The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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9 4 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: THE DAYS REAL SPORT Greenfield Hartford 3H6MAYiHArvE5eE: ee Bettav days 'fLir iAe bkiKir rs DQJ 1 1 mp ALL READY OR AIR They lodge of Odd ellows en be BROAD BROOK REPORTS TOO MUCH AUTO SPEEDING it Howard drj goods store lo constitu ailing health caused Mr How MANY LEAVE ATHOL of the store In 191 1 and the to make prellmi AAIRS AT WINDSOR CT 1 get to colleges on WAS NOTABLE PROGRAM Rev Mr Payne is executive MORE TIME OR VOTERS at of I In A ROCKVILLE CONVENTION Plans Development will bo changed th ward most READY OR BARRE AIR Bran platform nur and 2 from New York and the various states throughout bomb throwing in va the country and of the to blow up the banks armory of South Nor be a comfort to some that the city of Water rid itself for the pres et ot engine which several weeks reach Stafford a recent eom irs street built at in made of bills a jolly good blunt ot his headlong that It Anson is an iti pupils in grammar the Staf re to CAPT DEANE ALLOWED REE HAND IN WORK erect Mich Athol occu BET (falsEtTo The they them wine renominations Republic first and and Already Has 35 Mustered into Service With Rest of 50 Re quired Assured in the Near ture in iklrsr nlans in Hartford on the full amount has lacks about R75A field The visiting teams Hartford Grays and Shns a the All eligible wo attend Officer! and other bushiest! district Stamford: Hollenbeck Chicopee Board of Trade Reached Crisis in Its Career May Ba Discontinued Important Meet ing Wednesday Greenfield Responds To Call for Re cruits To orm New Unit of State Militia At Present accomplishment Is to waste the coming town business meeting the question of the town buying machines for election purposes hereafter instead of using the printed ballots will be brought up for discussion and action There seems to be a sentiment in favor oG adopting this method of voting as it has many points in its favor and in all pr obability a com mittee will be appointed to investi gate the machines and the cost of equipping the town with as many as may be needed With the addition of the new' women and men voters this year the list will be swelled from about 050 to over 1000 and to care for them in the regular way will mean additional helpers at the voting place each year so that the proposition to change to the machines will help solve that problem and be in the line of progress The final baseball game of the se nes that was arranged by the local team and one to represent Thomp sonville will be played in that place Sunday afternoon which ought to be a good one The line ups are kept a secret so that it is hinted that some leading lights on the big diamonds may have a chance to show up when these two teams meet of 1 000 Hut was asked to make an address this annus mira NATIONAL GUARD QUOTA IS MET Bills Passed at Recent Special Ses sion of Connecticut Legislature Subjected to Discussion Critics Say Previous Assemblies Were to Act on Suffrage No Other Business Being Scheduled or Action and the day desiring to stay in about saying so and claims to re enact some of the if they are to stand as mess and one and advisers wish Holton Thompson smashed into omises to be a contest for the nom ination although it is probable that Congressman reeman will be re nominated by the republicans for Con gress Mayro Keeney of Somers how ever would like tno no nination and may make a contest for the nomina tion as he is supposed to have the support of Tolland county The dele gates from this town were Philip Hcwe Charles Bottomley George Randall and Arnold The women of the own have re sponded in large numbers to the call to register and to be made voters for the fall elections Of the registra tion of 725 there were about 500 made voters and they will nave an oppor tunity to vote at the town election the first Monday in October This will make a list of rotors for tnt town of about 2500 and the list for the fall The faculty history of the enrolment is i onsider tho number 500 set as an ideal quota of Wesleyan to have efforts DOUBT LEGALITY ENACTMENTS Bomb Thrower Lesion of THIRD SESSION MAY NOW BE CALLED tocommemorate the be killed in rance during the world will be held at St Edward's Sunday afternoon Private was killed September 26 con biils spe upon Gov Mar ront Our Special Correspondent Chicopee Sept 25 On Wednesday night the future ot the Chicope board of trade will be decided This board has been inactive for som4 time and the officers are determined to put It on a running basis or to do' away with it altogether its only the time ot its officers As it stands it wouia Thera new life can be injected into it by the co operation of manufacturers and business men it holds great possibili ties of good for Chicopee It might better the banking facilities of thu town the lack of which cause man ufacturers to think twice before lo cating their plants here It might advertise more widely the