The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

I imooKLYX cmzny. summy. October so. iotu. it i 1J IflJL'II Ail -J r0 lAlMKOitll uniocrm, MLUKtliU wi AT ACCTtOM.

RIAL RATAIt AT AUTlOa I nl AMD Him DEATHS. Wm, F. Movers 1-Family Brick Houses PEASE PIANOS ot ia ooo in ns lwur Ipiabl lent maJllba 111! I lak. tm (00 itea I like bao 1 I ir .) al It -u a- 1 1 11 Mu ir 1 a lie Ilril PEASE PIANO SO I A ID! OH Air i09 On a llalaitsr aa PUBLIC SPEAKING 4 Sell Confident la til MMMta uiiati fer iui Elalfoiit walM it tore ell nHb ri ad)t. PublloSpaaklng Club First Session 17' -nan Wrwe tmr iilaaSralad ReiSer Instructor, UVINOSTON UAKIMH'R riililli KfvakiaK ItiMst-nl'aJlMG Pmfcl.a (wnl MCA Mod atd lallaa ala.

Waterfront, Dock and Factory Properly Htih IM Sect ol Vlparlna llgkli ABSOLUTE AUCTION SALE Hecker-Jones-Jewell Mill Plant Foot of Fullon Street, East River, Brooklyn (Atlolalag Jersey Clly Abaci Merlin Morn TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1910 I IJ lorh nt I stliaiiM PirarM.iii lii nt rw 1 iv By Instructions from Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co. MI 1 o.l.t tent) ti I Jlulr Nor I Ii It Ip I 1. Ir I 1 nrnl rrl 1 the reslitsStO Ii in 1 1 1 11 Je Ja II a 11 1 I Vi si pm in I 4 las 1 I lure Ualu S( Ja III! Ml, I 1 1, I I Me 4 1 1 rt an, np afBIt, 1 I I ii 1 ha iti 1 nirr il 1 M.u Ur frHti bar Ul reA -pj MU rfdilutftot) Mark. I' ii a 1 il, a i the Ofoirrli of 1 lie sa.

tp, 11-nn nl.ora A OfloOBf in's of 1 1 1 1 fit i.ill oftarod (F Hie i1 lir il MrUltlvoO im trie. I-. Mi 1 ft Itef to ktlOt4 In'. 1 1 II, 1 rea t'emator, 1. I 1 I ira.iay (VI 27, I I Mu 1 a liruii I plorad wtfo 1 1 fcfictan bef J3(I 1 si iBia K.

itl 5 fw 9 V- 1,11 ii nn, tjJ iS" -hy- v. DINhrKi IMI nilUkMM PENNSYLVANIA I hir It slorjr, on- -I tck 1 I I I Oil .1 11 I 1 r) l.r il I 1 4 7 1 1 I rvIT 'P v' v-t, 1 ri I I. I I fr on 1ulu )li in. tm for Ii. 1 fc A 11 i rlp)il li i 1 I I 1( I In fa 1 1 a 1 tl I I I I I n.

el ri I ill hi UK j. FRANK HOWELL AO NM1 MHIH NEVA lUKlL I l-i I LOCATED IN BEAUTIFUL FLATBU8H NEAR CHURCH AVENUE AND EAST SECOND ST. Oonrnlcnt to Brighton Beach anJ All Trultry Llnri- II In l(, a ii. i I fi Horace S. Ely A(jcnts 11 Liberty St, New York Clly I I lie rl Iru I i a rin, 1 1 ii- nn'-r i Send for boi'kk't 1 1 utLr i a I ii 1 a i 1 MS in a 4 realdeflf4 Monday, at 3 i Holy OroM i.r rr, i In.

31 'r re in lte.t and Info li Us i "1. Oreetftf 1'ijo reward nt la Into rest hit huati Sufc. ii I i rment pri i ikr r. IHiflL Kiln iwn of Klll I I oinaa t' l.itentohd, 1. 1 270 BRIDGE STREET Oh Mack fnM tffrtta IlHH, Hun consist ml beautiful larga tight rooms Ustafuilr dacurtol At, hardwood trim mad hath mad vraiibula e)os rj riming room ih s' bark SO feat from aurb aad grounil or laid nh thole plants landing a eom fortahi and homallfce aiMaraora They ar niitt doubt ua lineal huuos fjr tiie manat ever built Aad ihtr localloa to enaurpeesad WITH EASY TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES Taka Gravesend avenge trullev lo Church avenue or Brighton llaach I.

chunn aaaua and trenefer lo 1 hurrh avenue and East nd atrl only 3 rMe II. I 1AM Mfc'VHR Hutidar pramlpa or 4 (Irmarnd ata Aplandtd invaetrnenf property aiviaa and (loots in touatruction on Chunh and (Irataad evee rad early In 1111 I I if I i i I i 1 1 1 1 FOR BALE HOI SEA. TO LET APARTMENTS i' I i w. OLDEIT ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY. LIBERAL AD VANCES ON WATCHES, DIA.

