will hear about Fort Riley and its history and about the centennial celebration that is planned for later this month when they meet with members of the Marion club at Burdick tonight. 1st Lt. Maurice Howard of the staff and faculty of the Army General School at Fort Riley will be the speaker and will show some pictures. Will Combine Info Programs Washington Fresident Eisenhower is planning a reorganization of the state department which will combine all information programs like the Voice of America under the direct control of the secretary of state.

The program will take effect within 60 days if the senate does not give a dissaproval vote. A vote of over half the congress against the bill would be necessary to kill the measure. Washington Hugh Humphrey told the House today the excess profit tax was a vicious tax, but should be extended until the end of the year. Washington The AFL thinks Eisenhower should be given standby powers in case of national emergency, and representatives of the AFL urged such a move before the House Banking Committee today. Washington Secretary of the Navy Robert Anderson says 16 per cent of the navy's air arm is now composed of jet planes, and that 35 per cent of the air arm will be jets by 1955.

The billions in new funds for the navy will give a sound program for the coming year, added Anderson. WILL BE GRADUATED FROM UNIVERSITY Mrs. Charlie Cutler and Mrs. Carol Jeannine Dunwell will be among those who receive degrees in nursing from the University of Kansas at commencement exercises Monday. Mrs.

Dunwell is the former Jeannine Pritchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pritchard. Her father formerly was school superintendent at White City. Mrs.

Cutler, wife of the Republican advertising manager, will receive the Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the school of medicine. Mrs. Dunwell will get the same degree from the college of liberal arts and sciences. SANTA FE TRAIL RIDERS TO BE IN CELEBRATION Santa Fe Trail Riders Saddle club members here will participate in the pageantry that is to be presented later this month in connection with the centennial celebration at Fort Riley. They are to meet at the library building here Wednesday night with a Fort Riley officer to make plans for their part in the show.

They are to appear as an Indian tribe. 88 HIGH TODAY Maximum temperature reading this afternoon was 88 degrees, and minimum this morning was 68. High and low marks on Saturday and Sunday were 91 and 72 and 93 and 62 respectively. To Enroll For Swim Classes Friday Free swimming lessons offered by the Morris County Chapter of the American Red Cross for all residents of the area will start on Monday, June 8, and enrollment has been scheduled for Friday, it was announced today by Mrs. Don McNeal, water safety chairman.

Only one session of swim classes will be held this year so all persons wanting lessons were urged to enroll Friday and be on hand for each period Enrollment will be at the pool Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Those who canniot attend at that time may enroll by calling Mrs. McNeal at 172 Friday afternoon. Classes will continue for three weeks, June 8-26, with sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Teachers will be LeRoy Krause, Mrs.

J. E. Bowers Joan Scholes and Mrs. McNeal, and they will be assisted by Betty Jo White and Ella Mae Wessel. Schedule of classes will be as follows: 9:00 Swimmer, Intermediate (high school and up), Beginners (high school and up), Pre-Beginners (2nd grade).

10:00 -Life Saving (Junior and Senior, from 10 to 12 o'clock), Intermediate (grades 6, 7 and 8), Beginners (grades 6, 7, and 8), and Pre-Beginners (1st grade). (grades 3, 4 and 5), Beginners (grades 3, 4 and 5), Pre-Beginners (Kindergarten). WILL ATTEND KVMA Dr. L. D.

Jernigan will go to Manhattan Thursday night to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Kansas Veterinary Medical association, and he will be there on Friday and Saturday also for the KVMA conference. Mrs. Jernigan will accompany him to Manhattan for the conference. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Alfred Swenson went home from the Morris County hospital Saturday.

Mrs. Jerry Roediger and baby of White City were dismissed Sunday. UNDERGOES SURGERY Bernard Baker underwent surgery for removal of tonsils at the Morris County hospital this morning. CAMPAIGN FOR ARMORY Burlington-Chamber of Commerce committees have been to conduct a campaign for a National Guard Armory here. HEADS JAYCEES Junction City--Joel Connell has been elected president of the Junction City Junior Chamber of Commerce for the coming year.

CANCER ORGANIZATIONS MEMBERS LISTED On the list of cancer organization members in the first ward here, compiled in connection with the drive for funds, are included in the following: Joe Brannon, A. Bolen, Chas. East, E. C. Fisher, C.

