Evening World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

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EVENING wnTLTnTTEBAUO! OMAHA SATURDAY APRIL 7 1906 WATCH THE 8GG7 X9 HORSI 382C 7 '1'0 BOKKOW PRIVATE money Wead 152 Doug 3 a 9:10 am 3:30 am a a a and and 6:10 pm and no laundry $5 Marcy 4 a s54 a30 9:30 am a 5:10 pm a 9:30 am 5:10 pm 10 8 a 8 60 bll :00 am pm all a 7 a 4 i 35 WE LOAN ON 1J piano a 55pm Limited a 9:15 am 10:30 pn 11:30 am Apr a CHICAGO HOCK a orA NT Second girl In private board ng holier must wait table 115 20th apr7 MONEf 1 ACCORDION Blk Tel 4r 6 6 tansy ment pm ami a 5:35 pm a 6 30 am St Paul Minn St Paul Minn Chicago Limited a a a am pm pm a 7 :30 am a 7:30 am pin am Arrive 8:18 pm Arrive am pm am pm pm pm 10 10 5 pm pm pm Pm am pm am pm am am am am pm am am am pm pm pm Arrive pm 9:10 pm 9:10 am 6:00 pm 7 :44 am 4 :50 pm 2:00 pm Sun Daily VOICE culture Italian method Maryland Martin 21 i 7132 al0 3 :55 pm 7 :25 am LET me know what you have in old dia monds watches jewelry coins: hre OH med Sioux City Local Sioux City Passenger (Oakland Local Emerson Local 2:00 pm 7:10 am am am a a a 9 a 2 Other Companies Paid Off MORE MONEY ADVANCED RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY 2:50 pm' 7:50 pm Past Chicago Local Chicago Mail Daylight St Paul Chicago Limited Local Carroll East St Paul WANTED To buy good sod '2739 11 th st 8184 9 :60 :05 :35 :50 PAID LOAN "SALARY 510 TO To honest employes "NO ONE NEED Rooms 307 308 axton Block Cor IGth and arnam Streets INTEU Machine girls Omaha Tent Awning Co 11th and Harney sta PRETTY SAE TO OLLOW THE CROWD arms etc pay highest cash prices at once 38 "World Herald 8360 xUC We make Quick Loans on Household urniture in use Warehouse Receipts Pianos Wagons Salaries or any Ap proved Security Money can returned to Suit Borrower URNITURE Plano and Jewelry Loans National Loan Co Room 518 Life GREEN Trading Stamps With' family liquors Cackley 'Bros Opposite Best Rates Easy Payments Any Time Courteous Treatment WE WANT Your business it you ever Borrow money OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 119 Board ot Trade Bldg Rhone Doug229o (Established 1892) 306 lth bt all :10 a 8:00 9:10 am 2:15 pm Arri ve 3:15 am 4:55 Dm pm Taiioress and seamstress attnce 41 1 16th st Tel Doug W8 a Daily flav onlv except Monday Denver and Cal Northwest Special Black Hills Northwest Express St Ltd a IK SU Expressall15 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL 7 :25 am 3:45 pm 8:05 pm 9:15 am 4:45 pm 7 :35 am 3:10 9:20 oiisewmrk 2311 IVouglae st LOAN COMPANY Charles I Howe Mgr WE LOAN MONEY ON URNITURE PIANOS DIAMONDS OR SAI ARIES OR ANY CHATTEL SECURITY WE LOAN ON THE PAYMENT LAN Or you can pay Interest and carry Ioan as long as you wish We try to please our customers No matter if you are a stranger or? owe some other company SEE US AND YOU WILL TRY US arnam street Room 4 Patterson blk Telephone Douglas 7477 Look in window and take your pick of any dia mond ring My credit is good there CL tor general housework 1700 Dodge I Sunday World Herald for about 1250 Wants told by the people THE MOST IN NEBRASKA OR 10 WA We rent sewing machines 5100 per week or $300 per month We repair all makes of machines Second hand machines to $10 Neb Cycle Co Tel 1663 Cor 15th and Harney tf a a ANTE I Bright woman to check pa persr nt college for tuition Tel bouglas WSt f55o Chicago Express Minn Chicago TNG girl to help wtth housework 122 25th If you must have money why not get it from the most Reliable and Successful company where thou sands of persons borrow year after year? 'TREES ornamental trees vines shrubs roses etc5 Address: Omaha nursery Papillion Arrive 7 :10 am 9:55 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm Competent millinery makers and preparers Kern 1508 Douglas Chicago Limited Chicago Chicago a alO :53 pm all :30 am 1 CASH girls wanted in our clonk 34 Hour Nebraska Clothing Uu easy to advertise lowest charges funny payment plans and deceptive Interest rates but not so easy to back it up WE DO AS WE SAY CAREUL BORROWERS COME TO US GOLD STICKPIN REE To any person sending us the name of any person owning a square piano organ or prospective piano buyer PERIELD PIANO CO Tel 701 1611 arnam st le writing to Box will not regret it 5537 A14 MRS CARRIE SMITH MARVELOUS MAGNETIC HEALER Cure Guaranteed 807 18th st Tel Red26 CLASS hair dressers Arpl? at 1UI Jl Kiri tor general housework rec in family good wages Telephoneney 9S4 115 