MONDS, JEWELRY, JAM tS RYAN7 a-k 14 aim lb 1M Myrtle Av. L0ANS, $100,000 To IMB eai WauiMS IHamaMs tad Jtwalrr Iparlai atlatllan ilvan is ladlsa Wo bai si Mtal him rra MarvalBA Uh weald rap rasatt i atvltc ot ID pqr sail -i I If i I I i I I i 1 1 i I i I I i For rai corsfr iioi hr hrk HUf Hon rniiiv dacrtl ron for tame linn, Owner II II iouohbr ait HI A ItBK.MTK I BOOMS AND hath rswdera bulldlnf and hall aervica iw of hatbnr er deotiabls A. 119 Columbia lUlRhb. VHI 1 i- ANT TO Bi a J0' ii- roi oti 1 IEOI I ui houses or rent I 1K at GRAND OPENING SALE Of Peach, Pear, Apple Chicken Farms OF 1, 3, 5 AND 10 ACRES Known as the i'irk inn the 'mint I I I 1. fr 1.

Nut trk All a fertile il 1 11 (he 1 1 1 Vu Unn ir S50 PER ACRE ZiV I.vtrv farm $lmi o-r n. re notliing Ingli.r fr flu i 1 I rii re will I sold I. tlinn IThi itfi.r tin ule 1. GRAND OPENING SALE new jr jm rl 1 lnmhe. uinl it In ii sight It.

i hi i i I stun dour 1 the wen fTKAMBOATL HNFTHHLI arOnYhTOSF ISIMPDlAIK 1 7 ouo little- r-quiir-l Imi 1 1 r.i I 1 1 I'm a (I'caiur at near HI raant l.r op. fl i lu I TWO "TORY FFI IMF hlOKR FROST looms impri't emrnii ilil.rWu. Iieart 1 Hrookl)n lot Drown 1 07 Patlfl. a rt et JOY LINE Proafdeaea Dlraet. II I harmlrr It.H Evary week day 6 SO from Pier IS New Management Improved Rervlro City Tleket Ota.

tUd Broadway. V. New rtr in til i ii tirt summer JM krlKiVOI OH HT APItTMKNTH and bail. tesm hewt hi watsr 1 1 Hah, room $25 liqulr 01, prsmlsei i APARTMENT FtHIt HoOlK BATH, heat wirti owner 41 Un HUtSpR ITS hFCliMl A I VIITMFM tarRc all light aikI private hall fln nveuient lintion hall teat 'I lei (Sittne aye FI. A Till HH I 11 f-T riflHT donr deta.hed house lug, lM rooms hath ele.trl.

Main nwtv 1. tsl adults 117 month') I0 VIHHUM) tF lilt I IMI'1 nil I pi 1 part moms an I bath wild 1 every im Inquir. pitfinlics small famll) desired I I 1 1 1 I tmu: FIOOWH A VTII ktkm loated rent resilient jalill, 1 I Dalnl, ridge at 2 HOOMH BATH AND 1T HI KTTK I psrriuet floors gaa electri llfht steam heat and hot water rent (.5 Mtcr Una Pi IvOOMR AMI HATH PS ROOMS MK halli Ith wall 1 supply ileum heat ed Math aye and Flflv third it I p. Ii Al TIPI I HfMF KART TFRMA Italnlit l.l a at near llroailwiv I s' and I'ssr-mni stone furnace modern I lu beautifully dct iruled open ver afternoon Uwnrr ISOS Uuhwii.k iv. 8TIYKSAT AK J-t, FOIl HAl.K OK rent mi terms) manniflrent lime liou.

1 mu select nrlRhour hood owner til Deiatur si IDEAL FOR BUNGALOWS K.i i itiii it re lu rm fur fl.HtNi i In the Hint tnt I fire Jfj Ileilgo i fhenoe ti at HiFlia. i 2 mL of aOiUgl M. I le I II a liiiil fi 111, Mr flrf V1L 1 1 i ii nt In 'h'c I. fr i ii i 1 1 i rti ui Kliiaw lull 1 1 II 1), iN I III I hi lar Uct 27, rl "il of Patrtik 1 I J'oDiM 1 Knnr at frmn her lair i i it iay. Oct.

I 1 TET 1 -I' 111 Knffl I 4 i 1 1, 1-mi Inamo T-, llic illy ii i l.i rid the igtw ij Ii Hj veara aa I 1 1m I niicnl fr tit the rraidroca, 229 I i. mil, at i at 2 m. I fsi i (i, at th Kidoklxn Man and O.njde 74r r'non ve. ItrouklyO, i liirl'. Simp 'ii 74 vcNff n.

tThca mi Monday, Oct. 31, 1 in I PK Thiirsdir 27. after 4 imrf ilinev, Kdiili H. eidost daUEtb 1 ir of Alfr.d .1 Wnftc uer il bnhdiiv. 2 '10 6.

fn.7 fro Iht Jute reaitlence. No, 45 roapect place ft arrr ations wanted me alb. Af I HI Muf- 4 IN I AMI Its, IX i ini: I rl In nk of If fr mtr PTRX1IHXD nOOMt AND Mis II 8FHi I'K .1 a 1 I xingt mV 11 1 I SF It 3031-2 ADELPHI ST. Nice laige front 1 0111 n. wu turnlahed and (th on um fl or rrwaona 'tier hst'l, In priiate famll Free Special Train Sunday, Nov.