C. Gerboth, Floyd Bosch, Mrs. Minnie Moore, I. R. Ammons, R.

H. McElheney, Howard Owens, E. B. Troxell, E. Nelson, Ethel Wright, John Carr, Steve Buchman, Mrs.

Fred Roberts, Gordon Tally, Lytt Monfort, Angel Ramirez, G. W. Curtis, O. D. Griffing, H.

Yadon, Chet Bruckner, Mrs. L. E. Peebles, H. A.

Wright, S. E. Curry, Mrs. H. Wright, Mrs.

J. L. May, D. Hayes, P. L.

O'Meara, A. W. Wodke, Mrs. E. A.

Larmer, Mrs. Grant Carson, M. A. Schlesener, Mrs. Erickson, Mrs.

E. J. Larmer, Joe Disberger. Mrs. R.

L. Curtis, I. M. Wyckoff, Flossie Abell, John Wilson, Harvey Hylton, W. H.

Foster, Mrs. Virgil Choate, Georgia Brooks, John Crum, Floyd White, Raymond Nosker, L. D. Fike, Hollis Hidecker, Verl Wright, Chas. Orr, W.

H. Mason, Y. Cottrell, Blanche Bumgarner, Mrs. Orton, D. M.

Caley, Ray Mustain, David Waters, Stella McClintock, Catherine Warneke, Miss Georgia Haviland, Mrs. P. C. Mallory, Louis Stone, Maude Easter, Allen Carr, Richard Davis, Vernon Day, Ernest Jacobs, Basil King, Dr. L.

D. Eastman, Oscar Copple, W. L. Young, C. E.

Proehl, Wilbur E. Martin, Loretta Smith, Kathryn Caywood, Monroe Moser, W. W. Smith, Nels Brooks, E. H.

Snider, Robert Yahn, Olen Grimmett, Bill King, Martin Countryman, Minnie Harvey, Bess Murry, Glen Swanson, Rebecca Carr. Mrs. Reeves, Lucy Cole, Mary Womble, Sam Stevenson, Mrs. Wm. Stiver, Joan Stiver, Dan Cross, Herbert Bosch, Ted Fisher, Clell Smith, Ed Hartzel, Wm.

Stiver, Ross Hager, V. S. Coltrane, S. E. Neff, Ray Boyer, Grover McCrabb, Patterson Litke Cafe, Pat Rock, Marge Metz, C.

Dike, J. L. Saunders, Don Mason, Joe Bunk, John Baumgartner, Advance Body Shop, Merle Rumold, Ziegler Burch, Clary Cleaners, Margaret Goddard, Bart. Campebll, NEW SCIENCE TEACHER Mrs. Don Brown Is Elected To Succeed Lewis Larson Mrs.

Don Brown, whose husbard is now associated with a local law firm, was this afternoon hired as science teacher for the Council Grove high school faculty. She will take the place left vacant when Lewis Larson accepted a post at Liberal. Mrs. Brown also will be sponsor for the Kayette organization, an assignment that has been filled by Merla Smalley. Mrs.

Brown, whose home originally was at Piedmont, received her degree from Kansas State lege in 1950. She taught science one year at Cheney and two years at Rossville high school. Here 63 Years Mrs. Nellie Galloway, a resident of Morris county 63 years. died about 6 o'clock Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

A. C. Bowen. Mrs. Galloway was 87 years old and had been in good health until suffering a stroke May 6.

She was born in Wisconsin and came to Kansas at the age of seven and settled with her parents near Manhattan. She was a teacher in Riley county for many years. Her father was a Baptist minister in Manhattan. It was May 1, 1890, that she married Charles Galloway of hattan and the couple came to Morris county to live. Mr.

Galloway passed away in 1931. Surviving her are one son, Frank Galloway of Wichita, one daughter, Mrs. Bowen, one brother, J. P. Wylie of Oswego, and five granddaughters-Mrs.

Marion Campmire, Mrs. Ruth Cameron, Nellie May Bowen of Council Grove, Mrs. Frances Leigh and Mrs. June rich of Vallejo, and five great grandchildren. Following Mr.

Galloway's death, she sold the farm and moved to the, home of her daughter, where she spent her last years. Rites will be at the Block Funeral home here Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A reader from Emporia will be in charge of the service, and interment will be in the Greenwood cemetery. Indians On Top With the short first round play of the Cottonwood Valley league half over Council Grove is leading the pack for the third straight year. Close behind, by a half game, is Emporia, with Herington Beechcraft in third and the Canton Athletics bringing up the rear.