35th st Apr 8 refined lady matrimonially Lock box 629 Denver Colo LOST LOST gold watch with buckskin fob Return to Theater drug store Howard 8480 8 SITUA (LION uAX u'D 7vltril By young man place to work for room and board 3108 Seward 8391 7 30 :10 :30 30 a 7:40 7:40 pm pm a 9 am DIN INCI room girl at once 2103 Douglas 8o4 1 X9 I Married ladies in the country mall towns surrounding at home In spare time liberal dl on Mrs Ixie 1701 pnoiwe io 3:15 pm INCUBATORS INCUBATORS brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co 28th and Davenport PATENTS Shares Machine Wks 10th and Jackson patents procured inventions developeu drawings patterns castings machine wk Child 2 or 3 years old to care for and board 58 World Herald 8492 8 Girl for housework 3 Cams st Tel Douglas 5290 apri Ten experienced waitresses for Colorado transportation and good wages Tel G120 So23 8 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE ami otlic rs without security easy pay ments? Office in: 53 principal cities Tol man Room 711 New York Life Bldg KN ITU HE piano jewelry loans 331 Neville block 'The Western Loan Co? A girl for general housework family and good wages 611 a mamu in unredeemed Diamonds STOVE REPAIItEKS WATER backs and stove re pairs wo sell Yellow Label the best stove polish made Also clean Gasoline Stoves Tel Doug 960 Omaha Stove Repair Works 5590 a 15 At rfy girl in need of good home inquire Greenburg Slth and South Onudia LSSAGI6 SPECIALIST EXPERIENCED lady stenographer wishes work by the day or permanent situation Address Stenographer 514 WANTED TO RENT By family of three a small house or three or four untur nishcd and a small barnx World Herald Piano tuning Dalbey 2207 Mason 56M fcall api 1114 rmgiish Penny royal Pills are best safe reliable tako no other send 4c stumps for particulais for Ladies in letter by return mail ask your Chichester Chemical Co (5 a a 3:30 pm BUSINESS man nice home income 56000 wants acquaintance of lady object mat rimony No objections to poor girl or widow if sincere Address 697 ulton st Chicago 2HB sat tf TEAMS wanted for railroad work In quire Owen Lovelace Construction company 2t Barker block Omaha IS eb By practical experienced hotel a' position or night clerk good reference Address Gl World Herald OMAHA Dye Works 1515 Howard fash ionable cleaner Dresses suits drapery 4908 axlb Dr La rench Ner vo fn Tabloids for nervous and broken down men cures nll diseases brought on by self abuse excessive Indulgence and early in discretion such as nervous debility weak or failing memory loss of brain power insomnia nightly emissions dull sight lassitude seminal loss ot sexual power atrophy and varicocele Large box 3 for $250 Guaranteed and sold by mail Sherman McConnell Omaha Riggs Phannacal Co Lincoln Neb 133 sat sun tf 'HELP WANTED SALESMAN lit) experienced ten and coffee men must be marriqd and with good record to manage new established coun try branches salary and commission Ap ply to manager Stephenson 1410 Howard st Omaha Neb or write Jewel Tea Co 18 and 20 Muy st Chicago 8183 13 Money on Omaha property lowest rates arnam Smith Co 1320 arnam RUPTURE No knife no injec tions call or write QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO 511 TV Bldg Omaha DR PRIVATE MONEY "loaned on furniture pianos salary horses etc in any amount at less than half the rates' No red tape perfect privacy immediate attention on any terms: wanted payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment Room 214 Karbach blk 209 lath st 'CASKET COMPANY MOVES Tiic Omaha Casket new three story brick building at Seventeenth and Izard streets is eompleted and occu pied This bullding'was commenced after cold weather set in last fall and finished before the breaking ot spring Brick laying continued during a greater portion of tie winter 'There were but half a dozen days when the masons did not work RECEIVES Washington April President Roosevelt has received a telegram from John Winder president of the bitumin ous operators of Ohio a duplicate of which was sent to President Mitchell ot rs union jiroposing aronration White house today it was stated trUrscvrctin wfiQ cant tn V' 4 'MV ills information that no reply is and none will be sent Millright work of all kinds and repairing Address George Put nam 205 East Council Ihutts Barber 2917 Leavenworth st? DEAR I will not accept that dia mond ring unless you buy it from MAN DELRERG GERTRUDE SEND us your mail orders for drugs freight paid on 510 lots MYERS DIL LON