advantages of Chicopee The housing situation would bear consideration together with any factor making the town al better place to live in Much more could be accomplished but only with the support and help of the business men The average man of affairs is tod busy to take an active part in politics Then too many have a lively dis taste of the silly criticism every of ficeholder receives regardless of hie merits or demerits The board of trade offers a chance for public serv ice without the drawbacks that go with ofllceholding Citizens should come to the board of trade banquet Wednesday night prepared to vote the organization out of existence if you are unwilling to give it your co operation and pre pared to vote for Its continuance if you believe it has great possibilities lor the betterment ot Chicopee has Miss Jennie Wood Miss Hattie' Holton red Miller Hartford and discharged of the court typhoid epidemic which Windnv alleged to be has resulted in the death 4 one the and Mrs II 9 God comparatively new now almost entirely the taxable property taxes tiie amount cx impro vi incut voted by The distance walk to be laid on tiie north 22'1 feet and on the south 790 Sept Tim its 51st year 13and 14 th lists are to be ready for week Entries in I for some weeks received here and are displayed iu the the local store Many Win Thc were were heard preach in the first of liis half century pastorate Traver will have his office in the room in the town hail building open every night until the fair to receive premiums All entries will close Tuesday night at 9 The track is in fine condition and the ap plications for space in the midway promise the space well taken On account of no dinner being served in the dining hall of the exhibi tion building a number of the societies in Barre and vicinity are arranging lor eating booths at the fairgrounds both days of the fair The master of ceremonies for both days will be Harry Worcester Smith of Worcester The music will bo furnished by ths Worcester brigade band of 20 piece with rank Chaffin leader Craf orchestra of eight pieces of Worcester will furnish the music for the concert and ball in Will iams hall Thursday night the first night of the fair Among the special attractions on the track the first day will be two ord automobile races and a motorcycle race with prizes of $15 $10 and $5 in each event or ord automobiles ono raei will be for od standard touring cars and the other for any kind of a ord fi oak or racer Entries for these races are to be made to Charles Allen A special horse race for the second day of the fair will be a special rac between Un with a record of 20214 owned by MacDonald of Boston and Billy Jackson with a record owned by Kingsley Boston The ball sporting events hall men will iransacted Deputy Sheriff lard recently observed the 40th tn niversai of their marriage There was no formal observance but Mr and Mrs Goddard look an enjoyable automobile trip and called on friends who attended the wedding 10 years ago Atbcl grange has begun its fail ac tivities and Monday night will hold a harvest supper and dance lnrprograms are to be arranged for fall arl winter season tinder Mrs The secretary Albert Stevens's leadership This is by far the largest enrolment made at the beginning of any year and the college finds Itself taxed to 1 near its capacity During vaca tion improvements have been made to the college grounds extensive gradings having been completed and shrubs and trees set out thus giving the place a more finished appearance than has been the case hitherto Of the new students 77 are from this $tate 16 from New Jersey 15 from Massa chusetts 1 rest from the Union Teach Apropos rious parts of recent threat city' hall and walk it may folks to know bury has well ent at least of one of its self con fessed bomb plotters he having been sentenced to state prison for a term of 20 years or more His arrest fol lowed a deliberate attempt to blow up the home of Superintendent of Police George Beach and it came out at the trial tjiat the police on the night of the attempted outrage saw this man and another surveying the land apparently to make certain no one was around while they plant ed the bomb A third man who was supposed to help in the plot devel oped feet" and backed out which leads the police to believe they got the ringleaders and that the chief of them will be behind the bars for a good long time to come Hartford found special interest in the bomb outrage in Wall street New York in the fact that local insur ance companies were among los ers But a curious fact in this con nection is the claim of the companies that the explosion prompted such a rush on the part of property owners and others to Secure insurance against losses by explosions that the new business secured as a result was greater than the losses ot the compa nies This a sp act session of I he tx ir 1 ill i dissatisfaction at city council this go back to the TO BE OR NOT TO BE THE QUESTION rogram at Stafford Springs Ct Looks Better Than Ever rom Our