Two games this week will just about close out the conference race, with Herington meeting poria tomorrow and Council traveling to Emporia on Thursday. Should Emporia manage to defeat Herington in the Tuesday game it will tie the K. of C. team with the Indians and Thursday's game will be for the championship. Tom McCarthy's no-hitter has knocked the Herington Beechcrafters out of any chance to get recognition in the standings to date, but the Herington club is the strongest aggregation in the CVL, excepting the Indians, and should end up in second place.

An even dozen players are batting over .300 so far this season. In fact, five players are over the .500 mark in the league. Top hitter is- Barmeister of Emporia's K. of C. with .750.

Sheehan of Council Grove is second with .556. Emporia and Council Grove players are vieing for the next three places, all at an even .500 per cent. Jud Brown and Kaiser of Council Grove are tied with Haun of Emporia for the honor. Leading Canton batter is Shaw with a .428 mark. Leading pitcher of the conference is Indian Tom McCarthy who has allowed only one hit in 18 innings to compile a 2-0 reclord.

His earned run average is .000 and he's leading in strikeouts with 34. Larry Collins, Emporia, has a 1-0 record although the popular former Council Grove hurler has allowed 11 hits and five runs. Two Canton players, Fields and Brucker, are tied for the home run lead with one each. Emporia leads in team batting with a .314 average, Council Grove is second with an even .250 and Canton third with .182. The league standings: Team Council Grove 2 0 Emporia 0 Herington 0 Canton 2 PARENTS OF DAUGHTER Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Miller of Dunlap are parents of a daughter, born at the Morris County hospital this morning at 12:45 o'clock. WIN AT HORSE SHOWS Santa Fe Trail Riders Represented At Three Contests Yesterday Santa Fe Trail Riders Saddle club was represented at three different horse shows yesterday. Larry Larson was first in the barrel race at Alma, and other winners there were: Mrs. Ernest Caywood and Mrs.

Larson, tie for 3rd in' western pleasure class; Mrs. Larson, 4th in stock horse reining; Mrs. Larson 3rd and Ernest Caywood 4th in cutting horse contest; Bob Wayman, 4th in calf roping; Wayne Alexander 1st in ribbon roping. Wayne Alexander was judge at the Alma show. Attending from here were Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Cessnun, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest wood, Mr. and Mrs.

Pete DeHoff, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shippy.

Ted Litke was second in the horse race at Manhattan yesterday, and Hunter Wheat was third in cutting horse competition. Arnett also was at that show. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alexander, Mr.

and Mrs. Bake Blosser, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kraus, Mr. and Mrs.

Jonathan McCormick and Charlie Blosser made the trip to Ottawa. McCormick won second in bulldogging. TO PLAN INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC LESSONS Ed Wortman, high school music director, issued a call today for those interested in instrumental music lessons this summer. He asked all interested in taking lessons to report to him Wednesday morning between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock. He will be at the Music Hall.

HERE FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Garner arrlived last night from Southgate, to visit relatives. Making the trip here with them were Mr. and Mrs.

C. O. Shubert, who returned to their home at White City after having spent the winter in California. GETS DEGREE TODAY Gene Sobke, son of Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Sobke, received the bachelor of arts degree from College of Emporia at commencement exercises there this morning. Baccalaureate services were held yesterday. TITLE TO NEW CAR B.

J. Keen of Dunlap has taken title on a new Chevrolet deluxe stylemaster, purchased from the Bert Grauel agency. A 3-2 Decision To Decker Oilers Toepka Decker Oilers broke a three-game winning streak of the Indians as the Oilers took a 3-2, ten-inning decision from the Council Grove club at Ben I. Smith field last night. Wilson, the third of three Decker pitchers, got credit for the win.

Jud Brown, who went the route for Council Grove, was the loser. With exception of the second and eighth innings, Brown was always in trouble as the Oilers constantly got men on base. Six errors by the Indians didn't help the cause, and in fact all three Decker runs were unearned. Crites led off the Topeka fifth inning with a single to left and went to third when Sanders lost the ball in the lights. He scored on an error by Fritz Brown to give the Oilers a 1-0 lead.