DRUG CO Omaha 6367 A21 MACHINISTS HdSaSER BRICE Machinists 317 12th st TeL 5837 HELP WANTED AGENTS hi ANTED Younff girl tn assist withhousewurk Apply 1717 Chicago st Apr 8 TRY US for CHATTEIf AND SALARY LOANS PHOENIX CREDIT CO 745 632 4 Paxton eases constipation 218 Bee Bldg Tel Douglas 6608 Satisfaction guaranteed all cases 8M4 Mayt A competent girt to do ouaework and plain cooking 139th street Connell Pluffao MONEY at 5 per cent DIAMOND LOAN OICE Morris Brodkey Prop Tel Red 7433 On all Valuables to 1110 arnam next to World MONEY TO CILYTTET BOwi BUILDING Advances private on chattels or salary easy to got no red tape you get money asked for at small cost Open evenings until 7 YOUR saving 49 per cent Investigate Pennell Millinery Co Ill South loth st 406 a x22 Is the place to get easy' you are stcndilv employed tay it pack in weekly or monthly payments also payments sus pended In case sickness or out of em ployment STAR LOAN CO HAHt GOODS An unusual offer I will give you 20 per cent discount on? all hair goods pur chased from me during April MISS HATTIE HAUL 20C Neville Block Experienced ghl fur work good wages two In family res lequlred Mrs S7u7 Leavenworth Phono Harney father desires position with Omaha con cern paying $1500 weakly Can furnish best of references as to ability and har acter 61 World Herald MU 8 WANTED Twenty successful salesmen (International Harvester men preferred) to sell first class linoi buggies through country to farmers? good salary ex penses to live men work all year send photo give age weight experience ref erence first letter our reference any commercial agency "Write itz gerald Supt Oakley Kas GRINNELL MEG CO Grinnell Ta 337 bx9 WHERE WILL YOU BORROW Leave 7 :20 am 2:01 pm 4:40 pm STATION tccntii and Webster Streets: MISSOURI PACIIC Leave 1 Arrive Loe via Wep Wa 3:50 pm pm CHICAGO Hat cty 114 13 Tel 46M 8516 MayG Removed Herald a O' I Watches Jewelry urnished room desirable lo cation on car line Address 64 Worlci llerald 8119 8 CASH LN ANY AMOUNT ON URNITURE DIAMONDS SAT A RTES OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK 1101 4 'Red 4816 MEDIUM SIZED safe state make sizo sand price 50 VVorld IIerald must be in good con World Herald 2508 8 THE INSTALLMENT PLAN Keep it long as you wish on easiest pay ments or pay interest URNITURE PIANOS LIVE STOCK DIAMONDS SALARIES ETC GATE CITY LOAN CO TEL RED 5170 Room 205 Neville blk cor 16th Harney WOMANS DOMESTIC GUILD 51 9 New York Life Bldg two luuiur GOOD nurse girl not under 15 Apply Mrs Van Dorn 3027 Marcy st CHATTEL salary jewelry loans oley Loan Co 1501 arnam upstairs HAIDWAY TIMM TA BLES IT'OX 10th and Mason Streets Daily except Sunday Daily except unuu Leave a 5:15 11:50 pm MISSOURI PACIIC RAILWAY At xnce young man tinner to work in hardware and furniture stock New Loader Hdwre urn Co Exeter Neb 562 x9 WANTED Young man to work in garden A erguson Benson 4o62 apr 7 EVERY $1 REDUCES COST 510000 upon private notes EVER (4th loor) Room 401 (4th loor) NEW YORK LIE BLDG OMAHA TRUST CO "ourth Leave :50 pm :3) am pm am am pm 1:28 urn Local Sioux City StPb 3:50 pm ast Mail Norfolk Long Pine? Lincoln Long Pine Norfolk and Bonesteel a 7:40 am Deadwood Lincoln a 2:50 pm Casper and Wyomingd: 2:50 pm Hastings Albion 2:50 pm Colorado Special a 8:00 am 6:00 pm Minn St Paul Ltda 8:30 pin WABASH RAILROAD Leave 6:30 pm HELP WANTED SALESMAN Trfind salesman a hustler must be experienced give references Address Box 44 Julesburg' Colo if you want to earn money while mving dressmaking call at Redfern School Rin 20 Douglas blk 68G0 apr24 MT apprentice girt Cap Ave IRST CLASS carriage painter to Pahtt and stripe ten traction ensint? 10 Pearl st Council Bluffs PRESS feeder wanted Waters Co MONEY TO CITATTETS Express Ex Local Enst Exn AVE ST inTRn Woman to do cooking A1 Hotel Del Coronado riend Neb WANTED TO KENT AN eight room modern house not too far out not too far north or south Ad dress giving all details and price and lo cation 100 World Herald a THREE rooms furnished for light house keeping within 10 blocks Ad dress 65 World Herald 8306 7 UNION PACIIC Leave Limited a 9:10 am and Cali a pm ROSALIA A SAALELD pianist and teacher 21 Arlington block Tel Red Ddl aiA YOUNG ladv handsome affectionate loves home" and flowers worth $10000 wants immediate marriage no objections to poor man if honest Nirs 697 ul ton st Chicago 111 3 llb tfsat PRIVATE home during confinement ba bies adopted The Good Samaritan sani tarium 72S irst a ve Council Bluffs la