Special Correspondent Stafford Springs Ct Stafford fair now in will be held October 12 season The premium pected next racing events will close Arrangements have been the Central Vermont Announcement: Wo beff to announce oneniifr of an plArtrlonl annlinnw repair at 10 Maple street Cbieopeo alls We would be pleased to quota you prices on new or old work also fix tures Satisfaction guaranteed Give us a trial Monat Hurst tisem*nt Mrs Charles Loomer of Windsor and Miss Julia Wheeler of Marion were married yesterday afternoon at that place Rev Rosere Nelson pas tor of the irst Congregational church of Windsor officiated are to reside in Windsor Mike Lata who was arrested 10 days ago by Motor Vehicle Inspector Grant charged with operating a motor vehicle without proper lights was arrested again Thursday by Con stable A Welch on the same charge It was alleged that on Wednesday evening he ran into a boy and that he had no lights on his ma chine He was given a hearing ri day evening before Justice of the Peace James A McCann The Gray Dickinson post of Ameri can Legion baseball team will bring its season to a close this afternoon with two games which will be played on Loomis will be the bury Palisado tertained a delegation from riend ship lodge of Thompsonville yester day afternoon A nail game between teams representing the two lodges was a feature of the afternoon events Refreshments were served following the games his cvice focus on that rock which the glaciers from the Laurcntiun providentially and in full ac 1 1 of 50 about 150 Gustave 5th dis of or presidential electors game and were well will announced Hanrlton Mil distributed among the other classes men will son were iu the automobile men claimed that a man who picked up on the road furnished with a drink of hom*o made on the way out from Hartford Sheridan wag fined $50 with costs of $11 Dugan $10 with costs of $11 and Peterson was discharged The annual "our town of Ellington Somers Enfield and East Windsor will be held Wednesday in Somers and as usual there will be a large attendance from Rockville This is of the oldest agricultural so cieties in the state and this will be the 2d annual fair It js unique among the other fairs of the state as ro admission is charged and there is no horse racing but the exhibits compare favorably with those of other state fairs Liberal premiums are given from the income of a fund and the state appropriation Music will be furnished by the Stafford band The president of the society this year is Edward Courtney of Somers and the secretary is Benjamin A Gager The republican women appointed as a committee at the mass meeting last week met with the officers of the republican club at a meeting lust evening Plans were considered for conducting the political campaign and it is probable that there will a number of rallies with women the speakers Elmer Reed a bookkeeper the Plant of Belding Bros Co this city has gone to Northampton where he has been given a more re sponsible position with the plant of the company in that city He has been with tiip local company for the 1 ra zl rt 1 It 1 uaci mm uhu micy advancement by most efficient The annual state convention of the Pythian Sisters will be held here on October 19 in hall A meeting was held at the home of Mrs Anna Siegfried on Dark street Thuisday evening nary arrangements There is general the action of the week in voting to standard time on October 1 railroad and Hartford and neighboring towns ill i eta present "I There change here other towns range with the mills for changing the time consists of Aiderman Green and Councilmen Waite and Jackson Norwalk John Berton of Caroline Buell of East Wilfred Dudley of Guil Mabel Taylor of Dan William Strong of Water The prohibitionists like other welcome ex neat to better be discontinued is another alternative IS merits ot the central figure of census the figure that sounds Town Officers Statements Are Ready or the ublic rom Our Special Correspondent Broad Brook Ct Sept 25 The annual reports of the town officers are being compiled and printed for distribution It has been an event ful year in town business affairs as well as all others and the expense account will show that it hag cost considerable more to take care of the town during the past year Labor has been high and materials of all sorts have cost more so that it has required considerable engineering to make ends meet and try and keep up things ag desired There have been no big jobs tackled but caring for the regular work has 'been prob lem that has been met in satisfactory shape Next year the new valua tions that have been made on the real estate with a continuance of the past tax rate ought to provide more money to pay the running ex penses ana ssifiiy reduce the de btedness The club and guests had a fine time at the clambake dinner last sunoay other topped off with the fine bake that was seryea and the boys safe hit with the program day Mr and Mrs Norris have turned from an automobile trip Canada where they went to attend the funeral