6th (ome wlndher vili to pr in want you to see tin gr fruit rmiitn in l.rser W. C. REEVES ACO t24 E. 23d Street, N. Y.

City A HAIUIMS 2 Ih 1 I FLAT IfOIHFH hrl. easy terms all Improvement il heal Bedford nnd Hi Marks seiliona Owner 123. Bedford aye I it a na 65 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Daairuble luige louiita uerm and DYKEH HFIOHTM ITS? KIUHTY i-R(OM) at elegant 1. room house, terraced plot an loo neai cars select surrounding splendid pnr, bargain 17 AO0 VTCATION WANTED HAL 151 CONGRESS ST. I.arga and amali comforunoy Turnlahed rooms, near aubwa 62 Hi 1 1 brow nsione i bT rooms TO LET FLAT ARK HI OlK air hath $17 and tig man Ttublnsy i i 1 3 for ad ancemrn fl i st Is refereu a nkltn a 113 DECATUR ST.

Two desirable tonm ling rooms for yen tlemen. ail con.enienrcs con.tnieni to 1 Station quiet' prhae farntl) references 58 MIDDAGH ST. Half block (tom in, ukl Binlg. nil light room aM Improvements rent $10 janl'or 3: IF I ON tiparl in. nt desirable famll ynln4 and iiclusi hlxhcr lass apattmeni PI -onms lam OOZY MOPKRN and latli foramiH BAUTENDF.R A I I A ROt ND PI NO I ir I all man neat a pp ant y.rkr feature, of lht (ty ouniiv r.f-rc,Ke Murph) rent I 0 1 1 8 Madison st I I- OF OHllDRFV A SMuT WITH).

B7 A hires 17 Oaklan at ref IN A il 11 mil nt 1 girt I unkl A'ltl me imr flr il8 Ql INiY HT FIHIANI de ratd aiMirtinent room an I bat sicam i and hot water nnlt i l.e heapeat apartment In the btULh Flat! uh I) A RTFNDI (HX1 i IAiH MAR iid man MS t. ten, Or 1 ad rhomu Du) 14 leulh st on flight up are Mrs Nelson SflftO 477 HALSEY ST. Rack imrlur ionncimg nlih extension Unfurnish'd adults required basem*nt b. II 57 IRVING PLACE Clean neatl) furnish, looms heated telephone pla tier MODERN' 6 ROOM AND BATH I PPFK part iwo family tine location quiet and healthful ae ton 1 770 I nlon st nii Rochester ae nt speak qukk telephone 1 4 1 Prospect Ran FOlR ROOMS AND IMPROVEMENTS $10 $11 1217 1301 1317 to 1171 Atlantic av 7 IOI1T ROOMS SECOND Fl OOll PRI hall itei heat hot water new.y dc orated tine leolton $32 bl7 Park pi tuar av HI A KI All L'tyyeen lumpklm 411J APARTMENT (Fl HMHHFDi PRI All iRih southem expoaure sjtiuM i one nr two gentlemen, ref, tu te qulr. ,1 7v9 fferson a linmi AM i.INKIUMY I'FFll IV AIUNt.

BY THF I IF family a light ol man I spe tMt mar HppUea Addiess fell Pacific a ARF OF CIIII DREN ASSIST WITH ihainbrwork and make herself generally (i I I an Iilsh girl Is'tl) landed. Ad dr-os l'4 Tnth s( car, McNamara. 98 MADISON ST. Turnluhed unh 01 without board (tear Frank In and Putnam aye H' 1 11 a 1 alt 1 sge .1.

'BRIN'! 1 I 1 I take ,1 ref. Brown FR A r. AND day a 1 Smith 1 1 rt 7 I AFIC.K 1 ROOMS IN TTXMIM i d.tached hmix, od ion rent I aonable Inquire 14 Micatnm it 1 CII XMUf RM All X' WAITRESS BY A ri, i uble a rl sleep home. Cull. Inr T.o ill st nPFNTb stale fa, ry ha rg.

pr pc 4 4 I It get a It A i IN A FXM1I a nt white girt I a 1 Ha wth st A YMl ,1 si 1 I re 'e re re at 6-C fast Eighteen 1 170 NEVINS ST. FILE ROOM4 AND BATH IV GOOD OH do tent $15 135 Sixteenth near Fifth I 1 ae I 4 roMN AND RXTH 1 MINI TFH I I I sub ay nmole te hous keep! sc, mm A 1 fc.t Ion 1 all flout i 9. strictly flrst- own V. A It 1 a ANTI I Ml day tv a laundr.s Mrs Kelly Thirty fourth st liim ANY (1AHOI INC repafia reference Addrgsa 1 re I A pi lathush Two fine furnished i.nmia In a prlvato famll all and a good home for or two gentlomcn. Mia.

