The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER THUBSD Ay MORSTSG, MAY 4, 1899 11 SITUATIONS WANTED, HALE DRESSMAKING BOARDING AUCTION SALES PERSONAL SITUATIONS WANTED, HALE Advertisem*nts under this classification c. per word. COOKS Colored head and second want position togetner tor summer. Address J. Williams.

877 Onal street. FEMALE HELP WANTED T'lf word's will Inserted under tbis tlasslflcatton free when left nialu office. Additional words le. each. OPERATORS, home experienced, children's.

Infant's dresses, lininediatelv. Magill Breach, 41 North Seventh. SMENJjGENTSlJ WANTED It lane manufacturing concern, six bright, in elligent. industrb-ns women, not as book bicents: must be good talkers and over 2f years of are: permanent positions and good wages le right women. Address, ttatlng references.

A 186. Inquirer office. AGENTS SALARY OR COMMISSION THE greatest igents' seller ever produced; every nser of pel and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 5io per celt profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days; another $32 in two boars. Monroe Mfj-. 2.

La Crosse. Wis. ARCH 2011 Newly furnished single room; superior taoic ooarii. CHESTER 4719 First-class board, bath. heantlful part of West Pbila.

DIAMOND. Board, private family, front room; tutu iu coupie or gents; 4. FIFTH. N. S5l Desirable vacancies for gents: H.W and S4.

GREEN 1832-Nice rooms, with first-class noam: pieaant summer location. LEHIGH 1538-Vaoancies for three boarders: first-class neighborhood. MASTER 2244 Board for cents: choice rooms: good table, gas bath: S4 and $4.50. MT. VERNON.

1222 Nicely furnished rooms. with or without board. NINETEENTH 1538 Private family win rent room, with or without hoard. RACE 1611 Single and other rooms; flrst- class board. SEVENTH.

859 Two second-story rooms. unfurnished, with board. SEVENTEENTH 1307 Good hoarding f.T two respectable gentlemen: business nr- SEVENTEENTH ST. 122 Vacancies, witii ooara: single rooms. SEVENTEENTH 1700 A nice small room ror one person and good board.

SIXTH 503 Large room; excellent noard: gents. $4. SIXTH. N. 1239 Desirable boarding.

$4, tan room aione. SIXTEENTH. 140O Second-story front; handsome room, with board: $10. SUMMER 1513 Board for two; private family. TENTH 540 Rooms with flrst-class board; private family.

THE LOGAN (Loran Sonar ltt.14 Rncek Tjrpc cool, handsome rooms; excellent table; moder ate. THIRTEENTH. 1212 Pleasant front; s-lso small room: conveniences; terms reasonable. THIRTY-EIGHTH 22 Deslrsble rooms with or without hoard. WALLACE 1707-Newly furnished, first- ciass ranie; summer rates.

YORK. 1924 Second floor room, with board, also tame noard. EOARD WANTED MARRIED COUFLE want board at once: 10 minutes walk Nineteenth and South. 182, inquirer office. LADY desires board within five squares of 26th ana umoeriana.

410. inouirer brancb of fice. 3955 Lancaster. TWO GENTLEMEN desire two single rooms. with boanl; pleasantly fnrnlshed: state terms ana location 01 rooms.

A l4. Inquirer office. JJOTELSJl ELEVENTH 708 Cheerful second-story irooi rooms, furnisneu. ELEVENTH 708 Two third-story front rooms, uniurnisreo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS.

Obt A i nod In I 1 1 Ail Rt a nd 11 fnrol cm countries. Evpi-t Inventor fflven nersons I and special attention, inventors desiring informs tion or advice may have same without charge t.u i noov PATENTS MAILED ON REQUEST. JNO. L. CLARKSON Registered Patent Attor neys.

rrankiin liuuaing, iztn ana walnut sts WANTED Partner with $500 to $600 In the best meat, provision, butter, egg and produce business: doing cash business of $300 to $450 per week: clearing $25 to $50 weekly: no experience required: partner to act as cashier. IK. imiulrer office. FOR SALE LICENSED HOTEL; owner desires to retire before June 1: elegant business op- portunlty; very reasonable; licensed forty-five years. P.

C. B. Donovan, attorney. 1104 Gl raid ttunaing. WANTED Partner.

$350 cash. meat, provision butter, egg business, doing cash bnsluess $llo0 to $1500 month: partner can make $25 week; no experience required. 130. Inquirer oince. FOR SALE Fancy cakes bakery and Ice cream saloon: fine stand for caterer: also for breatj two ovens: will sell very reasonable: good man can make price In three months: closed Sun davs.

S. E. cor. Camac and Norrls streets. PAWN TICKET for diamond ring, weighing 2', karats, white aud perfect: will sell ticket cheap: also diamond scarf Din.

In for $25. can see goods before buying ticket. 121. Inualrer ornce. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS for sale: $200 000: only $50,009 cash: $300,000 yearly bus! ness: $60,000 net profits: highest commercial references.

McDonald Wiggins. 140 Nassau street. New xork. INVEST $200. securing large weekly income Safe, conservative proposition: second success ful year; statistics free.

n. Griffin. 1180 Broadway. New xork. WANTED Partner who thoroughly understands the light lunch and ice cream business: vicinity Reading Terminal: capital required.

$3 to S5O00; corresiionnence eonnueutiai. A luv. inquirer. FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream and light lunch cafe, centrally located, doing excellent business: price S4OO0: correspondence strictly confidential. Address 139, Iuquirer office.

LOCAL EXPRESS BUSINESS, yearly business profits HOO to $125 weekly: Investi-gstion courted; oner leaving city. A 20. Inquirer office. BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR, deserving im mediate attention. BICiCLE repairing shop.

unusual opportunity. BAKERIES, groceries. HIHSHFKL1I, 521 North Tentn. FOR SALE Grocery, meat and provision store. doing a cash business: an old established stand; going into other business cause of selling.

A. L. Aimen. Willow Grove. Pa.

ONE FINEST GROCERY, meat, provision stores up town, with fine team, doing business Ci.dO per week. Tbis will be sold bargain. 24oi North Park ave. I HAVE 6 bv 2rt feet advertising room on Boardwalk. Atlantic City: will rent it whole or separately: good view.

Addiess Hotel Rox-borough. Ocean avenue. R. F. Bremer.

OLD ESTABLISHED. 3-chalr. loc. barber shop; central location: must he sold at sacrifice; good reason. Apply at 227 Federal street, Camden.

John Campbell. DOWNTOWN MILK, butter and egg store for sale: good reasons given for selling. 19o. Inquirer office. $175-TO BE SOLD AT ONCE A well-located place of fruits and produce: country town: near the city.

105. Inquirer office. $250 HALF INTEREST fine meat, butter, eggs. provision store, man can make sis per week: no experience necessary. 2457 North Park ave.

YOUNG COLORED WOMAN wishes private per son to loan her 10: short time; good security. Address 112. Inquirer. WANTED Energetic man. with $400, to start restaurant in Atlantic City.

704. Inquirer branch office. 7th and Montgomery avenue. FOR SALE CHEAP The finest cigar store tip-town: other business csuse of selling. S.

W. corner Ridge ave. and Oxford st. FOR SALE OR RENT First-class bakery, con fectionery, ice cream and soda water. B.

Henkc, Clayton. Gloucester county. N. J. PARTY WITH $350 can have third Interest In new nark amusem*nt.

Address 115. Inouirer ornce. WANTED Special partner with $10,000 in an estannsnea macbine business, baving valuable specialties. 113, Inquirer office. I BUY for spot essh.

boots snd shoes for a txnitnero bouse. Address lor one month, P. O. I Daw Dl.II 1 minireiiiun COUNTERS. ICE BOXES, drag, cigar fixtures, office furniture bought, sold; fitting stores a specialty.

Fogg. 445 North Tenth street. RARE OPPORTUNITY In northern section of cltv: licensed hotel. 26 years: widow wishes 10 rt-iire iruni iti'BiutfM. jv im, luuuirer oince.

FOR RENT 341 South Front street, a flrst-class place for truck, butter aud poultry; good-will anS fixtures lor sale, inquire at store. I WANTED-Partner with $350 to invest in mest and Drovlsion business: partner can make 125 weekly; money wen seetirea. 117. Inouirer. DRUGGIST, going away, wishes to sell store: excellent chem-e for live druggist: good lo cality iv 10a.

inquirer. LADY' or gentleman partner wanted in nice office business: small investment reoulred. ii. inquirer ornce. WOULD LIKE TO BUY first-class cigar store.

witn or witnout owcning. j7. mature office. FOR SALE Established honsefurnlshing and Hardware store: no reasonable offer refused Apply N. W.

corner 30th and Dauphin. 10-CEXT BARBER SHOP FOR SALE; other nnsiness. zzo Gordon st. WANTED TO BUY a bsrber shop In the coun try. joi.j a.

uisawicil. FOR SALE Good cigar store: central: price Kicnarason ft Thomss. 1025 Arch st. I CIGAR and candy store. 717 North Broad street; rent $9.

