The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2024)

Manila Beats Gosnell Manila used a big third qua7. and Odell Dehart added ten. ter to overcome a Gosnell hall. Sophom*ore Steve Ledbetter time lead as the Lions put the led Gosnell with 18 points while Pirates out of commission with Mike Robinson added 16. 8 67-60 victory Tuesday night Neither team shot well from al Manila.

The win was Mani- the floor. Manila checked in la's fourth against ten defeats, ith a 33 per cent shooting averGosnell is 4-9. age while Gosnell shot 31 per Manila had an 18-13 first cent. quarter lead but Gosnell came Gosnell will return to the back in the second frame to court Friday afternoon at ho grab 32-30 advantage at the with Osceola. Manila's next half.

The Lions then went 1 10 game is Friday night al Turwork on the basket in the third rell. quarter, outscaring Gosnell 25- -Morris 13; Deltart 9 to take a 55-43 lead. 10; Storey 23; Wallace 11; WriBobby Storey had 23 points ght McWhirter 2. and nine rebounds to lead GOSNELL-Re 16; LedIla. Danny Morris added 13 beller 18; King Southard points, Scott Wallace had 11 Stephens 14; Blount 2.

St. Louis Coach Polk Reaches 300 By BEAT ROSENTHAL Associated Press Sports Writer St. Louis University had just squeaked past Bradley 64-59 in overtime, and Billikens' Coach Bob Polk stood at mid-court holding a sterling silver tray with a huge "900" engraved in the center. The award was presented, Tuesday night by Ray Gerritzen, president of the Billiken Tipoff Club, and symbolized Polk's 300th career victory--a rare achievement for a college basketball coach. The 55-year-old Polk, a native of Tell City, reached the coveted 300 figure in his 20th season of coaching.

His first 13 years were at Vanderbilt, where he compiled a 197-106 record. Then, he worked four years at Trinity, winning 169 games and losing only 28, before transferring to St. Louis in 1969. The 300th victory, which boosted St. Louis' season record to 8-2 over-all, 2-1 in the Missourl Valley Conference, was one of Polk's toughest.

The Billikens raced to a 29-19 lead in the first half, still led 55-51 with 6:21 remaining, but Tailed to score during the remainder of regulation time and were forced into overtime. But they pulled away. in the final minute and a of the extra period. Jesse foul shot broke a 57-57 tie, Cartos Martinez hit a field goal and Harry Rogers and Rich Stallworth each converted two free throws. In another MVC game, Larry Finch's 28 points helped Mem-1 phis State beat Drake 81-70.

In the Big Ten Conference, Minnesota, ranked 17th nationally, downed Wisconsin 65-59 for its fourth league victory wilhout a loss and its ninth in 12 games. The Gophers' Keith Young collected 27 points. Northwestern snapped a sev-! en-game losing streak, defeating Michigan State 76-69 in overtime with Mark Sibley leading the way with 32 pointe, six in the extra period. Elsewhere, Vanderbilt connected on 16 straight tield goal attempts in the second half and overwhelmed Cornell 101-80; sophom*ore Billy Raynor fired 35 points. including 15 secutive free throws, as Dartmouth whipped Harvard 94-86.

A Armorel Wins 17th Armore! caught fire in the third quarter and biew Missco out on its home court Tuesday night with a 74-49 victory. The win shoved the Tigers' season mark to 17-5, selting the stage for Friday night's home contest with. Dell. Armorel had trouble in the first half with Missco, a team the Tigers had beaten in two previous games this season. The Tigers led 16-10 after one period and 30-24 at the hall.

But Missco was on top 24-21 at one point in the second quar- Gathen Leads Luxora After trailing for the first lended with a game-high 27 three periods, Luxora came to points, 12 in the last quarter, life in the final quarter to and Nolan added 16. Lee Smith knock down Earle 57-46 at led Eale with 20 points. Luxora Tuesday afternoon, lifting the Panthers' season mark The Panthers will play at Leto 7-7. panto next Tuesday night, Luxora trailed 38-37 entering LUXORA-Clark Gathen the final quarter but cutscor-27; Nolan 16; Gurley Byrd 8. ed Earle 20-8 to win going a- -Smith 20; Mckwen way.

M. Aikers-7: R. Aikens Earle had led at every break, Brooks Moore Lewis 4. 19-13 after one period, 30-24 Luxora's junior high team ran the half and 38-37 entering the lits record to 11-1 by final quarter. Earle in the opening game 45- Frankie Gathen and Ben No- 42.

Michael Diggs led the scorIan provided Luxora with a ing with 14 points while Charlone-two scoring punch. Gathen lie Chew added 12. ler before Armorel came back take the halftime lead. Armorel came out smoking in the third quarter and outscored Missco 29-8 to put the game out cl reach with 59-32 lead. The Tiger starters left the game early in the fourth quarter.

Three Tigers broke double fig- ures. Gary Blair paced the win with 18 points. followed by George Stringer with 16 ani Don Cole's 14 points. Blair and Stringer led the rebounding with seven each, The Tigers shot weil from the floor, sinking 32 of 57 field goal attempts for a 56 per cent mark. Armorel held a 32-20 advantage in field goals.