Hancth WH) HM All) VND M.AITRESS. BY A un(t girl or housework without waehlngS dt) oi countrj refer 487 Seventeenth st first floor class house 634 actflc forn LIGHT ROOMS. ALL IM PROA E-menti except bath, rent $10 Inquire gve (op floor 1 ight toi. 239 Fa WASHING AND IRONING Ot Ml HF I Hl't SMll'Kk n.bSBHAI I IN A FAM1I dav bv a flr7 da un i eta fren if four go me mod, ra age a II frum present employer (ill suhin mornings ceilings at 319 East Fiurthave topfl'or I te nth it Edwiu CTeur hurdi aye fHAFTFRI BY AN FXPERIENOED oung man can do oyxn repairs Bernard Mortenson la Temple court LIIA1 FFEl FIRST CLASS) BY A OER-man Mathla Dan 143 Linden aye 31 PATCHEN AVE. Near and I exlngton aye 1, parlor and hedi.Mint together nicel furnished, 1 both, gas one or two gentlemen.

1 aA HAT.SEY ST 7 ROOM RATH AND pantry steam heat hot "tiler Janitor service op tn-date apartment all light, rent vry reasonable COOK IV SMA1L family by middle woman city reference. Call, A rent 36 Marlon et HOI SEW (GENERAL). BY COLORED girl at 72 Gates ave. fiE ROOMS ON 8ECOVD FLOOR, newlv decorated steam heat hot water prlyale hall flne aecllon, rent $32 17 Park place near Koatrund ave WASHING OR WORK OF AN) KIND BliHOt SFWOIIK tGENFR A i IN A FAMILY the da) Mondays and Tuesday by a re i three a girl vail this eyenlng at 308 spectable middle-aged woman all at 34 AJeliliit rkimr TO LET HOUSES. 59 ARLINGTON AVE-l PPEB FLOOR 7 light room rent $20 near Nan SUklen station and beautiful Highland Park HOI SEWORK (GLNERALi A WILLING an.t npall git I two st-rj house no washing god rfereni.e required all at j4o iuveMo ave COOK (PLAIN) WAITER GENERALI.

useful bv voung Frenchman 36i In a private family or boarding house, wages $10 month best city references Addrea Julius Rossini 303 Clifton place In shoe store WASHING AND IRONING OR FaMMI for Wednesdays and Thursda erence Call Mr lVir 43t, lar ton 323 QUINCY ST. Near Marcj ay, furnished rooms lerge and small 1 50 and un bath and running water. good neighborhood. 512 HANC0CKSL Private family have targe, handsomely furbished room, hot and cold water In room, -bath, reasonable and convenient. HOISEWORK (GENERAL) BY FINNTB1C girl laiei) landed 640 Fortieth et floor HOI8EAAORK (GENERAL) IN A SXALflf private family a soman, best gefspo encea Call at 193 Court st first FIRST-CLAS 3 STORY HIGH STOOP, brownstone house In first 1 lasa neighborhood house in thorough Older ft bed rooms front and ba.

parlors dining room pantrv and kitchen in basem*nt rent $50 monthly Apply 218 Grand uve STEAM HEAT AND HOT WATER 81PPI 6 rooms and tiled bath, up to date rent $22 ear convenience 548 Forty-sixth st mu stflOUK (GENERAL) IN A SMALL ANY famll) rf adults In new apartment Call, xmm Harris 4 Eastern GENERALLY IREFUL IV A DOCTOR i A 8H I.NG HOI 8E( I EXMVO OR priate famllv good reference OalJ or kind of day yyork by a strong address James Henry Thompson 989 Ful ton st first floor 375 PITNAM AVE. NEAR MARCY El E-gant second flat, 8 rooms and bath: steam heat hot water, tenants five years reference, $29 HOT FEW ORK (TIGHT) AND CAR, OS 1 bsb a girl. 305 Court st. i t. fsroil) by a young girt.

91 Rochester aea HOT SEWORK (LIGHT), IN A TO LET 3-STORY BRONX NTRTONE ALL Improvements $j0 fine neighborhood A Deiatur si btujvesani av. open to 4 best reference or addresa Mrs Mill'll 7.4 M.rtle 1RU SFB0RIf igFNFBM.) IN' A FAMILY 0f tvv a young German girl, reference re- WASHING AND ClEANINO Ol BY THE quirol Ir. eater 64 Franklin ave. near da) b) a reape, table German woman hi gen i after 6pm. Welngarten 766 Betgen at 1321 DEAN ST.