Hal Coffman, former American Association pitcher, relieved cousin Bert in the fifth inning and was tagged for all of Council Grove's runs. Earl Kaiser, who in the last two games has raised his batting average from zero to .286, led off by getting on base via an error and Wasmund was hit by a pitch to put runners on first and second with none out. Sanders hit into a double play advancing Kaiser to third, from where he scored on Sheehan's double. Fritz Brown grounded to the mound for the final out. Singles by Crites and Bert Coffman led off the seventh, but it was two errors which were responsible for Crites scoring the tying run.

Council Grove threatened in the ninth when Kaiser doubled to start the inning and Wasmund sacrificed him to third. Sanders popped up for the second out, and Sheehan was intentionally walked. Fritz Brown grounded to Wilson to retire the side. Ed Coffman singled with one out in the tenth, and Poole flied out to right to advance the runner. Johnson grounded to Sheejhan whose throw was juggled momentarily by Kendle and Johnson was safe, scoring Coffman with the winning run, Coronation Crowd Is Jamming London London A forecast of rain and possibly hail injected by the weatherman has failed to dampen the spirits of coronation enthusiasts who will turn out tomorrow to see the crowning of Queen Elizabeth.

Today the grounds of Buckingham palace were jammed with thousands of sightseers, and others have set up camps along the six mile coronation route, I paying no mind at all to the weather threat which forecasts some sunny intervals along with thunderstorms and cool gusty north winds. This is the tops in pagentry, crowds, excitement and color state many old timers, who saw the coronation of Queen Elizabeth's father and uncle. Today the queen received 11 commonwealth prime ministers at a reception and lunch in Buckingham palace. Planes and ships are loaded with visitors from all nations, including many foreign potentates like the Indian prince from Vancouver who arrived in full ceremonial dress beating his tom-tom. Miami A woman prisoner tetered precariously on a ledge of the 25th story of the Miami county jail this morning, and then decided she wouldn't jump after all.

Mrs. Masso was jailed by authorities after she was charged with giving her soldier husband a gun when he hid out on desertion charges from the army. A crowd of 2,000 gathered to watch the 15-year-old bride as she climbed out on the ledge. Notes from the air force stating they were flying her husband to Miami to meet her detered the young girl from jumping, and she finally crawled back inside the jail when she heard he had arrived at the airport. Washington Carl Gray, head of the Veterans Administration, has handed in his resignation effective June 30.

Eisenhower has as yet named no successor to Grey, who stated he was resigning because of illness. 1 MEETING TO ORGANIZE CHEST SURVEY A meeting to organize for the coming countywide T.B. chest x-ray survey, which will be conducted during the week of June 22, has been called for Wednesday night at 8 o'clock and will be open to the public, it was announced today by Mrs. A. R.

Carpenter, chairman. The session will be at the court house. Roy Sawyer, Topeka, will be here to help organize the survey. FOUR TO GET DEGREES AT KANSAS UNIVERSITY Four students from Morris county are candidates for degrees from the University of Kansas at the eighty-first annual commencement exercises June 8. They are: Thomas E.

Allen and Loy Wesley Kirkpatrick of Council Grove, bachelor of arts; John Eric Olson of Dwight, bachelor of arts; A. Dale Eshelman of White City, doctor of medicine. COMPLETES HIS BASIC COMBAT TRAINING Jack L. Foster has completed his basic training at the Signal Corps Replacement Training Center at Camp Gordon, Ga. He is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Foster. Foster is now stationed at Fort Monmouth, N. taking radar repair. His address is: "Pvt.

Jack L. Foster, US 55371960, Company 19th Student Fort Monmouth. N. ATTENDS 4-H COMMITTEE MEETING AT ROUNDUP J. J.

Moxley, well-known Hereford breeded, attended a meeting of the Kansas committee on 4-H club work at the twenty-ninth annual 4-H roundup on the Kansas State college campus late last week. Committee members were introduced before the roundup assembly. BECK MOVES TODAY E. T. Beck, Dwight, state bank commissioner, is moving offices of his department to a new location, 510 West 10th, in Topeka, today.

He is making way in the statehouse for the new department of administration. MOTHER SOME IMPROVED N. M. Ruddick returned yesterday for Garfield, where he had spent a few days with his mother, who was quite ill with a heart condition. She was some improved when he left there.

HAS A NEW TRUCK P. R. Loy of Dunlap has purchased a half-ton International truck from Coolidge Implement company..

Council Grove Republican from Council Grove, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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