Apply 1403 Ridge are. BARBER SHOP for sale, cheap; other busi nrss. zi ma st. FOR SALE A bskery. doing a good business.

iui iiauiuim street. MILK. BUTTER and egg depot for sale cheap. Appiy 10 vtm. Ben, ikio 9.

tigsteentn st. HIGHEST CASH price paid for your entire store, llson. lus4 Lawrence. OPARTNERSBNOjnTCK cSHGTslsolnoNiF Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between Mary A. Hays and James Van Kirk, of Philadelphia, under the firm name of the Hub Laundry was dis solved on the third dsy of May.

1890. by mu tual consent. All aeDts owing to saia parr-. dry Company. Limited, and all demands on the said partnership are to ne preseniea to 11 tor payment.

JAMES VAN KIRK my JACOBS Auctioneers. 227 SOUTH ST. AMlrr' clotbln- rtc-' 227 rtr- May Jewelry, Clothing, 227 South May 5. 9. It A.

M. PAWNBROKER'S HALE OF CLOTH-. ING. Diamond. Gold and silver Watriiev.

Jewelry. Finger Kings. Musical Instruments, Bicycles. locks, Tools. (hoe nnd miscellaneous goods, on Monday morning.

itlay li, clock. By order or YV.S. KADC LIFF. Broker. 143 North Mxtli St.

REUBEN ConEN. Seventeenth and Ba'nbridge streets, will sell diamonds, watches, jewelry, furniture, sewing ninchincs. bicycles, organs, miscellaneous goods, Tuesday. May 0. f) A.

M. HEILBR0NER. Broker. 2032 N. Front sells Ladies and Gents' Clothing, on Thursday morning.

May 11. 9 A. M. Jewelry. Clothing, 227 South St.

9. 9 A. M. May 5. THOMAS B.

I.OVATT. Anctioneer. 430 SOUTH ST. and 607 PASSYUNK AVE. Jewelry.

Clothins. 430 South May 5. 0 A. M. Jewelrv, Clothing, 430 South May 9, A.

M. BEERWALD. 122 CALLOWHII.L sells clothing. Jewelry and music goods Thursday. May 11.

1S09. DAVIS HARVEY, 1112 WALNUT ST Real estate. (3d floor! S. TV. cor.

Broad and Chestnut. May 8. noon. Household goods. Moore's.

Pa. May 4. 10 M. M.THOMAS SONS. 1519 AND 1521 CHESTNUT S.

4th st. Furniture. Art Objects, 1519-21 Chestnut May 5. B. 8.

3 P. M. Furniture, Carpets, 1519-21 Chestnut St. May 4. 10 aud 9 A.

M. Real Estate. Bonds aud Stocks. Bourse. Mar li.

noon. A. ti. LIPPINCOTT CO. 424 MARKET ST.

Dry Goods. Clothing. 424 Market St. 10 A. May 5.

vYM. F. COMLY SON, Auctioneers. 248 S. FRONT ST.

AND 113 DOCK ST. 170.0MI FINE CIGARS THURSDAY. Mav 4th. 11 o'clock, at Anction Store, bv order manufacturers. 170.000 cigars.

various brands. Sumatra wrappers, etc. LIPPINCOTT, SONS CO, 14-16 S. 7TH ST. Dry Goods.

Clothing, 14-16 South Seventh street. May 4. 10 A. M. UAKBER BIRCH, 1129 ARCH ST.

Bicycles. Fumitnre. 1129 Arch street. E. S.


Bonds and Real Estate. Bourse. May 9. 10, noon. Real Estate.

Melrose. May 6. 2.30 P. M. Hosiery Machinery.

223 Botline May b. lo A. M. JAS. A.


Shafting, Adams and Emerald, May 9. 10 A. M. Drugs. Fixtures, Lippincott and Trenton.

May 11. 10 A. M. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN 'leiepboue 2U2d.

Auctioneers. Real estate. S. W. cor.

12th and Walnut. May 10, noou. Furniture, Carpels, 3027 Dauphin May 4. 10 A. M.

Bicycles and Sundries. S. W. cor. 12th and Walnut.

May 4, 2 P. M. Household Goods, S. W. cor.

12th and Walnut. 5, 8. 10 A. M. Antique furniture.

S. W. cor. i2th and Wal nut. May 1 to 6.

3 P. M. EPSTEIN BROS, 426 N. and St, HORSES, ETC. 5V- NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED; will sell handsome family road mare.

Kentucky bred, age 6. weight 1050, exceedingly stvlish and attractive appearance, great endurance, positively gentle under all circ*mstances, fully guaranteed; trots In 2.30. Also, stylish family horse, long tail and mane. 16 hands high, age 7'years. weight 1150.

prompt, pleasant roadster of 10 to 12 miles an hour, trustworthy and reliable under all and any circ*mstances for ladies or most timid persou to drive, as he Is fearless of steam, trolley cars, and large enough for any nse; we'll sell regardless of cost to any one who will give him good home; also at great sacrifice handsome, reversible trap, stylish run-aliout, fine falling-top buggy, harness scarcely used. See Owner. Stable back 1522 Girard ave. V. TO $45-100 HEAD horses, mares and mules, to be positively sold st once, bv order Terminal Express Company; 6 to 8 vears old.

weighing 1000 to 1400 pounds: suitable for grocers, bakers, butchers, family carts, or would make excellent farm horses; trial allowed and no reasonable offer refused; also lot wagons, single and double harness at sacrifice. See superintendent Terminal Express Company. 223 Race street, between Second and Third streets. A RG Al NS! BARGAINS! gains! $13 upwards 2tW head of horses and 3 mares heavy in foU lo large heavy draught horses: suit carts or heavy hauling; also four fast driving horses. ThJ above horses and mules are Just out hard work: suit any kind city or country use: no reasonable offer refused.

Pasture field. 3439 Cerman-town avenue. Take Eighth street car. $15 TO ARLINGTON EXPRESS Jt will sacrifice 10 head of sound horses ami mi. res, ages from 6 to 9 years old, weights from 1050 to 14O0 pounds: warranted to work single r.r double harness: among them is one 5-year-old mare: driving, family or business; also wagons, harness, cheap; trial allowed.

Call main office. 1123 Race street. CHANCE FOR BARG.VIN-$55 BUY a whole team, hlocky-oullt borse. 7 years old: good 6-spring business wagon and harness; horse warranted and kind; will sell separate: must be sold at once; also 6 blocky-hullt horses and mares, suitable lor farm, fain-llv or anv business purposes; trial given; must sell. Store.

154 North 13th. Tv $5 TO $55 AMERICAN LOCAL EX-Stff press baving no further nse, will sell their entire lot of horses and mules; also some voting mares. These horses are Just out of hard work: also 50 wagons. 20 furniture and shelving wagons; lis sets of harness, beavy and light. $1 up: trial allowed.

Branch stables, 427 North Eighth street. "4jv $25HAVING NO FURTHER USE Jifiy will sell at this low figure, stylish young compactly built mare: good traveler: suit family work, farm or any general business purpose; will allow purchaser fair trial: also six-spring business wagon and harness: genuine bargain. Can be seen at store, 508 N. 12th st. V- FOR SALE CHEAP Two brown blookv-J4j built horses: extra good drivers: salt-able for anv business.

Apply at mt residence. 1433 Vine St. TV-- A FITTED UP TEAM SUITED FOR A J3r huckster for sale, with license. 94 North Seventh, rear No. 1.

V-- PASTURE FOR HORSES NEAR THE city. Address R. P. Richards, Car-dington Iielaware county. Pa.

CARRIAGES DROP TOP CARRIAGE. In flrst-class condition, suitable for bnsinesx rmr. poses; reasonable price. Corner Hanco*ck and Huntingdon LIGHT CARRIAGE AND HAR KS ness: cheap. Eagle Hotel Stables.

Sixth and Girard avenue. WAGONS WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR 1MME-diate delivery, new and second-hand business, express and delivery wagons: all sizes and capacities: our warranted build: interesting jirices. The Iengert Company. Twelfth and Ieiist streets. NEW AND VSECOND-IIAND Business wagons.

Randolph and Wll- icivppn litn anu nism. i.arge block oi new paucl-body wagons and ice wagons. WANT TO BUY A GOOD (INK- MWt horse furniture car; must oe cneap. 3i22 Uarren W. Phila.

HUCKSTER WAGON. CHEAP. 114. Inquirer office. W.

BIRDS, DOGS, ETC. WANTED A good-sized Newfoundland dog; must lie goisl watch dog and kind to children: go to the conntry: name size, price, age and full particulars. 182. Inquirer office. WANTED TO BUY A small white poodle.


April 22. 1899. Not if ts hereby given that, in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Directors passed at a meeting held on Friday. April 21. 1899.

a special meeting of the Stockholders of the Electric Storage Battery Company will be held at the company's office, corner of Mercer and Ellis streets. Gloucester City. X. on Thursday. May 4.

at 12 o'clock, noon, to vote upon a proposed increase of tbe capital stock of tbe company from one hundred and thirty five thousand 135.0001 shares of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100,001 each to one hundred and eightv thousand (1S0.0O01 shares of the par value of nne hundred dollars $100 001 each, bv the addition thereto of forty-five thousand (45.0OOI i-bares of common stock of the par value of one hundred dollars each. Stock transfer books will be closed at 3 o'clock Friday. April 28. and will remain closed nntil 10 o'clock Fridav. May 5.