''PBrlor floor and baaemenl wtth large room gnd private bath on second floor, convenient flna neighborhood. 487 TWELFTH 8T HALF BLOCK from park, second flat, 6 large rooma and bath. GENERALLY 1 SEFUL. KITOJFNWORK or porter bv a respectable colored man best reference ('all or addres Advertiser 105 Schenectadv ave JANITOR ATTEND FUR At E8 OR OEX-erally useful around store office or house by a reliable man Call at 72 Lawrence st 411 A I. HON 8T NFAR ROGER AVE.

7 rooms and bath, detached house anl rlcntv of ground ready for nrrupancy uqulre on premises of Mr Broun. HOLSEW ORK (GENERAL). IN A PRTVAT famllv bv a Norwegian girt Matilda Finkelsen. 117 Rapelye st. HOI SEUORK (GENERAL) IN FLAT A girt no washing sleep home, no work Bund).

Oall at -jt seventh ave, flret fl WASHING AND Cl EASING BT THE DAY bv a respectable woman Mrs A ass 1.4 SHnd st three flight up back NEW CORNER. 5 ROOMS AND BATH, atqam heat hot water supply, rent $24 and up $37 Throop ave corner Quincy st FLATBUSH. Newkirk ave ex nation Line: 5 min walk xx Idow owning her own home would jent front room, improvements hr. akfast If desired, gentleman preferred, no other roomers. 30 min to Paik row, NY.

Ii 8 Box H- Citizen office HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) BY A 'YOUNl girl aot long In the country. Call. at 19fl Sanford st. (flrst floor), neap ilyitla WASHING AND CLEANING BY A BE HOt'SEWORK (GENERAL) IN AFAMIIY 312 MONROE ST THREE STORY AN basimnt frame lj mis all Impiov, nunts suitable for large famll) nt tvxo or three small ongenlal families nt per month Appiv John Kuhn 26 Curt st Mrs A i met long 611 spectable woman Grand st of thrre a giil plain cooking, reference icQUlred ('ail st 84 seventh st. MARRIED CO! P1.E (WHITE MAN GOOD butler and useful man.

wife good co'k wages $50 to Sin clt or countiv Mai Gulre. 219 Adams et. 187 WAVERLY AVE SIX LIGHT ROOMS and bath, newlv altered and decorated private hall, fent $19 block of station. 12 minutes to New York. HOI'SEWORK (GENERAL) IN A SMALU ramll) by a youn a Swedish Tatel landed.

Call at 71 Atlantic AWels Anderson a belL HOIEWGRK (GENERALI. AN EXPE rlncet Swedish or German girl reference required Call at 408 Jefferson ave TO LET FINE THREE STORY BROWN stone, all Improvements $4i. beautiful blok 2T7A Detatur near ujvesant ave open 9 to 4 TO LET ARTS OF BOUIIL AAAMIING OR WORK OF ANY KIND BY the day also small washing to take home PAINTER PAPERHAVOER PIA8TFRFR a voung iolored woman tail. Mr etc for landlouls or real estate estimates MacDonald S6 chenectKl) ave. given 1.

laiobson 1968 Fulton st phone 2486 East New York WARMING AND JROXING OUT BY THE la Monday Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays, a colored woman Call or address 31 396 Carlton ave WAITER IN A PRIVATE FAMII OR boarding house by young houthemer 170 SCHERMERHORN ST. Large, elegant rooms furnished or unfur- nlshed parlor floor, suitable for business, reasonable. 144 QUINCY' ST. Large and small room. In private house.

adjoining bath and telephone, newly HOI'SEWORK (GENERAL). I a famll) by a neat colared gH cook' sleep home good 16 Irving place, ring bell i a HOUSRWORK (GENERALI IN A FAMILY of three a competent Scandinavian girl, agei $.5 Call at .82 St Mark ave hoi'pework: (Gfneral a girl man of colored pr Dried' can go hom*o' nisrht 83S St Johns place pear Nostra nd ave 1-FAMILY BRICK 18r. EAST FOl RTH ST two blocks from Prospect Paik good transit facilities 7 rooms ail parquet tile kitchen and bath separate faundr) $1i 167 East Fourth at or tel 712 Pros pecL 219 I INDEX AVB. FLAT BUSH FIRST-class floor, 5 looms and bath, paiqo' floor, separate furnace, near four car lines special winter terms. personal or written reference Call or address 818 Pfospect place.

Hbi-sEwonir (General), bt Ar Yritr NO Irish girl, lately landed Call at 817 Thtf I avec near Seventeenth st. HKLT WANTED MAU PARLOR FLOOR AND BAsem*nT, PLEAS ant rooms 125 First place. WORK OF ANY KIND BY YOUNG MAN. not afraid of hard work August Johnson 940 Fourth ave 160 STATE 8T NEAR CLINTON. 3-STORY and basem*nt brick 11 rooms, new furnace.

rent $960. Apply 11 to 5 oclock. 469 WAVERLY AVE. between Gatea and Fulton, pleasant, gunny, large front heated rooms, also smaller rooms, every convenience; near all cars, select neighborhood, board optional; moderate HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) IN A SMALft family in apartment, by a Norwegian gtril no washing sleep home. Address Hele Johnson, care Mrs Nelsen.