ARMOREL-Blair 18; Stringer 16; Cole 14; Spencer Morris Lewis Johnson Lamb Lawrence Thomas 1. MISSCO Garner 16; Stokes 14: Wilkinson 12; Weathers 7. Missco managed a split on the night by winning th junior high preliminary game 51-29. Michael Clark led Armorel with .13 points. SAVE SAVE BAYS Clearance Sale BAYS Bolts- Flat Washers off 36c REG.

PER LB. PER LB. SIZES 1" TO 1" HEX AND CARRIAGE BOLTS NUTS AND FLAT WASHERS TO MATCH As this is a clearance sale to make room for new stock we will not have a full stock of sizes and lengths. Fill Your Bolt Bin Today Save SALE ENDS JANUARY 31ST FASCO FARM SUPPLY "YOUR FARM SUPPLY SUPERMARKET" S. HIGHWAY 61 BLYTHEVILLE SAVE SAVE SAVE Courler News, Blytheville, (Ark.) Wednesday, January 19, 1972-Page Thirteen Delta Falls To Delta C-7 lost a 13-6 lead in the first quarter Tuesday night as the Chargers dropped a 64-59 decision at Clarkton.

Delta fell to 8-6 on the season with the five-point loss. The Chargers got off to a good start, leading Clarkton 13-6 before the home team came out in front 14-13 at the end of the period. Della carne right back in the second quarter to outscore Clarkon 18-16 and take a 31-30 halftime edge. Clarkton then found the range in 1 the third quarler to go ahead 49-43 entering ine final period. Four Chargers scored in double figures as they shot over 50 per cent from the field.

Mark Ward headed the list with 17 points. Clarkton's Terry McGhee led all scorers with 21 DELTA C7-Ward 17; Farmer 14; Murrell 12; Young 10; Bradford 6. CLARKTON--McGhee 21; Delong 19; Campbell 12; Morgan Stolting Lawrence 4. Delta will play at Neelyville Friday night. SCORES By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS High School Fayetteville 59, Van Buren 44 North Little Rock 67, Fort Smith Northside 58 Mountain Home 69, Bentonville 59 Leachville 66, Greene County Tech 59 Subiaco 77, Bentonville 41 Bay 74, Harrisburg 71 Jonesboro Westside 66, Marked Tree 49 Fort Smith St.

Anne's 89, Clarksville 66 Blytheville 52, Rivercrest 45 NLR Northeast 78, LR Hall 76 LR Parkview 81, Jacksonville 65 Jonesboro 69, Paragould 50 Stephens 74, Camden Harmony Grove 51 Beebe 48, NLR Oak Grove Des Arc 51, Carlisle 40 Sheridan 71, Lakeside 47 Camden Fairview 44, Magno11: 42 Stuttgart 71, Forrest City White Hall 39, Bryant 38 LR Mi'ls 75, Sylvan Hills Drew Central 76, Hampton overtime LR Central 83, El Dorado Crosselt 70, Monticello 45 Harding Academy 61, Sulphur Rock 35 Springdale 64, Rogers 57 Arkadelphia 76, Hope 36 Ozark 47, Mena 39 West Fork 52, Greenland Prairie Grove 77, Elkins 42 Alma 64, Cedarville 53 College East Northeastern 65, Boston U. Dartmouth 94, Harvard 86 Duquesne 72, Steubenville St. Pa. 87, Drexel 64 Massachusetts 71, Vermont Messiah 65, Phila. Pharmacy 48 South Lafayette 87, W.

Virginia 83 Randolph-Macon 73, Georgetown. D.C., 72 Vanderbilt 101, Cornell 80 Davidson 73, VMI 57 Milligan 83, Maryville 82 Salem 64, Davis Elkins 63 Louisiana Tech 118, Cameron 78 S. Carol. St. 94, Benedict Alabama St.

96, Morehouse Carson-Newman 94, King 74 Midwest Minnesota 65, Wisconsin 59 Northwestern 76, Mich, St. OT Memphis State 81, Drake 70 St. Louis 65, Bradley 59, OT Hiram 80, Baldwin-Wallace Monmouth 66, Cornell, 85 MI. St. 107, Winona, Augustana, 71, Ill.

leyan 65 Claire 88, Falls 64 Far West Colorado St. 47. Denver 45 UC-Santa Barbara 71, tana St. 57 Vegas 93, 68 Portland 77, Gonzaga 68 W. Montana 88, Carroll NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given February 3, 1972 at A m.

public sale will be held at Fontiac-Bulck Blytheville. 12315 to sell for cash the following collateral, to wit: 1968 Chev Ser. No. 1663089110815 sald being held to secure An Ration arising under a retail ment security agreement lional sale contract) held by eral Motors Acceptance CorporaLion A3 secured party, Sald sale 18 to be conducted according to the laws of the State of San, General Motors Acceptance Corporation reserves the right bid at The collateral Is presently and may seen At Pontiac-Bulck Blytheritle, GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION Bulldogs Slip To Tigers 16-14. after one period, Caruth- Tech held the upper hand in ersville outscored South Pemis- the early going, jumping out cot.