BEXJ. W. TINGLEY. Secretary. BOARDING THE GRAND ARMY COM-mittee desires to have applications filed to furnish hoarding and lodging during tbe encampment.

September 4-7. '99. Please state number that can be accommodated, terms aftd location. Address J. H.

Eckersley. Chairman. S. W. Cor.

Fifth and Chestnut streets. BUILDING MATERIALS FTiRTSALATeliTrenieTy Salmon bricks; convenient for shipment by either boars, cars or teams. Murreli Dobbins, 24 S. Seventh st. BORLAND I have the largest second-band clothing house In Philadelphia, and to supply Immense number of customers I must piy prices that will secure the goods, no matter what competition Is to be met.

Don't think of selling yonr cast-off clothing, shoes, bats. until you learn my prices, as 1 am in a position to make you far better offers than any small dealer can afford. I have the outlet goods and tbe cash to pa? such price-, as will get tnem. 1 all or nrml postal. xotir order will receive oromot attention d-iv or evening city or cotintry.

Address Borland. 936 Girard (below Tenth st.l. Store open evenings. THE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. z-tc.

MASONS 2SC. CREAM OF OLIVES OINTMENT. Cure Catarrh. Asthma. Hav Fever.

Mutups. Croup. Glandular Swelling. Fire and Sun Burns. Pimples, all Irritations of the Skin.

Bunions and Tired Feet. Caked Breast. Chapped Face. Ijpg and Hands. Safe Remedy for Piles.

Quick in action, agreeable. Sure relief. All dniffPistB nr he It Mason Chemical 515 Arch Pa! AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COM Y. Open Day and Nigbt. Executive office.


Warehouses. Business Establishments aud Private dwellines Call hoxesfor messengers. Fire. Police and coupe TELEGRAMS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES OR EUROPE. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR LITTLE ILLS.

MASON'S HEALTH DEFENDERS. Free from Calomel, aloes and oiuui. Are Emml i tha ni ri i Four Separate Cures. i KLLOW TABLETS CURE DYSI'EPSIA. BROWN CONSTIPATION COUGHS.

WHITE SORE THROAT. 40 TABLETS FOR lO CRVTS All druggists or mailed for price, by H. T. Mason Chemical 515 Arch Pa. Great Sale of Clothing NEW AND SLIGHTLY WORN Spring Suits, $2,50 Up.

PANTS AND COATS AT YOUR OWN PRICES. Borland, 936 Girard Ave. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10.30. SELLING OUT 2000 sKron'tiAp SUITS Also a liir lot nf rttanta and vpt st lowf Kt prics. If you want to save hjou gtojt at 1C16 Girard Avenue.

Open Evenings. WANTED A CASE OF BAD HEALTH THAT R.LP.A.N.S. will not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. One gives relief.

Note the word R.LP.A.N.S. In the package and accept no substitute. Ripans. 10 for 5 cents, or twelve packages for 48 cents, may be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one thousand testimonials will tie mailed to any address for forwarded to the Ripans Chemical No.

10 Spruce street. New York. THE RICHMOND REMEDY MONTHLY regulator has brought hanniness to hundreds of anxious women; never had a failure; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fail: no pain, no danger, no Interference with work; by mall or office. $2: all letters trnthfullv answered; lady attendant. The Richmond Remedy 41 N.

Eleventh St. MERCHANT TAILORING ON CREDIT MERCHANT TAILORING ON CREDIT Reliable firm of Merchant Tailors will make fine clothing to order and accept small weekly or monthly payments. Salesman will call and take your measure and show samples. ADDRESS POSTOFFICE BOX 772. I SUFFERED FROM RHEUMATISM FOR about twenty-five years.

1 was advised to nse Dr. J. II. Cantrell's Rheumatic Cure. I took eight bottles; was cured and have had no return of It since.

M. R. Hunslcker Money order division. Phila. Postoffice.

For sale at all drug stores. DR. MICHAEL, 623 N. 6TH. GIVES WHOLE attention to diseases and Irregularities ot women; lames, married or stngle, suffering rrom lrregs.

rrom wnarever cause or circum. should call or write: 29 years' no fail. DR. SHERWOOD, successful, safe treatment of all diseases of women. Dr.

Sherwood's remedies for female complaints and Irregularities are safe and reliable. Fees moderate. Private accom. Hours, 10-8. 674 North Eleventh st.

SPECIAL YOU SAVE THE RETAILERS' profit by purchasing your glasses from ns; an expert optician at your service free: eyeglasses, tip; prescriptions mien. j. strouse 4: Br. Mannfg. Opticians, 833 Arch street.

MRS. EFFIE McNEIL. BUSINESS CLAIRVOY- ant and test medium. 12 Green sittings nany inaiuraay ana minuay excepted), circles. auesoay ana rriaay evenings.

Sittings for men only. 50 cents and $1.00. LADIES USE WILD GRAPE SUPPOSITO- nes. a sare. positive cure; preventing irregularities: result guaranteed; sealed particulars.

4c. stamps. -a'1 or write. Wild Grape Medl-clne 1212 Race street. Philadelphia.

Old ClotrTesWimtedT Ws pay the highest prices. Postal to SHAPIRA'S. 1016 Girard Avenue. utuvr.iir.ip ji.isi r.EIv S. R.

WEAVER. 1103 CHESTNUT ST. HAVE YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS FIT witn nenect screens at prices of readv-made-. Address 407 F'ranklin street, for models and estimates. rltC HairrJnAC mo6t celebrated 1 ljliJgJiGdMF.muM life: gives full name: business of every descrip.

nnttes changes luck. Ladles. 50c. 632 N. 4th.

DETECTIVE BUREAU OPEN day and night: bus. con fid 1: main 1413 Filbert Tliila. Biamh. 1212 Atlantic Atlantic City. N.

.1. Conn, all over the world WILLIAMS GENERAL CONTRACTOR; CAHT- ing and hauling work; cleaning cellars. stores, hank buildings, whitewashing, cal-snmlnlng and lawn work. 525 S. Juniper st.

LADIES REGULATOR Results guar, or money refunded. Lady spe cialist. 432 N. Franklin (bet. 7tb and 8th sts.

I. ATMCC Mad. Bntz. expert midwife. 8th.

Best care in con ltUilU 847 N. 8th. Best care in cod- finement; inf'ts adop. Physician In attendance. GOLD-PLATED EYE GLASSES.

25C. TO suit your eyes: chains free. Levi Joseph. Opticians, removed from 711 to 733 Sansom st. LADIES USE DR.

LA FRANCO'S COMPOUND. a safe, powerful montoiy regulator; never falls. Druggists or by mail. 25c. 145 N.

8th. WILLIS, cellar cleaner and ashes remover desires your patronage. 1120 Wood street. PE' REGULATOR, cures anv stage: no failure. Mrs.

Hepue, 8o2 N. 6th. DETFCTIVF. SERVICE DI ORCE WORK A specialty: bus. conuu i.

tr. w. pox ia. i-niia. WE UNDERSELL THEM ALL.

TRY US. and Arch streets. St. Cloud Fnarniacy. nn EYE GLASSES.

10C. PAIR. LEVI JOSEPH. Opticians, removed rrom to im ransom si. CASH MONEY PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND old gold.

Room 1, 1103 cnestntu aireet. PENSION VOUCHERS EXECUTED. YOU FIX fee; open evenings. Kose, laiz rnoeri st. MANICURING REF.

SWED. LADIES. HAN- sell. 1217 Wallace, Dr. zu rac.

cuv-i. ELECTRIC TREATMENT. TRIAL TREAT ment free; electric batn. 10O4 Melon. LADIES IX TROUBLE BEST CARE: CONF'T: inf.

terms low. airs. k-b LADIES. CALL ON MRS. ULLRICH.

837 N. scien. treatm mi. aaop. iras iuw.

HOT. MEDICATED AND SULPHUR BATHS; magnetic nurse. 683 N. iweirtn-. MRS.

DR. MUNROE. 626 N. 11TH; PRIVATE home In confinement: in terms low. nADAfl LAH0NT Reed Street OLD GOLD WE GIVE THE MOST FOR OLD gold in any form, tioom j.

iioj t.umiuui. Z0ZA. CELEBRATED PALMIST. SAILS FOR London May fee reaucea. iai a.

WHY FF. SICK? DOCTOR'S ADVICE AND medicine 0c. St. Cloud. tn ana rrn m.

FOR SALE FOR SALE CHEAP TO CLOSE Six military bridles with curb bits; few sets of cart 11,11 ft wfl 11 tent, complete with m1m and tilns: one 111 It. trui. o-c iu Front st. CARPETS. CARPETS, velvet, axminster.

Brussels carpets; must be sold; repay storage. 1.510 Poplar street. $45.00 GROCER'S combination refrigerator. glass front: also scales, mills, caddy, etc. H.

