The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2024)

Prenderqast for Lottery Two New York Judges Face Beyond the Border A Local Lawyers Admitted to Bar t- 7 19 Fp'ar a -i- S. i Aven-c. 1 A. i. ci-mmittee of th it tt.on met Saturday a-d id and Pr New th- jrccmcnt.

New York Lourt I ribunal vy est Gorman bases Up in Air 4 i i COHOrS UT- Sutr rralic (ha.rman M.ihail H. Pr da v. derfast yt "pr-pily m( up am! ga.t Hat the AinAVY (LP!) -ha' tne nurvim- By PHIL V.SOM I PI I oreign I duo- I rum the i Kirgs ounty imp a hment. lonsistirg of mem I.eiUmiH and tx-rs of the S-nate and the juifit-s ha.e bn or of the tort of ApfH-als Jui Samuel He (ins hammer.r.g aav at and mr.i! far'-. -ujijirt of the balk and farts, to the brine up to one hail .1 i i i r.

-te' be an vnn Na han R. Si in I of the Iar in new rtvtnue to the Male tW-rrd to arxar May 2 In for If the charges wrr- n.arie slum I Minim VI UIi ia, v'-j." a ur. Jarr.e., V. I.a:. K) rush of a l.d L-'i IV-- a ter.

p-und beef y.tik IS M.iwi. ti.Art K-wi. Nan- $iS a pound in Alaska. the State Court on Prendcrgast. at a Co- diiirn.ine whithrr the (a i a to the Judiciary a ail pfx of ahuse of fore the Court on the Jui'r CASH f.S IN SPAIN All'ed nh a of n'.

are ot fiermanv proposed mdion Ii ms and a good sene part of the one null. on Colons to PASSIVi PARADK: mil- West (erman Chanitllor Kon proposal was wntly ptaiti- Houid be pending the to submit for ml or" erendum. court, convened for the termination the Legislature i i ne irst lime since it was estao- i'ary ba-es in Spam as "castles rad Adenauer may be the next in Spain" meaning ml! of the ranking d.gnitaries neer on.e to pass Germans to visit India in an attempt to i ft I I iisneu riv consul unonai ainrnu i hoes City Dcmixratic Comniit'er dinner Saturday n.ght, ail the "taxpawrs' revolt' ayamst the RrvrfHlcr aiimmtration was a "clarion fur cm-idi ration of a lottery. However a Democratic move to bring a lottery bill to the floor of the Legislature failed recently UIQUtCII Willi ment in handed don the irder Saturday. The charges, bav Momkfirt Folks are about the enthusiastic new lee they are being blamed sway Prime Minister Jawaharial i unfairly for attempting some- Nehru Preside nt Kisenhower wuina Hrook ed on criticism of the two "thing to whuh they were incited was the'e in Decemlx So let At the February of the NATO military planners.

President Klinu-nt oroshiluv lyn juilges by the State Judicial (onferenre, wis preferred before iiiuirii i.iin nssmijiiim lhi nas-uui iney no hope that as result I January, hhru-hihrv in the court I riday. leilwiwitz and Sobel were set reported that the membership of the uproar, I ranee may now I ebruarv and no it may be! Vti I on his wa en 20 days to file a written an- drive, ls cont.nuing sui cesslully. offer Uonn exclusive use of an Adenauer in March 1P1 03 Pre ndergast said New 1 S'ate could "ill afford to ignore1 the posibililic of urh a revenue nource." Schools and hospitali art) in nerd of ever expanding state! aid and taxpayer are in need of swer to the charges stemming! Sterling IVis, superintendent rf base somewhere in southern back from Japan. I 'nun disnute last October over hiirhwavi in Orannctown announced 'r ranee where there is cood fiv- Fioth ast and West recotnie I i i .1 r.t IS Pf.Uhut I ma iTli? Weather Jihtflljt Aa'V wr. V.krx'e imtv.rla ac n.

ntr! Gold Star GAS Range ter Manceri. jsummer. The zoning committee re- 'v- spokesman and both have their Manrcri was acquitted by a ported that the Kiddyland planned HIPS DOUN: no stone unturned to place their jury in I.eibowiti'a court of the Route 3W was defeated at the Present de Gaulle now is em- views before him in advance slaving of William Ftutler, 65, barktd on the most delicate of this spring summit meeting tax relief, he added. Rockefeller, he aaid. "'continues to ignore new avenuei of tax reliefand new aourcei of revenue which would enable the stale to reduce taxe while expanding its aervirej to the people.