REE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton college 11th and Davenport special attention given to confinement cases all treatment supervised by college professors Phone 1167 Calls answered day oi night I A DIES $1000 reward I positively guar antiHi my never failing Ergo Kolo Com round safely relieves longest most ob stinate abnormal cases of delayed month ly periods in 3 to 5 days without harm pain or interference with work mall 5150 double strength? $2 Dr Southing ton Co Kansas City Mo OUND A nlaco to buy DIAMONDS on credit no questions asked Inquire of A MANDELBERG 1522 arnam st Vkux'j i Morrow one num rua uo Tars private parly good becurlty At di ess 65 World Herfflil 3118 8 EXPERIENCED sewers on eoats and waists in our alternation room good salaries Apply to MISS CI LYSE 3d floor NE BRASKA CLOTHING CO PERSONATi ICE healthy baby girl for adoption 2319 13th st 4 8311 8 girl for general housework 5K 26114 st Apr 7 am a 8:30 am Giri for general irrhero second girl is kept private fam art 2225 arnam MEN HOLDING BEST 7 POSITIONS SOMETIMES NEED MONEY WE QUICKLY SUPPLY THE NEED If you are steadily employed In any posi $10 to $100 on best terms and at one haif the usual rates ON SALARY EASY PAYMENT PLAN Whioh enables you to get the money you want in one lump and repay in pay ments you can easily sparo from your salarv each payday AND NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW how or wheie you got It as we do not die papers require no indorser no reference to friends or employer in fact use every precaution to avoid publicity BO DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL for a confidential talk we will explain In de tail no misunderstandings you will know the total cost and all particulars in ad vance courteous treatment whether you borrow or not Open every evening until 8 A HUTTON CO 514 515 (fifth floor) Paxton block cor 16th and arnam sts PIANO CLUB just forming 50c to $1 weekly wo delivery the piano at once Cull fur particulars 1611 I'arnam st white' pink" brunette fiatjn Skin powder made In 4 dainty tints 25c 200 14 St Louis a St Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs)! CHICAGO GREAT ST PAUL MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA Leaveb 6:30 ama 2:00 pmb 5:45 pmc 8:45 am ers especially gear finishers Keys Bros Council Bluffs la 5GGB X8 Lincoln ast Mail Lincoln Local 1 nrt Cronk and Platts mouth Bellevue Plattsmouth a Plattsmouth Pacific Junction a Bellevue and Platts mouth Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago lyer Iowa Local St Louis Express Kansas city Joseph Kansas City Joseph 'Kansas City Joseph UNION ST STOUT voting man to learn trade Wire Works' 611 16th 813 xli THE narty formerly with Garben of Chi cago to call Balfiuff 1520 I arnarn S3ui i Dr Wells and Nevllle blk HOME before and during confinement Address box 408 Sherwin Williams Co mixed paints Sher man McConnel Drug Co Omaha TICKET BROKERS Cut rate railway tickets everywhere Philbin 1505 arnam Pnone Douglas 784 Larson Johnson 1406 ar Tel Doug1935 fl Experienced coat and tor alteration department fkedprick bercer co 1517 ARNAM ar WANTK1 A middle aged woman general housework good wages (acr man preferred 624 St npr RELIABLE lady to do house cleaning at 808 13th 6t Tel Doug tw7 nprxl0 GAS and Gasoline Stoves repaired City Stove Repair Wks Tel Red 7475 212 12th st 822G M3 IX) not forget that we sell a good home mado blood? cure called 63 Dav Jlood Cure $100 a bottle at the Gladish Phar mancy Deutsche Atpotheke 12th and Lodge sts Omaha Neb vu a DR JACKSON 4 rcnzer blk chronic diseases a specialty consultation free 5707 aprl7 5:00 jm WESTERN Leave Arrive 8:30 pm a 7:15 am 7 :45 am a 7:55 pm 5:00 pm 5:05 am a ISLAND PACIIC AST Leave am a 7 :0 am am a 5:40 pm 2 DRESSMAKER apprentices also wash er woman 27H5 Wthstr Sh GIRL for second work Mrs Henry Wy man 125 32l ave URNITURE Live Stock Salary Loans Duff Green Loan Co? 8 Barker Blk See uller 420 Paxton blk for loans on salaries chattels watches diam J1ONEV loaned on pianos furniture jew elry horses cows Tieed 319 13th and board in private family by young lady stenograiher Ad dress'faTt 9 nJ'orld 1 1 crald 8347 7' TWO unfurntshed rooms not too far out smust have bath and be reasonable Ad dress AVorhl Hcrald 90 An experienced pants presser Annlv at Byrne Hammer Co factory 12th and Howard 8410 X9 RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN to travel distribute samples and employ agents Tocal manaerers also: $18 