of a relative last week Joseph Dukeman who enlistee' in the army at Springfield last summer ano nas since been station i at rt Slocum will be transferred next wc to Presidm in fornia where he will be attached the 11 th catnlry Trinity Trinity college opened with an enrol ment of 204) plus about SO of wlyim arc freshmen and with the opening comes the statement from Trinity's! new president Rev Dr Remsen Ogilbv thnt a committee of the trus tees has been named to 'perfect plans for considerably Increasing the en dowment of the coll go and also to plan for the future growth of the col lege by providing such new buildings as arc needed The latter Includes a new gymnasium a now science build ing and new dormitories Tt is nlso proposed to enlarge the athletic field so as to provide ample room for football baseball tennis and other outdoor sports There arc a number of faculty changes and one veteran member Prof rank Babbitt of the Greek department granted a year's leave of absence The tuition In keeping with most evorv thing else has been increased to $150 which Is still less than In a groat many colleges that give no more than Trinity does Th Connecticut college for wom en now enterin uprin its sixth vear opens with a freshman class of 143 over "OOP It is evident that the town will be obliged to secure voting machines at an early date or itwill he very late at night before the result ot any election can be obtained With the old list of about 2000 voters it has often been 10 and sometimes later before the vote in the town elec tions is announced With no voting machine and a list of over 3000 vot ers to vote in one polling place there will he many hours of hard work for the counters and other officials Another effort to advertise Rockville is to be made at the Vernon depot sta tion through the Rockville chamber of commerce It is proposed to erect a large sign at the Vernon station on railroad property if the company will permit in view of the passengers on the through trains between Hartford and Boston telling of the prosperous city of Rockville only four miles away Tiie placing of the sign is in the hands of George Wenchiser Tt is also de sired to change the name of the sta tion to Rockville junction which would bo much more appropriate The rail road company at first refused this suggestion but the matter will be taken up again with some of the high er officials The democrats of the Ellington pro bate district have again rcjnominated Judge John ahey a republican for judge of probate for this district Judge ahey will also be renominated unanimously by the republican con vention for the district when it meets Judge ahey has held this office for many years and has given the best ot service in every way as the business of the office has been conducted in a most efficient manner The coal situation in this city has been slightly improved the past week as one dealer has received five cars of coal and has six more on the way The price of coal here is from $17 to a ton and the old dealJrs do not care to bonk any more at pi esent and will guarantee nn price on coal All orders have been taken this year subject to the prevailing at the tint? of delivery The report of the Rea kville chamber of commerce shows t' at the four im ml dealers have' per i ert of th' Ellington Cbfiftauqua l'i and a fine ntf rtainments will be dept IL I ciatioii the nitre I Tot th I Mrs I Wood ip ht Mrs 3HS Tho IBYAThUM AHCf Sue ImaY' HER1AYSs S' 5 Will Be Employed for a Time at New Plant of Local Concern in Marysville Mich rom Our Special COiresnondent Athol Sept 25 The Athol facturing company has been ing a new plant at Marysville which will supplement their concern It wiil be ready fqr pancy in a few weeks Most of tha machinery is in place and several from Athol have gone there to work for a time at least The chief product of tiie new plant will be a high clasu rubber coated fabric for use in tin manufacture of automobile tops Tiiere are three facoeies in lip group a main building store housa and a cliuin house Strobel has been appointed superintendent ot the Marysville plant Tho Athol business is increasing all the tim and has become one ot the town's most prosperous enterprises rancis dasheen and Leo Vin cent left to day for Akron they will attend the univer sity ot Akron Both are to take up manufacturing and production There are eight Athol lioys who either have gone tp Akron or will be 'luli soon Leon Bruce the druggist at Highlands is recovering from an operation at Boston for removal cf gall bladder and appendix Tiie funeral of William A Gorham GS who died Tuesday at his home on the Doe Valley mad was held at the undertaking rooms of Hig gins Thursday afternoon Rev El liot oster officiated ami burial was in Westminister West Vt Mr Gorham was a painter by trade A retc nt plesant event was the ob servance of tho 50th wedding anni versary of Mr and Mrs Albert Tyler ot Cottage street There wai no formal observance due to film si in the family Mr and Mrs Tylct were married in Orange but