F. Heaco*ck. 51 X. Second. FOR SALE A large refrigerator.

In flrst-class condition, built in sections. 3822 Lancaster avenue. West Philadelphia. GOOD IOC. BARBER SHOP for sale; good chance for single man; worth seeing.

Call 2407 North Fourth street. FOR SALE CHEAP A small safe, suitable for an office. Henry Bingler, 3058 Germantown avenue. THREE STORE AWNINGS, almost new. 3052 North Tenth street.

FOR SALE Barber revolving chair and mirror, cheap. 1312 N. Third street. COMPUTING- SCALE, cheap: also graphophone and outfit. 703 Columbia avenue.

ICE BOX. 2 ft. 10 wide, 6 ft. long, 7 ft high. 703 Columbia avenue.

POOL. BILLIARD shufTleboards. second-hand tables, cheap. 222 South Eighth. BARBER SHOP for sale; cheap: good location for 5c.

shop. 211 West Indiana avenne. BARBER FIXTURES for ssle, cheap. 1516 Callowhill st. Henry Goldburg.

$10 GENUINE HIGH ARM Singer sewing machine: all attachments. 1615 Ridge avenne. FOR SALE A 14 syrup stsla fountain; new condition. 2i8 Girard ave. FOR SALE Furniture and carpets of 7-rooin house.

Call all week. 1819 W. Cumberland st. POOL billiards, second-band tables, cheap: repairing, billiard supplies. 2421 N.

Front st BABY COACH for sale cue p. 2413 N. 6th. J. 9 8.

J. 8. 4. 8, J. A.

4. FOK -INTRODUCTION of the establishment. tailor-made gowns, imported material, lined In. silk, made to order. $30 up.

Also made when i.rniK material along; summer dresses made troiu 9 1111: nt miurnnrou.1 Rhin ra'a lwo.1 Chestnut street. SKIRTS sa.oo STREET AND EVENING DRESSES. J5 UI 111.1 ClltItT STREET. DRESSMAKING Experienced waist bands and sKirtuHiwners. (ai 18th St.

LAWNS. 4.00 np; skirts. $2.00. Kirk Hoop, 1 'imi A SEWING MACHINES POSTAL FOR free trial of our Aew nrop cabinet sewing machine; all attachments; full instruct ion New Home 15 no Singer no Standard $8.00 Wheeler Wilson No. 9 $10.00 All attachments fnllv 'Pen evenings.

Telephone 7084. I sir. Ti 's fi.b c.i-vi-ivu en-. x-r I srd. New Home.

InTestic and frotherhlgh- grade snuttie machines: ball-bearing Wheeler B- II tlnui Tl'11 I or im-ox 1 ti nos ana an otoers to so- 1 -1 or essv terms; tiiai iree: repairing. SOe. send second-band wach'nes Tr. 'ln evenings. i-K.

fr.wixj MACHINE 934 Girard a v. 'Phone 2-31-54. DON' PAY $15 or $25 for a bogus machine with worthless guarantee: wo sell all best makes, guaranteed 111 vonra nr KO uiu tree; send postal. Arcn st. ANY $60 SEWING MACHINE MADE RE.

dllCCd tO $20 ami on tlmi nr raih- trial free: send pi-stal: repairing. 50 cents. MeCargo. iimge ami avenues. J10.0O 1 I ANDARD MACHINE.

5 DRAWERS. oau. nearly new. MeCargo. Ridge and Girard avenues.

$8.00 NEW HOME MACHINE. PERFECT OR. aer. nve years' guarantee. MeCargo.

Ridge ana 1 rn avenius. BEFORE BUYING write us. We will call. sav. lng you io.

Germanla 2335 Germantown avenoe. ROOMS TO RENT ARCH 16(15 Furnished and unfurnished front and back rooms: reasonable. ARCH 1214 Fnrnlshed and unfurnished rooms: large parlors, suitable for doctor. BRANDY WINE 1123 Second-story, unfur nished, and th. CAI.IWHILL.

1122: ELEVENTH. 310: iwcittn. 330 Furnished rooms, house keeping. CALLOWHILL 723 Two communicating front rooms, third floor, unfurnished; use of batn; conveniences. CALLOWHILL 1H30 Large furnished rooms, second floor, and unfurnished rooms.

CHRISTIAN 1702 Furnished rooms, nil conveniences; private family. EIGHTH ST. 22.1Hnoms Ofir. 50c. night: $1.25.

$1.50. $2 week: gentlemen; all conveniences. EIGHTH lor: cheap. 666 Large unfurnished par- EIGHTH 816 Parlor, bedroom, kitohen, Ttirnisnea nonsekeeplug. EIGHTH 654 Finely furnished rooms; every convenience: moderate.

EIGHTEENTH 1304 Communicating rooms to rent, strictly private lanriiy. EI.FVENTH. 2T Dnl.irhtful neoond.Btorr tuiiiiKurti. ELEVENTH ini iiesiraDie nirnisneu i rooms, also single: conveniences. ELEVENTH N.

40 Rooms for rent. I FAIRMOUNT 1524 Nicely rtsim. with or without lioard. furnished FIFTH. 542 Nlcelv furnished parlor: folding bed.

bath: $2.50 week. FILBERT 1210 Neatly furnished room far rent: per week: to one gent. FRANKFORD 3146 For rent, three I handsome rooms: ail conveniences: chesp. FRANKLIN 521-Large double parlor. frunisbed housekeeping.

kitchen, bedroom, $2.50. FRANKLIN 644 Communicating front rooms, second floor, furnished housekeeping. FRANKLIN 512 Newly furnished front parlur. refined parties only. FRANKLIN 458 Second and third-story from mulshed rooms; other vacancies.

GIRARD 1106 Nicely furnished second- stry front room; all conveniences. GIRARD 3003 Large second-floor room; ault-ible for office. GIRARD for rent-- 3038 Three unfurnished rooms GIRARD 1327 Two rooms, furnished for all conveniences. GREEN. 1112 Furnished second-story front roonA single or communicating; honsekeep- lng or li lodging.

GREEN 1122; RIDGE. 1341 Fnrnished rooms, housekeeping. GREEN 919 Pleasant rooms, furnished or unfurnished: every convenience; summer rates. LANCASTER AVTC. and Forty-sixth Pleasant third-story tront room to rent to one or two gentlemen for lodging: running water; nse of bath and gas: $3 per week.

Address 106. In onirer, office. MARSHALL. NO. 564 Fnrnlshed rooms; up.

MARSHALL. 955 A cheerful fnrnlshed room to rent; reasonable. MELON 1017 Dining room and kitchen for rent; unfurnished: reasonable. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman. Apply at 333 New street.

NINTH 523 Nicely furnished second and third-story rooms: stationary wasnstand; 12.50 anu per wees. NINETEENTH 3.. 900 Fonr large front rooirs to rent. NORRLS 2113-Two or three rooms. furnished or unfurnished.

NORTH 1516 (aliove Wallace) Single rooms, nil conveniences. 91.00. PARK 1812 Two second floor front. furnished: gas range; sitting room partly fur nished; b'Hisckeepiug. PARLOR for rent.

furnished or unfurnished. 232 North 21st st. PARRISH 1617 Nicely fnrnlshed room; conv. for gentlemen; privaie iainuy; rem, $1.50. RACE.

1225 (The Penn) Desirable house for business men anu women. RACE 1021 One furnished room to rent. RIDGE 2077 Three nice unfurnished rooms, bath: $9 montn; references excoaogea. RIDGE 1717 Two unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; no children; rererence. SEVENTH 511 Newly furnished room.

also unfurnished parlor, carpetea; an conve niences. sifrevTKRVTH 1307 Three large. bright, cheerful second-story rooms, business ouly 9.P0. SEVENTEENTH. 219 Furnished rooms to rent.

SIXTH 331 Newly furnished rooms for reutv witn all conveniences. SIXTH. 333 Nicely furnished rooms; with or without board reduced prices. SIXTH 341 Well furnished rooms. SPRING GARDEN.

937 Unfurnished; good or der. vi ij jt Kit Q4Q nfiirninhAtf iMftnil r'-. T- L. floor, with private nam. to respcctanie coupie; no children.

TENTH 1215 3 week, snite large rooms, furnished complete, housekeeping; all conveniences. TENTH 727 Two third-story commnnl- eatlng rooms; conveniences. THIRTEENTH 603 Three unfurnish ed rooms; private ramuy: owners; reierenee. THREE second-story rooms, with of bath and yard and cellar, for rent; $7.50 a month, 157. Inquirer office.

TtvrT RT 241 Nicely furnished rooms. all eonveneiioes: iwo pariora, biukk ui vu suite: terms moaerate. TWELFTH N. 536 Tburd-story front room, furnlsned. gentlemen.

TWELFTH 246 Fnrnlshed room. pri- vate family; witn or wituoui ooam. TWELFTH 622 Furnished rooms, com plete for Housekeeping. TWENTIETH 522 Large unfurnished room, tbird-story front. TWENTY-FIRST 232-for gen th-men.