Meanwhile. Trendergast continued, the tax- 'Highland Park. ISrooklyn. I Joseph Romano announced Algeria. It PARl.IA.MtNl ARY SJORM: SolK'l had earlier released the on March 6 the association will be ureal nniain Laooruc op emiih in had and indiraied the hnst in im nffirrr nf all ihp nruun.

mm ncadiiiies nut. position is in an uproar over the rs nrnbablv would be transfer-; iati.m, in tnwn The mn imo ,11 vulh moral victory over re- $.123 million hike in Britain "that automatic burner-with-a brain prevents burned foods and spill-overs" red to children' court. I.eibo- be held in the firehouse from 3 30 Tent "Ifs hind defense spending. They will offer wit, however, revoked the bail to 5 30 m. Items on the agenda in-mm' ls work-censure motion against the gov a pro- ernment when debate on the big and remanded Manceri to jail.

elude progress for the proposed ln8 at huildrng up A heated exrhano of tai. community swimming rxMil. the "mWle fnrce" in bill comes up this week IF Inoi Bi 1RKAILW iAir men between the two iu ces niainin in a junior Assm ia-i followed the trial. 'Finns Overhear Red Blow-Up lion and the Joint Council of Civic Associations of Orangetown. Notice of the preferral of was sent to Governor Rocke Army Hermit Kli hard A.

Ahler. IN, win of Mr. ami Mr, Henry It. arli ton Itimil, (lr- DUST CLOTH The next meeting of the Blauvel. FSINKr lnam (UPI) A The" Alakurtti installations are Civic Association will take place i feller, It.

Gov. Malcolm Wilson, "everything about my new ROPL.1 Gold StarGasRcne is perfect" rerrnlly e.plete,Mhe as president of the Senate, and Mart 24 at 8. 30 tn. in the Cot- ha, of a S()Vld msse basf from RusMans,,,, renter operation Assembly Speaker Joseph Carlino tagc Lane School. a Russian military area launched missiles toward the United DcmhU-Qmckl mom mi wnn nimii Ln.ler the Court on Judiciary nnlsh on eb evt.n (( hostilities.

to anienomem, a memner ol tne; vAhen a person pretends to reliable sources said tmlay. i The base is the closest one legislature could make the with another man's argu- The sources, who cannot be the Finnish border. eiinrse at the Southeastern Signal SehiHil, Inrt a. He rnlereil the Armv In Septemlier, ami rrrelved lianle Irnliiln at I nrt Kenning, da. Ahler I a grnihiNle nf Tappan Zee High School, J'h rinniit.

charged. The Assembly by ma ment in order to show later how publicly, said they had I Reliable sources said thev be-ridiculous it really is, he is said no information on the extent of.lieved the blast was not a nuclear to be indulging in Socratic irony. ithP or what caused it hut explosion since Alakurtti is too jorily vote could bring the per-ons involved before court of "ttcrcy I think that King-size oven is the best ever" that it was not believed to be ajclose to the border to be used nuclear explosion. I for testing nuclear devices. The explosion appeared to have! The Russians have potentially taken place very close to the So- better testing areas east of the viet military installation at Ala- White Sea, hundreds of miles to kurtti, just north of the Arctic the east of Alakurtti.

The White Circle and only a short distance Sea provides a natural geological from the Finnish border. barrier which hampers travel of The Russians took over a strip sound waves. I lB, 1 of Finnish border in that area af- Thus the Alakurtti explosion LOOKING FOR A CAR WITHOUT A LOW-PRICED NAM ter World War II and evpanded an was considered an accidental existing German airfield into a blast, possibly a detonation in a military complex. imisslc storage area. It's Keen" Apathy is So.

Orangetown GOP Topic Stanley W. Denison, president of Three speakers will talk on the The Republican Club of Pearl River- general topic of "Apathy" during the March meeting of the South Or-Nauraushaun, will discuss "Apathy angetown Republican Club sched-jin Connection with Political Activi- uled for 8:30 Thursday evening in ties the fire house, Tappan. Edward A A letter sent out over the signa Hire of Mrs. Bertha Coen, club sec "I do most of the broiling at home end that smokeless broiler with ballbearing rollers is tops" McAvoy of Tappan will speak on the subject of "Apathy Toward Com retary to members in Palisades munity Youth Alfred1 Picrmont, Sparkill, and Tap-Cahn, president of the Tappan Civic I pan, points out that Webster's dic- :0 Associalion, will talk on "Apathy tionary defines the word apathy as With Regard to Civic and "indifference to what appeals to feelings or interest." "We feel that the people of this area are not apathetic," continues the letter. "This would not he a good place to live if that were true.