have reside! hero for the past 45 years Nir Tyler it a native of Leominister and Is a veteran of the civil war Mrs Tyler was born in Colebrook Th have two daughters both of Athol Mrs May Chase and Mrs Charivii Ho woman's auxiliary of the rx Phillips post American Lo vvill formed at Grand Arm Monday night are urged be elected Town Appropriates $1500 or New Concrete Sidewalk rom Our Special Correspondent Windsor Ct Sept 25 The voters of the Windsor fire district at a spe cial meeting held on Thursday even ing voted unanimously to appro priate $1500 to be used in laying a new concrete sidewalk in Sycamore This is a but is up and lit'sct in pended in tiie the increase in taxes of the side is feet rom indications Wimlsor's voting list at tiie presidential electicn will I each the 15(10 mark The registrars predict tiiis from tiie number of women and men who registered to vote at tiie annual town meeting and tho list now numbers over 1000 Expect Show of Unusual Interest on Thursday and riday rom Our Special Correspondent Barre Sept 25 Plans are being completed for the 70tli annual cattle show and fair of the Worcester county to find rest for the role of west ngricvltural society Thursday and riday ex distribution the horse October 1 made with railroad by which tickets are sold at a reduced rate from all stations on the system Trains stop within 200 yards of the grounds and trollies come right to the gate An increase has been made in near ly all the premiums offered by the association this year The classes will remain the same as last year The rules and regulations governing the grounds and half will remain the same Sale of spirituous liquors and play ing of games of chance are prohibit ed The midway will be a big attrac tion this year as ever A number of stage attractions have been arranged for and there are more to be an nounced later Among those which are already booked are: The Tas manian troupe the Gaudsmiths two comedy clowns and two dogs in an acrobatic act interspersed with come dy Murray's dog act The stage at tractions will begin at 1 dailv viemoriai services the death of Augustino Strazza only istattord soldier to battle in war church Strazza 1918 The cated in the National bank building in lower East Main street observed its 25th anniversary yesterday and to day This business was establish ed in September 1895 by A How ard retirement frorrj active manage ment of the store In 1914 and the business was taken over by red and Miss AT A Howard who still run the store A Howard died a short time alter retiring Superintendent of Schools Handy estimates that there crease of approximately 40 the grades of the Springs school The attendance at fordvilie school has increased by 25 which makes a total of 100 punils this year The Orcl*ttvilie school which was closed for the first week of this term while waiting for a teacneris now open The automobile fire the town voted to buy ago is expected to within a few days In munication from the company it was stated that the delivery ot the truck was held up while an extra rail which Chief Wise thought it advis able to have was lieing obtained and attached Some of the congressional medals which a number of former local ser vice men applied ago have been three of them windows of or the former service men who are en titled to one of these medals have applied for one They can still do I so by notifying Murray i Mr anud Mrs Angelo Bolzan ac companied by John Negro Intend to I leave for Italy on the 30th of this month While on a visit to Italy last spring Nirs Negro and two of her three children died of typhoid fever Mr Negro intends to bring tho other one of the children to this country when lie returns The Phoenix woolen company has opened its mill In Hydeville and plans to reopen the mill In Orcl*ttvilie Octo ber 4 The Riverside mill In Stafford Hollow which was closed for the past threV weeks has also been reopened during this week William A Shank south part of Windsor and attends tho Roger Wolcott school ran away from iter home on Tuesday and was not located until Wednesday after noon when Constable Edson A Welch found iter at the home of a relative in Hartford She was arrested and brought before Justice of the James A McCann charged with being in danger of falling habits of vice However the girl proved that had become in 1 has been Warehouse Point People Have Mat ter Brought to Mind By atal Accident rom Our Special Correspondent Warehouse Point Ct Sept 25 Another fatality to automohilists was recorded Thursday when a machine from Wethersfield trolly car when it attempted to cross ver in front of it at tne crossing near the railroad station The victim was a boy five years old who was riding with his parents and got thrown under the trolly when the collision happened The party was one a long proces sion of cars that have been going and coming all the week io and from tiie exposition in Springfield but it was no more of a congestion than has been tiimmon the past summer especially cn Saturday afternoons and Sundays till