-Furnished rooms VINE 2227 Unfurnished second-story com municating, with conveniences. VINE. 2019 Suite and single rooms, with con veniences. WALNUT 1106 Pleasant well furnished rooms: every convenience. OOMSWANTED GENTLEMAN and two sons, adults, wish two furnlsned rooms, witn tnree single oeus, oe-tween 7th and Broad.

Pine and Vine with pse of batn. im. inquirer ornce. LADY wants two communicating or one large second floor room: privileges: ngnt Housekeeping: west Thirteenth, north Wallace. 172, Inquirer office.

THREE SECOND FLOOR rooms wanted for housekeeping, within a few souares ot mntb and Girard avenue. 143. inquirer ornce. Y'OUNG COUPLE want two unfurnished seeond- storv rront rooms. near Kiase avenue aepoi.

3118 Ridge avenue. LADY desires room within five squares of 20th and Cumberland. 41. Inquirer branch of fice. 395o Lancaster avenue.

GENTLEMEN would like two furnished rooms. with privileges: central. 122. Inonirer off. BOARDERS.

ROOMERS secured. 311 Odd Fel lows lempie. Broad ana Cherry. I Advertisem*nts under this classification tic. per word.

YOUNG MAN. 23. good education, wants sit- nation any kind. 184. Inquirer office.

ODNG MAN wishes a situation of any kind; is handy with tools. lol. Inquirer office. YOUNG MAN wishes position of any kind. Ar- tbur Matthews.

2050 Coral st. OUNG MAN. experienced. wants situation driving. liZl 1-mut st.

YOUNG MAN wishes situation with physician or otnre. Alder. OUNG MAN wishes sitnation any kind. Ad- oress i ini. inquirer otnee.

SITUATIONS WANTED, FEMALE Advertisem*nts under this classification per word. BOOKKEEPER. D. experience, yonng lady. German-sneaking, wishes situation: Al refer ence.

135. Inquirer office. BRIGHT YOUNG LADY wishes take charge of private boarding bouse In Atlantic; experi enced. 13o. Inquirer office.

ASHIER. with experience, wishes position. 162. Inquirer office. CHAMBERMAID Strong girl wants place cnamoerwork.

laundress: gooa reierenee. jan two days. 1936 Waverly st. CHAMBERMAID First-class German girl, best city reference, wishes situation. L42 Ran dolph street.

CHAMBERMAID Two Virginia girls want a place at cnatuberwork. call lwss camnriuge. CHAMBER WORK Girl wants place chamber- work; country preferred, l'lease send postals 1628 North Broad street. CHAMBERWORK Girl wants place, rhamber- work. waiting.

Call 1522 North Fawn street. CHILD'S NURSE Middle-aged woman wants position as child's nurse or light housework. 107. Inquirer office. CHILD'S NURSE Young colored girl wishes situation in city.

21a South Scbell st. COLORED GIRL wants day's work washing. ironing, cooking or any kind work; best of references. Apply 924 Ixnnbard St. COLORED WOMAN wants any kind of work ny tne day; good worker.

1304 Myrtle street. OMPANION Lady desires position as compan ion; nignest references. 173. inq. office.

'OOK. chambermaid and waitress. 4 years' reference, wants situation In city or country. 333 Saunders near 39th and Baring. COOK Settled woman wishes situation as idsin cook: lest reference.

No postals. Ap ply 1837 Titan, above Wharton. OOK. German Protestant, wishes situation: good cook and baker: neat and clean: good reference. 1623 Thompson St.

COOK Respectable colored woman would like a place as cook in a private family, witn reference. 328 N. Ninth St. COOK, first-class, wants a sitnntio'i in a hotel or restaurant; good on J-u Jlarsnail street. COOK Reliable, sober cook wants situation In hotel: city or seashore; reference.

1 lis. in quirer offii-e. COOK Middle-aged woman wants position as cook or housekeeper. 211 South bin st. COOK Washing and Ironing; references.

1601 Girard avenue. CO IK First-class cook, best reference. Apply 325 TusciUiim St. COOK Woman wants place as cco*k or h-uiso- work. white.

818 Burns sr. COOK Good plain cook, city or country. 1227 lne st. COOK warts sitnation. good on pastry; board ing house.

1 1 ji Olive. COOK wishes place cooking or general house work: sleep borne. Call KJ4 Olive st. DISH WASHING Middle-aged girl wishes situ ation for dishwashing or scrubbing at a hotel or hoarding house. Call all week at 821 West Cumberland street.

DISHWASHER for either restaurant or beard ing bouse. Apply 14i N. fifth st. GERMAN LADY wants washing and Ironing at home or out. 2Si3 Orkney street.

GIRL, handy, wants work in kitchen, restaurant or hotel, dlo Cherry street. GIRL wants position at housework or as enua nurse, dzoo wnarton st. HOUSE CLEANING Colored woman wishes house cleaning or day a work, Girard venue. HOUSE CLEANING by day. 4130 Woodland avenue.

HOUSE CLEANING Y'oung woman wants day's work bouse cleaning, looz cage st. HOUSEKEEPER, with little girl. 7 years wishes position in widowers or small family; used to plain cooking and sewing. Address 149. Inouirer office.

HOUSEKEEPER wishes position: Is an Ameri can and comnetent to take 11111 cnanre: rerer ence. Address 314, Inquirer office, 2,08 Kensington avenue. HOUSEKEEPER Refined, settled woman. 32. desires position housekeeper for small family: rererence.

Aooress- t' n. inquirer HOUSEKEEPER, good. German, cook, eompe tent and reliable, with good reference. S. W.

corner Thirteenth and Girard ave. HOUSEKEEPER, with little girl, wishes po sition widowers family; reference: city or country, mo nerry. HOUSEKEEPER OR NURSE Woman wants position In private family. 1128 Hanco*ck st HOUSEKEEPING Refined widow wants house keeping; widower adult fauiilv reference Apply i all week. 1012 Cherry st 10 to 10.

HOUSEWORK Respectable woman-wants place in siuow inmiiy. working nouseteeoer: take full charge. 1932 Cambridge inflow Girard avenue. HOUSEWORK Girl from the country wishes no-sition at housework in small family and good home. Address 15.

Inquirer office. HOUSEWORK Girl wants housework. sea shore, country: small wages: reference. 326 Marshall street. HOUSEWORK American woman wishes situa tion: good cook and laundress.

Call 223 N. Tenth street. Reference. HOUSEWORK Girl. colored, wants housework cook; good reference.

or day work can 121, Inquirer office. HOUSEW ORK Refined person wants sewing or housework, tountry. small salary. 7o2. Inquirer branch office, 7th and Montgomery ave.

HOUSEWORK German girl wants general housework. 950 Orianna street, between 3d and 4th. HOUSEWORK Young girl wants situation at housework, in a small family. 959 Marshall street. HOUSEWORK Refined young woman desires housekeeping in gentleman's home.

163, Inquirer branch office, 27th and Oxford sts. HOUSEWORKStrong girl wants general housework: business place or bakery pre ferred. Call 436 Uber st. HOUSEWORK Woman wants housework: city or country: plain cook: Protestant: reference. 1552 Lambert 21st and Tasker.

HOUSEWORK An experienced young woman from the country wants place at general housework. A 149. Inquirer office. HOUSEWORK Girl wants position at house- wors in smau family; good rererence. tall 1024 Brandywlne st.

HOUSEWORK Girl wants situation. general Housework; rererence. 1803 S. Third st. HOUSEWORK Colored girl wishes housework.

can Miarswoon st. HOUSEWORK Colored girl wents housework. i opiar sr. HOUSEWORK Half-grown girl wishes to as sist with light housework. 1231 S.

13th St. HOUSEWORK Woman wanta housework; ref- erence. 1120 Myrtle St. HOUSEWORK or cooking, city or country. 5734 L.UU10W st reel.

HOUSEWORK (Colored girl wishe general housework sleep home. Call 1624 Waverly St. HOUSEWORK Colored girl wants position for tl.r.l hnnuvrtrfr G.1 Tl LADIES' MAID. Protestant, good seamstress. packer and traveler, wants situation; best city reference.

763 S. 16th st. LADY wants day's work any kind. 1707 Carle- ton st. Ilerercnce.

M. Mack. LAUNDRESS Good laundress, quick Ironer, wishes work In laundry or private family; best reference. 5111 Walnut st. LAUNDRY Experienced starcher wants place iu lauuiiry.

isii Mnamokln street. NURSE Experienced child's nurse wants a position to go to the seashore. Address IL, No. 231 Nortn Tenth st. NURSE, experienced, wants position; any kind oi sicsuess.

inquire lizs Hanco*ck St. PASTRY COOK Woman wants a position as pasiry cook or work witii a baker. 192, Inquirer office. SALESLADY' Wanted, position as salesl.idv hook store: willing to work -ne week without pay. Address 283b North Eighth street.

SEAMSTRESS German woman wants situation as seamstress or chamberwork in hottl. 30 2 v. Thompson. SEWING wanted with dressmaker. 703, Inquirer branch office.

7t.i and Montgomery avenue. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter Young lady desires position where she can gain experi ence; small salary to start. 144, inquirer orr. WASHING German lady wishes to go out to wash or taka wash in the house. 1311 Ogden street, rear 2.