7958 Personal Income in NY But the area is having a few grow- a 1 1 farnrn pains and be 8 s00tl sJC UJ ICIU idea to look ahead and attempt to ward off some of the more unpleas- ALBANY (CPU Total personal ant situations that other commu-income in New York State set nave experienced by their in-national record of $41,954.000,000 1 difference." The letter points out that I960 is A State Commerce Department an election year. Running for of-rcport released Sunday showed, ice, if re-nominated by the Repub-inwever, that the rate of growth llicans, will be Representative Mrs. below the national average. Katharine St. George, State Sena- The report also noted that while tor Clint Dominick, Sheriff J.

Henry average income declined in the Mock, Welfare Commissioner Fred rneral upstate area, it rose 3.2 B. Nidd, and as yet undesignated, a cent in the New York metro- candidate for the New York State yilitan area. 'Assembly to succeed Robert Walm- New York also ranked fourth slcy, who will not seek re-election. lalionally in per capita personal Factoquiz ncome, the report stated. West-hester remained the leading ounty in this category with an iitoi" AGA siossn NOW PRICED.

WITHIN '36 OF FORDS, CHEVROLETS, PLYMOUTHS But you can't match Mercury's interior luxury, roominess, visibility and all-around quality not even in cars costing hundreds of dollars more. verage personal income of -5 I. GATT is what to our State De- Tinga County showed the larg Fitment? st gain in per capita income! St- Hclcna holds what 1957 to 1958. The i imped $: after an Internation-! 3. Which I wo martyred Presidents 1 Business Machines plant open-i tPPoar on P31" currency? d.

Construction was mainly re-i Junc- 1815' saw what Ercat bat' ponsihle for an increase of per capita income in Clinton1 Whlch luee" is of the H(lllsp ounty, the report said. Orange? Total earnings of farm labor 6- The nldM' 15 sa'd were 8 percent higher than in be 1957. This was the highest per- RublC0n was centage since 1951 although total farm wages dropped five million' 8- accepted name for the dollars below the 1951 figures. 1 court tha' of 1 pa'ace? It means new co*cking wlisn ycur range is a 9. Many partitions plagued which country? ON DEAN'S LIST 1 Marit Jentoff-Nilsen, daughter of 10.

What renuhlic was born of Mrs Thorbjorg Jentoff-Nilsen of 100; Ottoman Empire? TVi Ctron' ift. cc Pir. i 'i i (Quiz Answers on Page 10) bara LaBrake. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry LaBrake of South TPMPIF'C A UHfl Conger Avenue.

Congers, and Wil- SnIKLtl ItflirLtiA Yi HU liam A. Fatale, son of Mr. and CHICAGO (L'PH Shirley Mrs. Anthony W. Fatale of 18 Ross Temple, dropped in 1953 from Avenue, Soulh Nyack, are on the Who's Who in America because GOLD STAR Gas Range See these refinements All-automatic matchless lighting Oven Window Fluorescent Light on back panel appliance outlet Oven Light Rctis-O-Grill Fully Insulated and many more CONVENIENT EU3GET PAYMENTS an's list ai Albany State Teachers of her movie inactivity, will be in eluded in an edition to be publish College.

ed soon as a result of her ap pearances on television, publishers mm Three out of four American mm homes now have electric toastersJof the book said. rDrice lower on every single 1960 Mercury-big savingsl 0)eal trade now, get a special allowance to top 'em all! iWie and Day and Night Phone PRoscott 9-0362 It will pay you to have an accredited PUBLIC ADJUSTER Represent You In Case of FIRE highest ever in road tests of every carl MIi aeg4 ftrie Mrcsy I Brumberg, Judlowe Sigler Representing Policyholders Since 1905 34 HOWE AVENUE PASSAIC, N. J. MARSI MOTORS, INC 233 Wtst Routt NanMtr. New York ROCAR MOTORS, INC.

57 West Contra! Avenue, Pearl River, Now York.

The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.