day While blame lor this accident has not been placed it is not amiss to state that theie is altogether too much speed used by many of the autoists and to the onlookers it is not any wonder that many accidents happen Safety first and always is a good motto to bear in mind To fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation on account of poor health of Rev Thomas Tyrie as pastor of the Methodist church the district superintendent has appointed Rev Clayton Delamater to supply here and he hag begun his work here He has recently returned from Colorado where he was for some time on ac count of falling health but has fullv rccoverc'd now The services in St John's Episcopal cnurch will be conducted Sunday by Rev George Payne of New Haveiin the nbstnce of Rev Dr Dowling who is in Middletown in charge or special services of the diocesan eon I ferenee of the nation wide campaign I secretary of the council ccivod only abou usual tn have its rictobcr 11 12 inc of lectures (be Rockville il which hm i con engaged for thlt day Tim irty will go and return bv special troll cats Nt" officers wet" elected tl'is week a fellows: President r''icelian vice president Mi haei O'Jonnor recording secretary Hubert O'Hara financial secretary rank McCarthy: treasurer Charles Mupl A drive is being made for new em bers which promise to I crease the membai ship in excellent soeietv A party of three men from Wind sorville wore given a good sentence In the police court this week for driving an automobile wh'le under the influence of liquor Thay were arrested on West Main street by Officer Shea after they had run into the fence and damaged the auto mobile Peter Sheridan the owner of a tobacco farm his uncle Robert Dugan and an employe Albert Beier Aindsor Locks Will Extend the olling Period at special Meet ing Tuesday Evening Our Special Correspondent mdfor Locks Ct Sept 2" order to provide more time for voem cast thvil at the annual town election Monday Octo ber 4 the hours for the opening ami Rev Dr Goodenough's Anniversary at Manchester Ct I'rom Our Special Correspondent nsted Ct Sept event rcatcst interest this week was 50th anniversary of Rev Dr Arthur Goodenough as pastor of the Congregation c'htnch in Winchester Center located four miles from sted and a town community church and green on the hill crowded and in the concourse people who as boys and girls ur lioouenougli year This is tiie only pastorate Dr Good enough ever had and "the bishop of Winchester" as ho was proclaimed by members of bis parish on Wednes day never will have another because on the first Sunday in November he retires front tiie ministry with a long and honorable record worthy of emu lation 4 The address of Rev Dr John Calvin Goddard of Salisbury who spoke on "The spirit of Plymouth in terested all "It would give mo great he said simplj rehearse tne this like 100 per cent but tn which Yale nas aaaed the equivalent more historical address this annus bills of Congregational history when all eyes are looking backward across three centuries to famous brought down granites time for the Pilgrim dove to let out of it irk 1 her rom Our Special Correspondent Hartford Ct Sept 25 The Connec ticut Legislature has ratified and re ratified the federal suffrage amend ment there's no doubt about that but what there is doubt about cerns a number cf important passed by the Legislature at Its cial session called solely to act the suffrage amendment eus Holcomb at this writing is quoted being of the belief that the Legislature having been called sim ply to transact a certain business all other business transacted was illegal but the same governor Is also quot ed as having written that the Legis lature was a law unto itself So whereas the second special session wa called to remove doubt concern ing the legality ot its ratification at the earlier session it looks now as though still another session would be necessary other la ws which some they were not in Nominations are the order of ans in office and are not backward pressing their claims Meanwhile high offices look good to ambitious re publicans who don't happen to be holding them and so some thing of a rush for nominations par ticularly in republican ranks Con gressman John Tilson did not have to compete with anyone to secure nomination this year and he was re named by acclamation To his rec ord In the House has been added con siderable military achievement more or less brilliant and for this and oth er reasons his constituents were glad to keep him on the ticket Jn the same day he teas renominated he re ceived an additional honor in being made eastern campaign manager for the national congressional committee which makes him one of the principal leaders in the national fight to secure a republican majority In the next Congress He will direct the congres sional contests so far as republicans concerned in all states bast ot the Alleghenies including New York and Pennsylvania Minor Parties Are Active Labor unionists and the prohibi tionists are taking active parts in