WASHING and ironing taken in: call Thurs days; also evenings, after reference given. ntvi Norwood st. WASHING Woman wants place to wash by tbe day. 614 Master street. WASHING Woman wants washlDg.

borne. Call 1344 Carlton street. WOMAN, neat, colored, wishes an office to cle-jn. 1320 Warnock street. WOMAN wishes work by the day.

bouseclean- Ing or washing. 305 York street. YOUNG GERMAN LADY would like position as nurse for invalid or companion; nest rererence. 1437 North Tenth st. YOUNG LADY wants position, seashore 1437 North Tenth street.

or DENTIST Position by dentist. 13 years experience; all-around man: expert on impressions. nna "trading; can take entire charge and furnish very best reference. Address care Dentist. I' irish Pharmacy, corner Twenty-third and Pi-rrisb.

DRIVER Yonng man wishes situation as driver: no objection to line of goods. 2027 Germantown aveDue. DRIVER Want position as driver on milk wagon. Alexander Namat, 1311 Warfield st. DRIVER or farmer Man.

30 years of age, wish' position. 18. Inquirer office. DRIVER Flrst-class horseman wants situation driving or stable work. 105.

Inquirer office. DRUGGIST Manager, registered in Pennsylvania, wishes position at once. city, country or seashore; moderate salary. 108. Inq.

off. DYER, first-class, with many years' theoretical and practical experience in woolens and cotton, nants steady position: good references by former employer. Address 138, Inquirer f-ffice. ELECTRIC CRANE RUNNER or narrow gauc locomotive, or shifter and stationary engine, or boiler, cltv or country. Address Engineer.

1007 i-outh Nineteenth St. ELEVATOR Young man wishes place as ele vator or bellman: exncrlenced. 414 South Carlisle. ENGINEER Flrst-class chief engineer and practical machinist is open for an engage ment; 15 years' experience as chief engineer nn general superintendent or large plants and buildings: the best of references. Address 140.

Inquirer office. ENGINEER Yonng man wants work as engi neer, steamntter or nreman: good New York reference. John Long. 1510 Sahsom street. ENGINEER wants sttnstion: does repairing and Bienm atting.

K. w. rniupps, no. 44i fccige-mont Brldesburg. ENGINEER, competent all-round and flrst-class fireman, wants situation.

101. Inquirer off. ENVELOPES and circulars addressed; terms moderate. 158. Inquirer office.

FIREMAN Man. German, wishes position fireman; tend engine; do anything. 1225 North Hollywood avenue. IREMAN Youne man wants situation, good reference. 1516 Cadwalader slreet.

"IRST-CLASS bread and cake baker, also line ornamenter. eight years experience, would prefer situation at seashore. II 141. Inquirer off. GENTLEMAN, married, with department store experience, wisnes position, l'Ji.

inq. on. GERMAN, middle-aged, sober. Industrious, han dy with tools, would accept work of auy kind. Address Inquirer.

GERMANTOWN Yonng man. 17 years, wishes to learn paperbauging. IhO. Inquirer ofh. GROCER Active young man wonld like posi tion; nas II years experience: capable ot man- ging store.

lft4. Inquirer office. HANDY MAN. had considerable experience on lathes and planers, wants steadv iosltlon in mttcnine shop or ractory; wages nominal. Address 110.

Inquirer office. IJEAP WAITER Situation as head waiter at hotel in country or seashore. Address 1621 Waverly Fhila. HOSIERY FINISHER, packer and shipper; one capiible of taking charge of whol-j plant; wishes position out of city. Address L.

1208 Martaln st. HOUSE CLEANING, whitewashing, wall paper cleaned and cellars renovated. Address 408o Warren st. HOUSEWORK Colored man wlBhes situation in private family: thoroughly understands housework and coaching; city reference. 2242 Twenty-seventh st.

ANITOU Colored man. with first-class refer ence, wants place as janitor or porter or any nv posltiou of trust where a good, reliable man 1m wanted: citv or counfrv or seashore: atrietlv sober and willing, married and quick; or a bead waiter in a gooa country noaraing House. Aa dress C. E. 2121 Wharton St.

ANI'lOR. experienced. Al reference, wants po sition, can or auaress 1644 soutn Kieventn st LAUNDRY Washerman. Al. wants position institute or Atlantic city hotel.

Burke. i2o Race street. LUMBER SAWYER: can run ny kind of cir cular saw: can furnish reference and good recommendations. A lho. inquirer ofnee.

MANAGER If you want a manager or a sales men tor a staple line ot merchandise, city or country, communicate with 1 161, Inquirer of lice, xvo liooks. MAN AND WIFE would like to have places together, man as coachman and useful man. wife as cook; best city reference; please call or address lizo l.uuiow st. MAN Handy man. 46 years old.

good and steady, wants work or any kind. 163. In luirer office. MAN AND WIFE (man employed! would take charge of gentleman house during aosence of family: 118. Inonirer office.

MAN. married, experienced hand In running Morton or Langlev mailing machine, would like a position. 2460 Opal street. MARRIED COUPLE (German, no children want situations in private family: man as coachman, careful driver; wife good cook: city or country. Can of address I2uvi uace street MEAT CUTTER, first-class, wants steady post iiuii: been in tbe nnsiness 15 years: capame ot taking cnarge.

ltws tviuge ave. MEAT CUTTER, flrst-class. experienced, wishes position, u. 00 coiiom uermantown. MIDDLE-AGED MAN wants work around the house and make himself useful: small wages; good reference.

135. inquirer. NURSE Yonng man wants position as private nurse, experiencea: gooa reierenee. Apniy 44U Sloan west fmia. PAINTER, experienced In all branches, has tools, wants work; city or country.

Address 2227 Harlan st. A PERH ANGER Young man. 21. wishes po sition, to finish his trade at paperhanglng seven months" experience. 101.

Inquirer. PAFERHANGER Young man. 18. would like to learn paperhanglng; best reierenee. mm Sooth Tenth st.

FORTER Colored man wants position in store as Dorter or general work; good reference Addiess 1922 Soulli Nintn street. PRINTER wants steady position In lob office Address I61. Inquirer oince. SALESMAN OR SOLICITOR Young man wishes position: hlgn-'st reirrence; experi'-ncea. ISO.

Inquirer office. A l.KSM AN First-class general salesman, ac customed to taking neip ami nttving groceries and provisions, liz, inquirer ornce SALESMAN Flrst-class salesman, accustomed to general mercnanuise: goou reierenee. 134. Inouirer office. SHEET.

BRASS or paper cutter wishes sltna tlon. E. Baliwm, aiD nne st. imPl-'H Ynnner man desires position as ship per; two years experience in oaov carnage lactfirv: best erference. Address lui.

lu qnirer office. slTCATION wanted bv a colored man as first class chef cook, hotel, seashore or country, Address John H. Hurst, Morton, Delaware coun ty. Pa. sititjtiov wanted hv married man in straight ened circ*mstances: salary nominal; rjou rei erf nces.

Address inquirer oince. STRONG BIG YOUNG MAN. 6 feet 2 Inches wishes position of any kind. ot Nortn Eleventh street. ITER Colored man wishes situation waiter; hotel or private tamuy; can taae care of horses.

736 South -iwelftn st. lriiTFR Ynnnr man. colored, wants situation waiting or housework or private family. Call or address 1321 Ogden street, city. kiitf.b man.

exnerienoed. from South, want situation of any kind; not afraid of work Call for three days. 71H Chailwick street. WAITER Young German wants steady pes! tiou. l.iti.

inquirer oinct WAITER and oyster opener wants situation 244b Ellsworth. WANTED Position by married man. aged 48 good address, energetic, strictly temperate first-class reference. 168. Inquirer.

1TC1IM4V Sober reliable man wishes po sition as watenman; city or country. isa North 24th st. WATCHMAN Veteran wants situation a w-jtebman. 1822 Warnock street. WATCHMAN, aged 40.

wants work; understands boiler. Address im onanna. with best reference, can take care of boilers ana engine wouiu iie to i'c a iw sition. Call or write to rorta rout at. YOUNG MAN.

20. wishes position as salesman nn the street: vears experience can give good reference if required. 186, Inquirer. YOUNG MAN. experienced, employed during tbe" day.

desires a position as stenographer or bookkeeper three to nve nignts a wees; moa erare. 190. Inquirer oince. vni-va XI AN hustler, wishes position of trnt -n" wages wanted. $12 a week and no night work.

Address Inquirer offi.f. Tfirvu MAN wants position of any kind bnnsfl cltv horonirhlv drov deliverv wagon 7 vears. and have a good reference. Address 124. Inonirer.

votTNG MAN 19. wishes to learn the hicycl business or machinist. Apply 3302 Richmond street. YOUNG MAN wants position of any kind: has five months experience in cutt'ng meats 178. Inquirer office.

Y'OUNG MAN. aged 20. desires position as as sistant cloth cutter. 427 Kaignn avenue, cam den. N.