22-15 in the second quarter to a 25-21 first quarler lead, to grab a 38-29 halftime before slowing down in the secage. The Tigers then put it' ond eight minutes. Leachville away in the third slanza, out-; used a 20-foot jump shot by souscoring the Bulldogs 27-17. Unpaw sophom*ore Monle GrimGeorge Cunningham paced ales at the buzzer to pull into a trio of Caruthersville players in 38-all tie at the half. double figures with 20 The Lions led 50-47 after three Kenneth Hood, the Tigers' 6-7! periods and then used the free center, added 15 and guard Joe throw line in the last quarter Caruthersville pulled from South Pemiscot in the late stages of the second quartjer, giving the Tigers enough! lift to take a 78-61 victory Tuesday night at South Pemis-! cot.

After leading by two points, Cagle dropped in ten. South. Pemiscot also had players In twin totals. Fisk topped the list with followed by John Moore with and Tony Baker wilh 12. The viclory puls ville at 14-3 with the hosting Cooter Friday South Pemiscot dipped to with the loss.

The Bulldogs enterlain Campbell Friday in their homcoming game. CARUTHERSVILLE lingham 20; Hood 15; Cagle Reno 1 Holmes Hubbard Yarbrough Wright 2. SOUTH PEMISCOT-Fisk Moore 18; Baker 12; King Smith Wallace Swindle 19-4 For Leachville Lions Clip Tech Leachville used a hot hand to stay in front. Leachville, led: day night at home against ruggal the free throw line Tuesday Carl Drury, pumped in 12 of ted Monette. night to send Greene County 13 free throws in the final eight LEACHVILLE Drary 18; "Tech reeling 66-59 at Leactiville, minutes, Drury was perfect in Grimes 18; Weinberg 17; Scott increasing the Lions' record lG six altempts, 7: Welch 6.

an impressive 19-4. Drury and Grimes shar- TECH-Rippy 10; R. Huggins Leachville, yielding a 24-20 ed high point honors with 18,9: White Brightwell Jones advantage in field goals to the points each. Tab Weinberg Settlemeir "Thompson Eagles, put in 26 of 36 free ed 17 including a 11 of 12 show- Leachville's junior team ran throws for its margin offing at the free throw line. record to 16-6 by whipping victory.

The victory was the Tech's Steve Jones led all scor- Tech 29-25 in the first game, third for Leachville over Tech ers with 20 points. Russ Hargraves led the scoring this season. 'The Lions go after No. 20 Fri- I with ten points. three Robert 19, 18 Caruthers-1 Willsey California Post Gi-7 BERKELEY, Calif.

(AP) will Ray Willsey has resigned as night head football coach and acting athletic director at the UniverCunn- sity of California at Berkeley 10; because, he says, he hasn't been named to the director's Carr post. Willsey, The Bears coach 19: since 1964, has been acting di8; rector since last Sept. 15 when 1. Paul Brechler retired, JAYCEE BENEFIT DANCE National Guard Armory January 22, 1972 TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY JAYCEE OR AT MORELAND'S GARAGE Corner 1st. Ash 3 DAY SALE OFF CUSHION CUSTOM POWER POLYGLAS PER TIRE $1093 to LOWER $1794 THAN BLACKWALLDECEMBER 1971 PRICES WHITEWALL Price F78-14 7.75-14 $43,70 G78-14 H78-14 8.55-14 15.

F78-15 7.75-15 G78-15 5.23-15 H78-15 8.55-15 378-15 9.85-15 L78-15 9.15-15 the same tire that's been cars wider and lower than broad footprint grip for stable 2 polyester cord body and 2 low "78" series a No Trade Hurry! Bay YEAR: THE ONLY MAKER TIRES 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Ta master charge CAIDA CARDS HONORLD 4 SONS MID WISE GOODICAR GOOD NOW AT NEW LOW EVERYDAY PRICES PANELS, PICK-UPS, VANS CAMPERS. NYLON CORD $2295 Er. 1. 28" 1A Rib Hi-Miler 1. '2405 3705 $50.10 $2.39 $54.75 $41.04 $2.56 $60.10 $45.97 $2.23 $51.15 $38.16 52.43 $2.63 $51.35 $2 BL $89.20 53.01 $71.75 $3.16 standard or optional on many new conventional size tires, it offers a ride and ready ateering control taed-firming fiberglam cond belts wide Needed ands Sat.

night USE OUR RAIN CRECK PROGRAM Because vi continued beaky demand of for Goodyear Unes. we may OF will be happy to order offer, your size some sizes during this but tire at the advertised price and issee you a rain check for future delivery the merchandise, 87 93 69, 76 Iowa, 91 Wes- Mon- Reno 76 on A Carlock Ark. Cap. collatobli- Instal(condl- Gen. publio Arden- to stored Carlock Ark.

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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2024)


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