the campaign the former by indorsing certain candidates for public office and denouncing certain others and the prohibitionists by nominating Hohenthal of Manchester to run against Senator rank degee and by adopting a urging the ratification of the 18th amenaineni to me teaerai tion by the Connecticut Legislature Both the labor unions and the pro hibitionists are doing their utmost to find out where each candidate for public office stands on questions concerning labor interests on the one hand and prohibition on other and the candidate who refuses to where he stands will come mighty near being classed as undesirable The prohibitionists at their state conven tion held in this city were strongly in favor of Everett Lake the re publican candidate for governor but did not indorse his candidacy because his stand on questions of concern to prohibitionists had not been investi gated by them Prohibition candi dates for the national House ot Rep resentatives are: irst district Ben jamin Beardsley of Hartford: 2d dis trict John Parkhurst of Stafford 3d district Mrs rederick Spencer or Guilford 4th Richter of trict Roswell Winsted prohibitionists have nominated Mary B' Wilson of Southington Robert Mc Nealy ot Hartford Hampton ford bury town politicians "heartily women as voters and strength from them Again Connecticut 1'Usy Weslevan university opened this week with an enrolment of about iiiO students and a There a freshmen and the now members on the faculty number 10 Is tho largest tn college and the ably more than years ago students for though not a limit tn add $3000000 to its endowment fund will be renexvod nt once accord ing to President Un who hopes to tn December been raised 000 soc'i ly with (uni this week which permits town" 1 to hold special mectirgs to take suet a lhrce duMto notice in nii Ave or more in all matters heretofore This act also legalizes the call for the annual feting this year following thUspe! cial meetmg if called on three notice on account of the short time HonVVen the legislative ses The sample ballots for the town ecction have been received at the town Clerk's office where the men and lnay Procure them for nt th nf t10 methods lo be used nbll 17 eleetIon da'' It is prob able that many will get one of these th tPm7 the that aie pi inted thereon and get such other information as ntav be needed 'nwSan and 1 ''P 11 ballo's so as to ba all prepared for their first vote At other the daylight time until October vas no can ror any until it was made iu The committee to ar rom Our Special Correspondent Greenfield Sept 2" That Green field will do her part toward raising the contingent of the militia company allotted in the new arrangement of the national guard is assured In fact there has never been any doubt about it It is true however 'that recruits for the new company came slowly at first Under tho plan announced Greenfield was to have a contingent of 50 men the Others to be enlisted in Orange A total of 35 have been mustered into the service the regi mental surgeons fioin Springfield the headquarters of the 104th regiment of which thig company is a part haviu visited this town last week to ex amine the recruits A large part of the credit for rais ing this company should go to Capt Harold Deane He was appointed captain and told to go ahead and get his men This was much easier said than done In the first place young men seem for the time being at least to be as one former service man ex pressed it "fed on military stuff It is true however that in this town where there are many young men who appear tq have nothing to do evenings except possibly to attend the movies They can be seen any evening stand ing on the street corner resting first on one foot and then on the other and bemoaning the fact that there is no place to go It took all the enthusiasm of Capt Deane plus the aid of a spe cial committee of the chamber of com merce plus the labor and influence of the state company to get the small number of men interested who were absolutely necessary to form the beginnings of the half company to which it has been decided that this town is entitled There is something strange about the fact that while the armory is thoroughly equipped with everything that would seenj to call to the athletically inclined young man they do not answer the call It takes the strains ot a jazz band in a dance hail to bring any slgna of life from them It is pointed out by those who know the game however that the seeming apathy ot youth toward matters military at this time is not a very Important sign and that those interested in the reorganization of Co should not be discouraged thereby Those who have been through the mill know that it is a hard thing to get a military company organized in a town It requires hard work and some times the pulling of wires with state authorities to bring it about Many years ago Greenfield secured such a company It has always been a suc cess There has always been a ten dency among those who should have supported it by giving to it some of