J. ol'NG MAN wants sitnation: one with chance of advancement preferred. Inquirer office. YOUNG MAN. age 23.

wants position with re liable nrm. witn cnances 10 aavance niznseir: willing to work and learn. 170. Inquirer off. YOUNG MAN.

17 wishes sitnation on gentleman-! place, understands care of horses and 1 .1 COO TI' 1. 1 YOUNG MAN. age 22. desires sitnation in store or wholesale bouse; 5 years' experience as clerk. 2423 Natrona St.

YOUNG MAN wants straight oyster job; seven years reference from last employer, r. u. 254 Franklin street. YOUNG MAN. 26.

wants position of any kind 101. inquirer ornce. Y'OUNG MAN wishes position any kind; good 0 river; reierenee. zihj muq su OPERATORS, experienced ladies' nnilill underwear; steady work. Magill Bresch, 41 N.

Seventh. OPERATORS and tuckers on muslin underwear and sblrt waists. Kaufman Rubin, "15 Arch. OPERATORS on bartacking machine clothing. Call buttonhole department, sixth floor.

X. Fnellenburg A- Co. Twelfth and Market. OPERATORS wanted to sew plain Roam on black niuslin. fall at 413 North Second Street.

M. Ackertnann. OPERATORS Experienced on children- and infanta' dresses. Magill Breach. 41 N.

Sev-ehth. OPERATORS Shirt hands on twin needle felling machine: week work. Needles SI 7 Church street. OPERATORS Wanted, experienced sleeve makers on negligee shirts. Ilerold.

Louchhelm 245 South Third. Entrance on Locnst. OPERATORS, thoroughly experienced on silk waists. Wootton Breaker, 728 Cherry sixth floor. OPERATORS, experienced, children's dresses: take work home.

Unique Mfg. 41 North Seventh street. OPERATORS, experienced, on wash skirts, kish Plonsky. 1315 Market street. El- OPERATORS on awnings: Davis machine.

N. W. corner Camac and Norrls sts. OPERATORS on wash experienrd only. 1727 salsts to take borne; Ridge ave.

OPERATORS, experienced, on reefers. 4c Plonsky. 1315 Market street. Elkish OPERATORS Wanted. exHrlenced girls to make overalls; steam power.

308 Market at. OPERATORS, experienced on Infants' caps. Weiss. Frank 71H Arch street. OPERATOR An experienced operator on ecats to go to the country.

2421 Natrona street. OPERA TORSExperIenecd operators on skirts. Apply 4th floor. Partridge Richardson. OPERATORS on sewing machines; experienced hands.

324 Market street. OPERATORS and baisters on fine shop coats. 702 Reed St. OPERATORS 50. experienced on infants' wear, ladies' waists: power.

Frennd. 61!) Arch. OPERATORS on custom shirts, experienced. Bowker Swain. 1224 Chestnut st.

OPERATOR. experienced, Bonnaz machine. 244 Montgomery ave. OPERATORS, thoroughly experienced, on ladies' waists. Frennd A 6 Hi Arch St.

OPERATOR, experienced on sewing machine, on plain work. 4012 Woodland ave. OPERATORS on children's dresses to take work home. jitreet. OPERATORS wanted.

South Fifth street. on line pants, at Iu38 OPERATORS, home experienced, ladies- muslin nndcrwear. Magill Bresch. 41 N. Seventh.

OPERATORS Experienced, shirt waists; good pay. Schoenfeld. Tuck 634 Arch. OPERATORS wanted In and out of house. 20 South Eighth OPERATORS wanted on underskirts, mings.

lto-46 North Sixth street. Cum- PANTALOON MAKERS on fine custom work. Sharp Co. PAPER BOXES Hands on double strip covering machines: also turners-in. 27 Bank st.

FAPERERS, experienced, on cigar boxes. North below Fairtnotint ave. 1220 PRESSERS and folders on white waists. Penn Manufacturing 28 Bank St. PRESSER experienced, on white goods.

Elkish i Plonsky. 1315 Market street. PROOFREADING taught by mail; thoroughness without serving apprenticeship: croieiisatlon $18 to $35 weekly; situations alwsvs obtainable. Home Correspondence School, 42i Walnut. Phila.

RELIABLE. TRUSTWORTHY person fo7 housework and sewing. Address, with particulars, white or colored. Mrs. Colwyn Postofflce.

Delaware Pa. RESTAl'RANT Wanted Immediately, two good git-is in restaurant and Ice cream saloon. 293S Richmond street. TAURANT Experienced dining room girl; sk'een home. S3.

Northeast corner Twentieth anfl Turner. RKSTACR ANT All around girl for kitchen work. lis Produce ave. (Margaretta st.j. SALESLADY" wanted to sell In a china and I household department: must lie A 1: good reference; no other need call.

Apply at 3.30 1'clook to-dav. Geo. Kellv. 626 Market St. SALESLADY Wanted, good young saleslady for candr experienced only: state par ticulars by letter.

Address 315, Inquirer branch office. 2j0 Kensington ave. SERVANT General servant, fn small family; good wages. Call 36 North Fourth SEWING A few girls who understand plain sewing, to work on machine with power: steady work Kaufmann Spaeth. 14S North -Seventh street.

ISHOES Stromr 16 20- years- for press ing, dressier and lining up; coins early to rork. -1103 Race second floor. SHOE FITTERS wanted, operators and bead- ers. 1042 Ridge avenue. SHOES Top closer, also stayer.

Northeast cor ner r.ieventn a no zsooie. Operators: top closers. 417 Arch street. M. Elkin SHOES Button sewer on ladies' shoes.

243 Arch 3d floor. HOES Wanted, vampors. 426-28 Market third floor. SHORTHAND Special rate summer session; students placed In best positions: write for irree lesson, pernin cnooi, r. croao.

RT OPERATORS Wanted, one experienced rt operator, steady work and good pay. lna r.pstem. Kensington ave. CUTTER, first-class; good wages toy position ror one wno can operate. Moore.

2039 Germantown ave. I'aPHER and typewriter Wanted, by jercantile nrm. experienced stenoern typewriter, tuny nuaiined to nil a Fnt position: state where last employed. "salary desired. 121.

Inquirre office. iRAPHER A voting lady as stenograph ic who has formerly been employed in a I oker office and who has a typewriter. 104. inquirer office. iGRAPHER and D.

E. bookkeeper; state and experience. 120, Inquirer ornce. lilESS on custom coats. 912 Olive st.

1 ERS Wanted, two experienced trtui- for the evenings. 191S Eolith st. iEit, capable of operating on infants' power. renna, oih Arcn st. fT MAKER.

first -class. 3874 Lancas- venue. CST MAKERS WANTED. 726 Sansom St. Ihlrd floor.

WAITRESSES Wanted, four waitresses: dark omplexioned fair education: good position year. 180. inquirer office. I AITRESS Neat girl wanted for downstairs work. 610 Spruce st.

IV AITRESS Girl wanted, first-class, for res taurant. 172 est Norris street. 'AITRESS. experienced: good wages; come ready. 109 South Tenth.

IVAITRESS. first-class 1166 S. Broad street. WAITRESS wanted. Market Restaurant, 9th and Girard ave.

No Sunday work. WAITRESS Head hotel; seashore: experienced only; good wages. 183, Inquirer off. WAITRESS Good Protestant girl for waitress. Call 139 N.

Fifteenth st. WAITRESS wanted. 609 Cherry St. WAITRESS, experienced. 721 Vine st.

young woman to help sew with dressmaker" and go errands: wages Sl.AO per aiveek; good opportunity for learning. 329 North Sixth street. WANTED A half-grown colored or white girl willing to assist with general housework. Cll after 10 A. 4213 Parrlsh st.

WANTED Christian woman to qualify for posi-Alon trust: salary Inclose ref. and self- ddressed stamped envelope to 6. inq. oa. WANTED Strong girl willing to wash and iron ana 00 an Einas or nonsework.

can or actress No. 2632 Frank ford avenue. VANTED A half-grown girl for general house work. uoitiniDia avenue. WANTED, girl for housework and plain rook ing.

942 North Eighth street. TANTED A girl for general housework; city reference. r-o -ortn ftiiin st. WANTED Good girl for housework. 221 Frank- lln street.

WANTED White girl, general housework; two in family. reoeral I aniden. N. J. WASHERWOMAN Ca ref nl and reliable Washerwoman, for Monday; private fauiilv.

1218 South Eleventh street. WASH LADY, good, wanted. Franklin street. Apply at 2519 WEAVERS on Witch looms: good work: steady work. Quaker City Mills, Third and Ontario.

WEAVERS on four witch looms. Olivette mills. 2338 Noble St. WOMAN to do family sewin: one with knowledge ofdrf8makjnpreerrejL2 st. YOUNG GIRL.

neat, for cooking and house-wortk; no washing or ironing: wages $3 per weelaT 1631 South Broad street. i LADx desires puuiioui oisinmuing sam- pies! or act as agenr. Auoress r. 001. in-branch office.