84 IA BalUtt It- HOt'SEWORK (OENFHAI.I TV A KmAlL fa trv 1 1) in in apaitmen referen required Aisly Mrs. Morrell 129 Columbia Heights, corner Clark st BOY TO TAKE ORDER AND ISR trade in butcher shop Cal) at 416 Fourth ave. corner Seventh et PARK SLOPE. LOWER PART TWO-FAM ly house flne condition, lease, $23 month to desirable tenant. Apply owner.

Brown 178 Fifth ave. WANTED SITUATION AS BARTENDER young married man. quick neat close mixer. reference. W.

Wardell. 3i0 Vanderbilt st. 243 GREENE AVE. NEAR GRAND NEW-Iv decorated modern house. 9 rooms and bath open plumbing rent reduced.

Own er on premises daily HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). BY GEBMAU girl, no washing and ironing, gofer til A a I aA. .1 1410 Gates are. HOISEWORK (GENERAL) IN A FAMIT of three adults a capable girl, wages $20, reference required Appiv at Ocean near Lincoln road Flatbush ence. George.

-J4- ANYONE BECOME NEWSPAPER COR-respondent, particulars for stamp Pies Syndicate 77 Mlddleport. $100 MONTH! AND EXPENSE TO travel and distribute samples for big manu. fuel re r. steady work 5. gchefTer.

Tieae-urer. 192 Chicago FIVE ROOMS AND BATH: EVERY IM pruvement. In brownstone house with owner, rent ll or 4 rooms and bath, 780A Greene ave. TO LET ROOMS. CHEF FIRST-CLASS COOK IN ALI branches wants position cooking school training Address Lake.

1617 Beverley rd Flatbush 165 BAY THIRTY-FIRST ST. Bensonhurst. furnished rooms; private fam -board optional, every convenience, rea- gooable. 31 STERLING PLACE Large and small rooms, furnished or un- furnished; private family, improvements HOUSEWORK (GENERAL). Bf A RRLIA ble oung woman good cook and launy dresa, gytx reference.

64 Stats aaaea floor, HOfStEHORK. (GFNERAI.) I A PRIVATE family an experienced girl plain cooking, no aaihlnK or ironing, good reference. Ca.11 at 09 Eighth st 477 HALSEY ST. Back parlor, connecting with extension, unfui nlshed, Convenient, adults, reference required, basem*nt bell COLORED MAN WISHE8 POSITION AS driver or porter end can give good reference Call or address C. 201 Skill-man at.

LOWER AND UPPER PART OF A NEW two-family house, all modem Improvement, elegantly galehed. flne. quiet block; thiee minutes te 1 station. 366 Slxty-flret pear Third are. BUTLER AND USEFUL MAN Ml FT BE pest and honest.

App!) at 466 Washington ve. HOUSEWORK (GENERAL) A SMALZJ prtvate fatuity by a respectable aoloreA girl; good personal reference. CaU at 176 Dean near Ltca ave. TWO GlfUS (GERMAN PREFERRED IN faanil) of two one as cook the otbef for uRwtatrs work Dr Schelling. 264 btuyve sank ave.

-1 80 SOUTH ELLIOTT PLACE large front alcove room, with board: nearwubway, terma reasonable. COLORED MAN 48 WAITER. HALL BOY or porter, honest, sober and obliging. Address Thomas Phills. SI Rockwell pi $44 WASHINGTON AVE.

NEAR FULTON 2 extra large connecting rooma; with private toilet, hot and cold water; $20 month CAPABLE AND RELIABLE COUPLE TO do work in bachelor apartment house; exceptional steam heat and hot water suppl) good references Call at 204 Washington Street. HOUSEWORK JIT YOVSG colored gtrl good cook and launrea. Okie at 409 Herkimer st. HANDSOME LOWER PART OF A TWO-atory atone houee. $56 McDonough newly decorated, flne order; reot reasonable; Immediate possession Apply on premises TWO NEAT IR! ONE A8 COOK AND laxandrea.

the other aa chambermaid and wmltreu, good wages good referenced required Apply at 229 Garfleld place. wanted furnished. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION A8- COOK, geneial housework, washing and Ironing, best reference. 1139 Thirty-ninth LARGE ROOMS IN PRIVATE HOUSE. 250 DeKaib ava.

JANITRES3, BY A YOUND MARRIED 5 Swedish woman Call at $449 test Tblr teemh ft top floor. 1, JANITOR (Iwrr-CLA8S): MtST T'NDKB-stand steam beat and hot mater and be able to make tmall repairs; reference required Apply at 159 Halsey at. UPSTAIRS WORK AND WAITRESS. A neat German or Norwegian girl. Cal! at 93 A Albemarle road.