a week penses Zeigler Co 305 Locust st adelphla WA Boy to feed Gordon press 2511 Marcy st MAN to work around house for board androom 101 25th st ax9 RIAN AGER small laundry young man WESTERN RE BOND 840 841 842 Life Bldg personal printing 113 14th st 5380 MME SMmb3aths 118 15 2d fl 2 499 aprJ Elderly man to do chores and tend tarn Harold street and Boulevard South Omaha A painter Apply at enporL Barber call at once 2625 Sherman ave irst class man for shaper and band saw Apply at once 53 World Herald Sound young men for firemen and brakemen on railways high wages quick promotion: experience unnecessary firemen get $100 become engineers brakemen get $75 become conductors hundreds of good Positions Call or write nearest office for full par ticulars today National Railway Tmln tng xls 620 Paxton block Omaha Neb or Rldga blJ Kansas City Young man to drive and take care of horses Greenhouses 31st ana Burt MAN to sell and erect iron fence on com mission Call evenings 2730 Burt st MEN wanted to learn barber trade Have just opened biff branch college ana want large number of students to enter soon Will make best offer ever known for short time Write at once AMERICAN BAR BER COLLEGE Cor 12th and Douglas sts CLERK for railroad office must be quick and accurate at $5 to $70 according to ability World Herald 8396 8 salesman by a progressive young man with ability and best of references Vorld Herald 837b 7 POSITION wanted as violinist to Tday evenings or Sundays Wood 3031 18th st city' M3 xi Position by young man morn ings until 11:30 and from till even ing 1 1 World Herald S71 xt) PHYSICIANS Homeopath specialty chronic diseases cancers tumors successfully treated by mall Bee bldg Reliable man by the month for small farm close to South Omaha Inquire at 2207 South Omaha even ings and Sundays 8540 8 A MAN to drive grocery wagon must be able to milk I 39 World Herald MONl'ir TO THIATj ESTATE Money to loan on real estate at 5 and 5 per cent Meikle 205 Ramge Bldg ARM CITY AND BUILDING LOANS REED BROS 1710 ARNAM $100000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha lowest rates no delay Thomas Brennan 1 MONUMENTS Great "Western Granite Co MARC EL WAVE Manicuring facial massage: thorough first class work: Lutie Bryant 316 Bee Bldg WASHING neatly done at my home J27O1 Cuming 8315 7 LET me know what you have in old dia monds watches jewelry coins fire arms etc I paw highest cash priccsat once 38 WorlI Horali 8359 X12 One hundred shingles to put on A 59 World Herald SG93 X9 BAKERY groceries and meats 3 layer white cakes 30c pure milk bread? best quality lowest puces on groceries and meats Johnson Goodie tt Co 200 Lake si 8tIH mayx7 yG sTKtusIckSANeville blk Tel 2823 The Johnson Institute 418 Life it Miss' Hattie Haul scalp and facial massage also dry shampooing 26 Ne ville block Tel Doii G858121 2 "WANTED A good comma ker Imme diately Glelrn Broken Bow Neb' Reliable sober industrious man to wholesale' goods from wagon to retail dealers in city Address in own handwriting state age experience sal ary wanted Address 64 World Her ald S2i54 x9 Two good agents to take or ders for enlarged pictures or will make pictures at Chicago prices Call or ad di 333 Carlson Artist 2913 24th st Omaha Neb 8392 12 National Gasoline Lamp Co 918 15th 8547 mx7 Experienced shoe 'salesman Apply manager shoe dept Clothing Co Washerman and engineer Hinchey laundry 409" 25th st South Omaha 8438 tr Man to learn barber trada scholarship includes complete outfit i tools diplomas and positions board and room provided few weeks completes by this method special Inducements now Call or write Moler Earner College Ulb arnam st Omaha 3 587D 1 Energetic trustworthy man to work in Nebraska representing largo manufacturing company $10 to per month paid weekly: expenses ad vanced address with stamp II Moor Omaha Men everywhere good pay to distribute circulars adv tack signs etc no canvassing Address National Distributing Bureau 100 Oak land Bank Bldg Chicago 111 5o4b 8 IREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and other railroads experience unnec essary' firemen $100 become englneois and earn $200 monthly brakemen $5 be come conductors and earn $150 state send stomp name position preferred Railway Association Department Charles Building Denver CooradcK Good bright energetic boy to learn hanking business not over 18 years of age' previous experience unneces sary 58 World Herald 8al4 x3 Married man for ordinary farm work boards himself $35 house and