iheir sparo moments for the purpose of learning to shoot and drill to take it too much as a matter of course that the company was an established fact and should always be here There has been much of the attitude a company in this town is a fine thing but I do not want join let George co This company after distin guishing itself at the annual muster or several years went away to Cuba to take part in the Spanish American tear The company bore its share ot the fighting in that brief war bravely and with great credit It suffered severely both at the front from gun fire and later from illness When the boys came home such of them as did come home taey had to be lifted from the train and the company had to be lecruited and reorganized This was successfully done after much the same trials and hesitation as is now in evi dence The company was eventually rebuilt and was in fine condition on the day yyhen it became a part of the 104th infantry of Uncle overseas forces Its i ecord in the world war needs no comment While the brave young men of this company who hud given their tune and their vacations so that they might be prepared for just such an emergency those other young men who did not get into the game and who had perhaps smiled a smile when the "tin inarched away to camp at ramingham in former years wore earning good pay at home 1 he boys wno formed the coniptiny when it went to rance arc surely pji titled to a rest Their places must be taken by other young men who can be instructed and propnred for just such an emergency as has just passed There are nne who think that the ability to march in stop with shoulders squared and heads erect and to shoot straight and true is superior to tho ability to swoop and bend graceful! acioss a waxed floor to the strains of jazz orchestra However the suc cess ol the newly organized company is now assured with the contingent already mustered in Drills will be gin next Tuesday evening and a round of social events will ba inaugurated in the near future 4s the hunting season approaches sportsmen are offing up the old shoot anare swapping stories about the wild game encountered in their summer rambles It is gathered irom their talk that they expect to find the gray squirrels more plentiful 117Un! 1118 faI1' 11 is a'o ex ected that the closed season on part ridge has caused an increase in the number of these game birds It is re ported tliat many strong flocks have been seen in the ci' rs during tle summer months It is said by old hunters however that the presence of game particularly squirrel at this season of the year does not insure i their being plentiful later when the leates have fallen They have ben known to be plentiful during Septem ber ano to entirely cllsapjiear later Lt the season Senatorial Nomination Will Be De cided Tuesday rom Our Special Correspondent Rockville Ct Sept 25 The repub lican senatorial convention for the 35th district which includes all of the 13 towns of Tolland county lias been called to meet in this city on Tuesday October 5 at a ni The convention is called by the senatorial committee which includes Dr William Higgins of Coventry Col William Hall of Willington and John McKnight of Ellington There are numerous can didates for senatorial honors in the state Legislature and include Repre sentative Ernest uller of Somers who has served three terms in the House and has the backing of many! friends in various parts of the coun ty: Judge Storrs of Mansfield: John McKnight of Ellington and Henry II Wiles of Mount Vernon There is also much interest in the nomination of congressman from the 2d district which includes New Lon don Middlesex Tolland and Windham tountien The convention will be held in Willimantic to day at noon There ciosmg of the p(ns will be changed at a special meeting tv be held next nRdaL in 'be fire and po IPO hlltldllwv ZAl 1 fcircci Civil IS mtuo possible by I IU 1 tl' nrninl Legislature that was hold Hoi' Nan cliurci are state par ide October 10 at lei 06 conditions at her home tolerable and of an aunt in from custody Tho small broke oyt in Him zi mi tr of erdinand Toinsvn persons who contracted tiie disease Ho is survived by his widow and one son The latter is also ill with the disease The Windsor finance commission is busy nt work preparing the budget of expenses for the next fiscal year of the town At a publie bearing only two petitions were received for ap propriations These were for maead am for Wilson avenue and to have Sycamore street put in passable con dition This week will see the end of the tobacco harvest in Windsor Only a few odds and ends of the crons re in tq be harvested Harold Loomer son of Mr and soon 115 of the local asso has clvi' of season and of a good ind promise tickets Mrs Aborn Mrs Loveland Mrs Hal lief Pease Mrs Beasley Mrs Hamil ton Mrs Phelps Mrs Hyde Berr Aborn Max Livitt 1 Berr McV Abraham Rosenborg A and Sikes Jr The members 1 A 7' 1BER 26 1920 i i xver pH bJOxAyf ALToETMe Se 6 M' A vz rfrrrT i I I.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.