Flatbush. $17 UPPER PART TWO-FAMILY HOUSE; 5 rooms, all improvements; lower part occupied by two adults, no children, two Christian adults desired. Address Owner. 1020 Fortieth st. miRTH year applicants DAILY.

I have helped other secure desirable ronm- era or boarders why not you If you de- sire or have anything In this line, any tion Brooklyn, write Roblneon, 3 Lafay- vttw uve, Brooklyn. I ROOMS TO LET. SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping, heat and improvements. 125 Clinton ave. LADYS COMPANION OR NCR8BRY GOVW erness by a refined Intelligent young wo man.

Call at 41 Fifty-ftrst st, CHAUFFEUR SINGLE, AMERICAN. Experienced driver end mechanic on foreign and domestic ears, sober: good references. F. Zimmer. Twelfth st.

83k WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO TRUST-worthy people to travel and distribute sam- Sles for big wholesale house. C. Emery. 282. Chicago 848 DECATUR ST 2 LARGE R00M8.

2D floor, arranged light housekeeping, furnished. steam heat, private house, with owner. Phone 2781J Bedford. iOAia TWO COMPETENT GIRLS: ONE AS COOH, th other chambermaid and vtltnik CaU at 1093 Pacific at care Shovlia. EXCEPTIONAL PRIVATE HOUSE: FLOOR, latest improvements, hot water heat, electric light, pay to Investigate, onl no extra charge for light and heat.

201 Axe-nue I. Culver line to Parkvtlle atation; one block from atation. RESPONSIBLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN business experience, wishes position, useful, trustworthy adapted to office or store work best credential; moderate salary M. Barry. 848 Buahwiclf ave.

JANITOR FOR PRIVATE HOUSE. LINE IN nice basem*nt and psv part rent, man service not required, must be respectable Call at 243 Carroll st 0 FORT GREENE PLACE ALCOVE AND (tauare room, alt conveniences; good table near subway UPSTAIRS WORK AND HELP WITH CHIL dren. a girl Call at 211 Fifty-fourth at about 100. But I will inform Ctapti-trnte Gei'iiiar of the condition of tbe animal, and von will get your just d-sort w. Au-i let this he a warniug to your friends, who.

I doubt not, abna ilieir horses in similar manner. Tbe horse in qiieatiou is severely lathe and tMifFera terribly when walking, tbe officers aver. Muiristrate Nash, sitting in the Flat-busb Court, fined several priaouers $13. A PARLOR FLOOR TO LET. SUITABLE for a dentist or a doctor rent verv reasonable.

Inquire 112 Flret place. Janitor. UPPER PART OF 2-FAMILT HOUSE. 5 or 6 large rooms and bath: owner on premises 878 East Forty-sixth st. bet.

Church and Linden eves. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. KITCHEN WORK IN A BOARDING-HOUSE a colored man Call at 114 Henry si UPSTAIRS WORK AND WAITRESS. BY A young Iriab girl (18). Call at 488 Waverlg ve.

APAVEFE. FIRST-CLASS BUTLER. DE sires position in private houses or apartment. ciiv or country; hat best reference and recommendation Yoshl. 123 Bauds tel.

2940 Mam. 78 JEFFERSON AVE SECOND FLOOR. 3 rooms, heat. Jlght. bath TOP FLOOR TO LET.

PRIVATE HOUSE. or 4 rooms, small family! Christians. 171a Stockton at. UPSTAIRS OR LIGHT HOUSEWORK BY a young Irteh girl. Madden.

819 Pacific at MORTGAGE LOAN'S, MARRIED COPULE. WOMAN AS COMPS-tent cook and laundress, mao for upstair work, references required Appiv at 4u Montgomery place, between Eighth and Ninth aves HEPTAS0PHS. )Ol'BLE DOUBIK YOUR MONEY YEAR 1y. Central British Columbia wilt do ft. Two transcontinental railroads building New toans springing into life Progressive American and British settlers poui ing In.

Boom starting Climate superb, soil ferine. Lunds cheap Easiest possible terms. Reliable company 'Post ouiself Nechaco galley Syndicate, sncouver, B. C. BUTLER FIRST-CLASS.

WEST INDIAN wants a situation, private family or boarding house, wilt go to country beet of reference. Call or addrase Butler. 336 DeKaib ave. HOUSEWORK. BY A NEAT.

RESPECT ble colored girl willing and obliging. Call at 460 Carlton are. UPPER PART 8-FAMILT HOUSE bath, very reasonable. East Fifty-second take Reid ave. car to Rutland rd.

Kd mortgage money HENRY REDF1ELD. IS COVIT BT. MESSENGER (NIGHT). A YOUNG MAN OF XI or over. $1 a night.

Apply at 313 Fulton st- S. P. C. A. ACTIVE.

CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS LIGHT houaevrork: email wages 45i St Marks a. ring second bell te the right, no cards. to ur-ntim UPPER AND LOWER PART OF t-FAM-tlv detached bouse on East Fourth near Caton ave. Inqulra East Fourtn at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.