garden Benedict Cul bertson Neb 643 8 I i kfitCK wwers wanted Omaha Bedding 13th and Nicholas tx 8139 7 Experienced pants finishers machine operators Apply at Byrne Hammer Co factory 12th and'hwarl SHt xJ second 'girt Mrs Brown Wl 32d ave ax9 A young girl German or Dan lah to assist with housework family ofmir 2414 Sherman ave ax9 Competent girl for general housework 1549 Georgia ave axil K'OM PETENT nurse to take care of twins ki liest wages Mrs Cotton 1'2 8 6ih at I Experienced salesladies in mil 'llnry department Apply lx'tween 8 I id a tn to A XD Brandies 9 ILVTS CLEANED HATS cleaned 50c IL Schmarse 605 16th 8227 3 BARBER at once: steady position for first class man Urquhart Ran dnlph Neb 585 ra MAN to wash windows Apply Man delberg care Store 8428 8 WAN'L'El Good reliable and energetic man to take charge of a fruit farm must have had exrience II McKenzl 1218 Pierce st Council Bluffs Io SJ33 8 A coatmaker Hicks 13 Pearl st Council Bluffs la 8434 8 BARBER wanted Saturday and Sunday no students 318 10th st 8135 7 A 1 farm hand at once young man preferred Elton Benson Neb 1 544 8 COATMAKER wanted at once Mur phy Waterloo la 667 7 Garden hand $2500 per month 42d and Lalk st Karel aprlO At once first class ice cream maker good wages guaranteed Address red Picard Geneva Neb z96b i BOY tobacco stripper 103 13th cigar store 8340 7 Household Goods Pianos lave Stock Warehouse Receipts ana Salaries WE GIVE HARNESSMAK16R wanted a stead job Degenhart Malvern la 64o xlO One coat maker and one tai lor: work by week Jas Sochor Platts mouth Neb General drug apprentice must be good soda fountain man or tieth and arnam saJ xiu Industrious young man to work in garden on private estate good pl fo? the right party 39th and Dav enport sts I Roman gardener Rocky Mountain Ltd Colorado Express Oklahoma Tex Ex WE BS I Eli STI EET SEWING girl at 2210 arnam updi otA'n xv GOOD cook references required 416 38th st aprxw OD girl for general housework fam of two AVages $4u nh aver4 A4r 7 iNTKD Elderly Ldy to assist in jusekeeping Apply H28 Lth Laborers and teamsters for Montana Wyoming Nebraska and Col orado coal shovelers for Nebraska ana Colorado $175 per day board $350 per week ree fare Western Railroad Labor Agency 310 11th st DRUG stores bought and sold drug clerks wanted Knlest 624 I BOARD TRADE BARBER SHOP 1C05 arnam best service nine chairs no long waiting1 shaving 10c hair cutting 25c 6 1 Ail SUGAR BEET WORKERS We furnish workers wherever the sugar beet is grown in America Ask for particulars Omaha Employment Bureau 121 loth or Army able bodied uninarriea men oeiween Si citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak read and write English tor in formation apply to recruiting officer 13th and Douglas sts OMAHA LINCOLN and Grand Island Neb or Sioux City Io GIRL for general housework 3 in fam ily no children 1108 23th st axW GIRI for general housework: middle aged preferred references required 32j 26th St nxlu Girl for general housework I Mrs A Jaquith 2017 Spencer st I HX'iX iv Stammering stuttering cured 4i0 Ramge PRIVATE hospital? during confinement babies adopted: best and cheapest in the city 2319 8 13th st Omaha Neb urnished rooms for light housekeeping close in two adults em ployed references Lock Box to help with housework small i rtmlly 2208 Douglas Apr? Girl to do cooking in prl family no washing wages oo Chicago st A 7 I Girl for general housework at once 829 19th st Apr 7 lilSMPETENT colored woman wanted atrtee $600 per week 2107 Lake st I Apr 7 PLUMBERS Chapman Mahan 1709 24th Red 5sC 1 3668 I VV DUDGEON Tel Harney 1966: 1773 Sbi UATIONS EMALE Position by experienced house keeper capable managing home re fined good seamstress ran give best or reference 56 World Herald 7901 7 MIDDLE AGED lady desires position as housekeeper in strictly reliable hotel Address 51 World Herald 8416 8 POSITION as housekeeper one child 537 31st st 84X 9 St a 9:15 am i St )a tO th" and AND IRST? CLASS DRESSAIA KING Send for Price List and Samples THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK TEL 1936 PRIVATE confinement home babiesadopted Mrs Dr King 2018 21st Tel Douglas 3559 SlC m4 Dr La Rue's rencn emale Tabloids regulate quickly absolutely sate thoroughly reliable better than pennyroyal no aisappomt large box $1 extra strong for ob cases $2 Guaranteed and sold by Sherman McConnell Omaha Jharmacal Co Lincoln Neb 134 sat sun tf Machinists and car repairers Wyoming brakemen Wyoming anti Montana Western Ry Labor Agency 