4100 Ridge ave. quire rl YOUfc LADY desires any kind of light work tha can be done at come. r. aim, inquirer branc office, 4100 Kldge ave. YOUJfG LADY bookkeeper and stenographer: nor nut txperienceo.

in 100 ueeu aa- drerS 178. Inquirer office. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Tin LA. LAW 903 WALM MhttT. Advice FREE.

Accounts tou-n ir.o. Estates SETTLED. Divorces OBTAINED. MAN who an canvass for the James Y. Borden Patented human hair wigs, toupees, switches, waves, ban is.

can make big money. Ton-Pee maker i call The Y'. Borden 124 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa.

SALESMAN Wanted, flrst-class. pushing, energetic anh-sman. to sell popular brand of cigars to established trade: A No. 1 reference reiiuired. 1' 181.

Inouirer office. WE WANT a responsible agent in every county in the I'l Ited States to handle our automatic roller windi screen. Automatic Window Screen 415 Lippincott Phila. WANTED- Man and woman to sell a patented article: 1 ustlers earn $3 to $4 daily. J.

C. Holme 914 Walnut basem*nt. AGENTS handle our high-grade perfumes; our plan vins: large profits: terms reasonable Leftler St. Louis. Mo.

WANTED-Salesman to sell toilet soaps to dealers. $100 per month and expenses: Inducements; exp iiniiec. Louis Ernst St. Louis. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE "PURE FOOD-; S2.H0 da.

C. 311 Broome street Wtl. mington. .5 WEEKLY Patented holders free; samples rree. urtnam fen Cincinnati.

O. AGENTS latest and most marvelous talking iiim-mi-f t-Kauui. yi Arcn street. J7.00 DAILY selling specialty soap. Outfit free.

Lease S.p Cincinnati. O. EJflFLOYMENT AGENCIES WE TFULLY REQUEST the educated and intelligent classes seeking positions or desiring to letter those they occupy, to call, go over the tirnis patronizing us. set the nature of the positlois they wish filled, the salaries they pay; look up our testimonials from reputable people occnovincr lust such nositions as von seek, the conditions and methods we employ to locate the educated and intelligent classes, con- nncntiany, then use your Judgment as to the likelihood of an association with ns proving profitable. Of yon canhot call we mail testimonials an I Quaker City Educational Institute.

113 North Fifth st. THE BEST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY In the ciiy. "inieq at once, waiters, porters, bell men, dishv ashors. elevator man. firemen, engineers, be rtendeis.

watchman. wine closet, store room bus drivers, clerks. bookkeepers, cashiers, dlectors. chambermaids, waitresses, housework girls, cooks, laundress, store rooms, for City. Cape Mav, Asbnrv Park.

Saratoga. Coney Island and all summer resorts: positions li all branches of business secured in an parte or the nlted States. Call or write for terms. Woodson's. 1632 Sansom, or 1523 Arctic Atlantic Cltv.

WANTED- -Cooks, dinner and order, 7 to no Sunday work: store room girl, first-class; waitresses for citv. eminlrr nrl Atlantic tels. also chamliefmaids arid plain and fancy laundress, girls for every department in hotels. rvximirauis anq institutes. Dougherty.

1205 Filbert. THURSDAY MORMNG-Fifty glassblowers. chef for seashore, waiters, klrchenman. farm hands, cosehinan. Females Hotel and restaurant cooks nurses, housework girls, ohamlier-maids.

disiwashers. waitresses, laundresses; white ard colored: good wages. 223 S. Sixth street. I'l rone -54-03 I).

COOK A WAITRESS, country; two child 'nurses; hite invalid nurse; white farm band: two neat waiters, with reference; two lanndressen for institution; neat colored girl, country. Kremer. 27 N. Juniper st. WANTED--All private cooks, down-stairs work.

chamberi laids. waitresses, any number of good boue.vork places, city and country. Dottgh-ertv. 12o5 Filbert. ALL COLORED, porter for large hotel; also man and wife for same and gent's places and farm band; also waiter.

Dougherty. 1205 Filbert. WANTED--Waiters, bell and billiard room hovs for restaurants, clubs, hotels, help for every departmcn In hotels. Dougherty. 1205 filbert.

PENN EJ FLOYMENT AGENCY Positions of all description secured for seashore, city and country. 1212 Atlantic Atlantic City, N. J. HELP WANTED every capacity, male and female; citv. country, seashore; hotels, restaurants.

236 South Eleventh. WANTED -Woman to repair overalls: must run machine: per week. 1205 Filbert. MEN wan ed desiring to work their passage to r.ngiana. 1Z4 soutn st.

WANTED -121 more men for rarms. 37 colored. It! boys: no money needed. 337 N. 4th.

FARM H.1 NDS 1S7 more men and bovs; 35 colored: no money needed. Call 507 Vine. SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE Advertisem*nts under this classification c. per word, ART GRi PL ATE desires architect's office In which to study. J8.

inquirer office. BAKER. 1 rat band on bread and common cakes. wishes steady work; reference. No.

1421 Tasker sti eet. hakkk. second on pies and fancy cakes, can work ali ne, wants steady position. 6t4 North Tenth stnet. BAKER First-class bread biker; also good cake ba ier wants situation, city or country 869 Nortl Fifth street.

BAKER Young second hand on fancy cakes and cr ams desires steady position; would prefer col ntry. 135, Inquirer office. BAKER Second hand on bread, cakes and nret zels, 20 years' experience. 143, Inquirer office. BAKER, first hand, good on fancy and coffee cakes, situation.

2018 North 6th. BAKER Good second hand on bread, cakes. 152 Grn street. BAKER First hand or good second hand, bread and cales. 9o6 American street.

BAKER First hand cake baker wants posi tion. ri2 Danen sr. BAKERS--First and second hands want steady work. 1 19 Callowhill street. BAKER Good second hand wishes place; city or country.

North Ninth street. BARBER first-class, will help out. steady Wednesday afternoon. Friday night and all day hatuiday for 54. 00: no Be.

shop. 2o34 N. Front str'et. BARBER -Flrst-class young nnd neat man wish es steady position. Apply 38 S.

Broad O. 12. BARRKR First -class yonng married man. de sires steady position; host reference. it 132, Inqu rer office.

BARBER, ten years' experience, sober and steady, wants work In good shop: letters an swered. David Janiieson. Frankford. BARBER first class, desires steady position. or to he out evenings and Saturdays.

Call or address 9)9 N. Eleventh st. BARBER, flrst-class, wants first-class job for Atlantic City. 211 N. Fifteenth st.

BARKEEPER, flrst-class. is open for engage. ment: 1 horonghlv competent to take charge: citv. country or seashore: married msn: sober and roliaile; best of references. Address five ilavs 162.

Inquirer office. BARTENDER Young man. 23 years, wishes position to attend bar; experienced. Address 2316 Oxford street. BARTENDER, highly recommended, wishes sit nation: 8 years' references: moderate wages, 104.

I lquirer office. BARTENDER, with best reference from last eniployt as head bartender, wants position. 516 24th. RARTEN DER First-class mixer. with ten years' 'xperienco; good reference; willing to go anvwhere.

R. D. P. o. station rtiiia.

BARTENDER, assistant, wishes situation: with reference. 124, inquirer ornce. BOOKKEEPER. P. expert accountant.

15 years' i-xperlence. desires a change; excellent reference. 3S10 tamoriage st. BOY. 16 wants position In office where there is good chance for advancement.

0 im, in quirer of ice. BOY. 16 wonld like position of any kind; good referen -es. 532 South Sixteenth street. wai ts work of any kind.

Olive st. r. McCabe. 4224 BOY. IK.

would like to learn machinist or blacksriith. Call or address 2220 Wharton st. BOY. If. would like position: with reference Willlan Hamilton.

1145 S. Twenty-sixth st BOY, 1 wishes position with chance of ad- vancen ent. Address 2S3S North Sth st CAKE IIAKER Experienced, flrst-class. fancy and tiMin and ornamenter. Address It 41 Inquirer branch office.

2000 Ridge avenue. CANDY-MAKEK: cream. Lawre. ice street. iellv and sum.

825 CARPENTER, experienced in all kinds work, wants euiploj ment. 1116 Mt. Verr.on CLERK--Clerical position or office work wanted by tDOiougniv experiencea man 01 miuuie axe exceptlol al reference. George Saunders. 811 Mad lson umincton.

iei. COACHMAN Single man wants position as coachnau: tnorougniy understands nis nasi n- th best of citv reference: city or coun try: couitry preferred. 515. 5 West Chelten avenue. COACHMAN and gardener, married, wishes situation: no children: wife for general housework: experienced; best reference.

Address 140. Inq ilrer. COCH'IAN Y'oune man. colored, wants posl tion. (oachman or inside work; good refer ence.

2144 Harlan st. COACHMAN wants sitnation: single, best city and nintrv reference: good driver: strictly tempera honest, obliging. A 106. Inq. off.

COACH Situation wanted as coachman single: best of reference from last place, li 163. 1 n. ni rer office. COACHMAN and gardener wants place; ca give references. 2922 Rhawn street.

Holmes burg. COACH i AN wishes situation, understands bus iness; two years best reference. 1.44, in quirer. coach man wants situation; seashore or countty; best of reference. 143, Inq.


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.