310 11th st CAR repairers and carpenters wanted Apply I roundhouse Council Bluffs Iowa 8H0 9 Austrian and Italian laborers for company work in Nebraska Wyom ing and Colorado Western Railroad Janor Agency aiu urn COATMAKER wanted at once Prices $750 and up Hoffman Helneman Columbus Nelx 549 7 A good barber steady job and good wages Address A Breed ing Deadwood 552 7VANTED Everywnere hustlers to tacg signs distribute circulars samples etc no canvassing good pay Sun Adevertls ing Bureau Chicago I90i 1 7 18 2 1 25 31 Aprl 7 Girl for general housework No children Small family 2921 Pacific st pi9 A washerwoman for Monti ly 2423 Cass st apr 9 A gil for general housework small family and good wages 511 8 21th st avr 3 TO A good cylinder country work col folio 'ne Burwell Neb 593 bx9 Overland Colorado fornia Express Atlantic Exnress No 3 No 6 China and Japan ast Mail oinna ana japan casA Mail a California Atlantic Ex press a 1:15 pm caniornia ana Oregon Eastern Express Txis Angeles Limited ast Mail Colorado Chicago Spe cial North Platte Local Beatrice Local CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST Leave Chicago and Colorado Special Cal and Oregon Ex Overland Limited irion and Cedar Ran ids Local 6:45 "CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN Arrive 7:30 3:45 8130 10:00 9:15 SMALL gold watch initial on front Waltham movement Return to 1406 arnam Elwood Reward tsl82 7 Gold nose glasses reward Cigar store 314 2Gth st So Omaha 8437 tf IE LI ANTI 1 MA LE daandJightchool COLLEGE Business Shorthand Typewriting Telegraphy Normal and English stu dents admitted any day catalogue free Address IL Boyles Pres Boyles Bldg Omaha Neb Two canvassers new goods best sellers on earth 1619 Howard st At once on a farm 5 miles west of Omaha man and boy about 16 Call between 1 find 2 Saturday on Mr Baker at Bennett's barn 8uW BOY for soda fountain Beaton Drug Co boij LOWEST rates Bemis Paxton Block City loans Peters Co LOANS and building loans Omaha Loan Building Bee Building GARVIN BROS 1604 arnam 5 and 5 per cent lonns on real estate delay MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co 5 PER CENT ami 5 per cent loans On city property Thomas 1st Nat I Rank Bldg Tj Syringes runber goods by mail cut prices MYERS DILLON DRUG CO Omaba 63C8 A21 REST BRACER for men Giiys Nrve ood Pills $1 per box postpaid Sher man McConnell Drug Co omaha OMAHA HUG Higli grade rugs madefrom old carpets Tel 2068 1521 Leev ANY poor girl in need of a friend can call on or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 24tli St Omaha Neb Waters Printing Co 1307 9 IIowaGi WANTED TO BUY 2d Hand books Crane 207 16th Tel1321 DUJI'T sell your second hand furniture carpets stoves clothes and shoes peforo 4 you see me we pay the best price Dotfg' 5668 aprl6 Experienced runnjer Union Hotel 11th and Mason sts x9 Two experienced silk sales men steady position to right part es A rtilresa 58 Worll Heral1 H2 x10 Gilt! for general housework Airs A Nxdi 120 33d apr xlO Girl to assist with housework 22il Douglas st apr xlO Girl tor general housework 1338 31st apr xlO WANTED Competent girl small family good wages 923 27th st apr xlO LADIES or gentlemen desiring pleasant and profitable employment address 83 World Herald Co Blufls Iowa AGENTS To sell American Deorest Wireless Telegraph stock A reliable investment that will bring very large returns to both agent and Investor Good territory and liberal contracts to right parties Call and see us Walm sley Wemott 544 Bee Bldg Omaha Neb 7)31 We want a general agent one who has had experience in solicit ing with an old line life insurance company We are maturing policies above estimates when policies were sold and our rates are lower than eastern companies We have a good general agency for an energetic man Address OLD LINE BANKERS LIE Lincoln Neb S191 9 Patents procured bought and sold Nat 1 Co Douglas blk 16th and Dodge A STURGES registered attorney patents trade marks copyrights no fee unless successful 517 bldg LARSON CO patent lawyers patent book REE 603 Bee bldg Omaha Neb rtvNTKIb Experienced shoe anlcxlady inrpply manager shoe dept Nebraska 1 Jthing Co 3S1 C7 Girl for general housework ffi419 st South Omaha ax9 Good girl for general house vork small family 125 38th ave axO TWO good carriage painters immediately Drummond Carriage Co 8ib a TEAMS and men to 4ihul brick frem ears Also team drivers Sunderland 20th and Hickory sts 84U xj A painter Apply at 3S59)V' enport Thoroughly experienced st ographio bill clerk Remington operator preferred irst class references re aulred 58 World Herald uQ xJ xv Clerk in gents furnishing "goodl department 2511 st So Omaha io tt nairl general iiousuwoik ain washing $25 hrirl general housework 2 in family Council Bluffs $6 Couk no laundry $5 $35 rli i ouaemu Id $3 talff*ck unl liouBeinitM Wyoming trans a 'ai wife 7or Wyoming Private jHy to art as hougeman aurt who sis "uw transportation furnhed $50v0 peraril vi th weiournwn with wife who can net oa ft 5000 per month Girt for general housework 8 IGth st apr 7 Competent girl for general housework tamuy ot tnree uau st Apr 9 WA Compe ten millinery sales women and apprentice girls Kern 1508 Douglas 3S3 8 Good washerwoman for Mon day or Tuesdays 1135 Georgia avoxl0 STORAGE jfAClGARDVtin Storage Co Goods stored lowest prices insured with out extra charge Phone Douglas 1039 and Douglas 1496 7008 Apr24 WE take down clea: and stqre your stove black and set vt up in the fall Capacity 250 stoves: A Hayne hard ware 24th and Lake Sts Tel Doug 3516 8177 mx3 that the dent for expected LEI LEK CASE AHIMED In the suit brought by Sarah Lefler of South Omaha to recover $5000 from the New York Life Insurance company the mandate from the circuit court of ap peals affirming the judgment of Judge aunger in dismissing the action was re ceived riday afternoon Two years ago Judge Munger ruled that Mrs Leiler had no cause for action The suit was brought? to collect on two policies taken out bj' Jicnry Lefler an attorney of South Omaha ChurciMll general agent of th? Great Western has gone to St Paul H' will return Monday 1 WANTED A young man salesmanship A Hoaspe MEN TO LEARN barber trade free rail road fare upon our failure to convince vou of thta being the BEST and only re liable most practical barber college in the United States Write for catalogue today Westarn Barbers' Institute Omaha Neb SALESMAN that can sell standard line room 1 Crounse block Warren Co Experienced lumber jobber to take charge of mail order dept in lum ber yard Address 5 World llerajd Woman to do sewing: chil clothes 3350 Harney st 1 farney 99') apr xio Girl fur general housework 1302 Park ave apr xlO A girl for general housework 1961 Binney sL apr xlO WANTKiX AT Competent cook also housemaid Apply 210 32d KdDLE aged woman for general house ork 1118 1 Iowa rd st apr9 Good girl for general housy jrk small family good hom*o to right 525 California st a7 "NO girl to do Hg'ht housework one 0 can sleep at home 2310 wtrnfttv 4 wahAia nm in fslV MOH mornings steady employment 623 Wh st aPrT ES8MAKING apprentice Doug Red 6806 h'S7 X10 CtL for general housework can doashing nr send out as desired I hone rwy 16C 49C3 Capitol ave Aprs VE seamstresses wanted for Mltwrev lon good wages steady work391 a vn worth st A chambermaid nt City hotel loth and Harney ats 8386 8 ENCED girl for general house work asit Harney st Apr Milliners at 1K3 Douglas Hehmlell Co 8399 8 IaDY MANAGER tn every county of fice in home: salary $1500 week and Ixpenses Barr mgr Como Bldg i'hicfigo 241 25 31 7 1 4 21 28 OOD girl for general housework 920 So I 1st st apr8 toMAN for general housework 2330 So iHst st apr9 rinort irlrl for general house family three Apply 29u9 arnaml Apr bn for general housework 508 20th 4 eect apr 9 ty Giri for genera! housework: uall family good wages 115 Morton Benson Tel Benson 341 Apr 8 for gem ml housework Apply 3125 rcy st Apr 8 I neNTED Good girl for general house ork permanent place for right party8in yaritatn Sf nprS Mrs Merges pianist 269 20tli Tel 4685 pno? PETERSON piano German meth od voice Italian method 513 WOW bldg PRIVATE home during confinement ba bies adopted Mrs Garden 2216 Charles Tel 6317 cbeighton UNIVERSITY DENTAL COLLEGE INIRMARY 219 South Eighteenth Street Is open from 1 until 5 every day excepting Sunday Those 1 who cannot aft ord the services or the practising dentists may have dental work done here Competent demonstrators are with the stu dents at all times IJR ROB'T JENSEN practice limited to skin genito urinary and venereal dis eases 300 303 Brown Blk 16th and Doug DO you needa good wife with home money or a farm A husband with good home and income Write us for particu lars amily Circle Toledo 1307b jjKS? RITTENHOUSE Magnetic Osteologist Chronic diseases a spec ialty 412 IGth 2d floor room 2 8228 M3 PLEASANT rooms best care in private home before and during coniuwment Rhone Douglas 7345 8213 8 48W.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.