HOU8EWORK: NEAT COLORED GIRL) good cook, private family, no washing; good cltv reference. 1281 AtUpitta ave second floor, right. 'A HOLBROOK. L. I 111 LOTS.

ABOUT 8 arres on Coate ava; cash offer. Brown, 1697 Pacific at. 478 modonougk upper floors in private house with owners heat and gas. $39. A.

CHEAPEST STORES IN BROOKLYN. 844 Atlantic ave, half block from subway station; attractive, exceptionally light store and. basem*nt; ptate-giase show wmnIow, good busolness lotstlon. rent $28. ming agent, premises or Pocner A west hlrty-fourth st Manhattan.

ftilALL STORE AND I ROOMS. 124 ST Edwards SL. opposite Fort Greene Park, rent $12; Improvements. Inquire on prem ists orH 8. Beamish.

75 DeKaib ave. FOR SALE. lucky enough to each recefve a-prikej Brothers Abhertaon, Walsh Bland t. LOWER PART NEW 2-FAMILT HOUSE; elect neighborhood, parquet floor; 8 rooma. Path beautifully decorated, 743 least Fifth Flatbush.

Broollm Conclave. Xo. 190, I. O. held its regular meeting iu the blue room of Han't Hall on Tuesday evening.

Oct. The Bowling Committee reported that Brooklyn Conclave team Xo. 1 would meet Hendrick Hudson Conclave and Brooklyn Conclave team Xo. 2 the De Witt Clinton Conclave. So far team Xo.

1 has won two games and lost four and tram Xo. 2 has won four games and lost Iwo. Brothers -elect George P. Rae and A. T.

Hollier were initiated into the mys teriea ot the order, the degree team n-ing tbe net initiatory degree. The Entertainment Committee reported that arrangements had been made to bold a raodeville smoker on Election night. Xor. 8. for which all the members of the (nttclawe had been provided with ticket to distribute among their friends At tit, close of the meeting tbe Enter-ta inment Committee brought forth a game and the fobswing members were Krrath, Newman and Nneder.

After the meeting a delegation Yigiftd Bedford Conclave to assist in celebra ti and other diseases common to horses than ADDLE HORSE (STRAWBERRY ROAN), addle, harness and extras, $359 Bedford Riding Academy. Bedford, corner Atlantic sve or owner. Harrison ave. Brooklyn. Hntreu Arreit Mad (a Flat-baah Saetloa.

Srrcral officer ot the Society (or the Prerontion of Crorlty to Animal, on tbr alert in Klntbnsh. and dnrin, the past week bare had at least fifteen horses shot and many owners' and driven arrested churned with riolatin the law. Thomaa (V. Midwinter and William W. Keane, ot fit-era of the noeietj, aaeivned to the Flatbush district, following the arraignment of a prisoner In tbe Flatbuah Court before Magiatrate Voorhees.

declared that in Flatbuah, Canaraie. Park-rille and Beneonbnrat they fonnd more animals driren tu hoary loads and auf- ter ing from lameness, ringbone apATin trale. i irouid joat likatafine jroa nuy other part of the city. In the section ot Flatbush known as Pigtown, in the ricinity ot Malbone street, north of Xostrand arenne and extending to the outskirts ot Brownsville, the suffering of dumb beasts by far exceeds that in any other part of tbe city. "And the other parts hart more than their share at that.

they both asserted. When Alec Glynn, a contractor, of East Twenty-ninth street and Beverly Road, was arraigned before Magistrate Voorhees yesterday the magistrate took time to go outside and witness for himself the suffering the horse endured The detendant asked for an adjournment, and the ease was set down for next week, when another magistrate will be sitting. 1 am sorry that I won't bare jurisdiction in yonr esse, declared tbe magia- I SI FLATBUSH CORNER, REDUCED FROM $23 to 96; lower part of two-family brick. and batht all light, ail oak; separate furnace, owner above; Not, 2338 Bsv srley rd. To let BINE STORE; HAS TWO LARGE show windows Pnd four large room over store: good cellar and large yard, corner Fulton and Hull ata; rest only $30.

the Jaiter'a eighth anuivermarr god to greet the supreme officers and their ilepue ties of Long Ialaod. The next meeting will be on Not. S-- PEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS, ALSO FUftS. for sale cheap. Mrs, Lswla, 178 8 ter Hag place Sen waxt; EIGNE.

A COME-BACK. Mr Kfteen I suppose yoa think llat'A tan never deceive ble wife Mies Kidder Oh. net Why. It Woeld be imposslhie tor 4he average man le get wU ha dida I Aacelve berffwKirhaag WHEN TV A HURRY fOMR TO UE. TOBIN A Sigma, Felltln.1 Banners, Aa, geo ngshfmgtoh eL, Brooklyn.

THE CAUSE. I hrar til. rr tat ion. irllb bi, wife mn (trained. What oauml it) 'Ur wUtiouA.

Lippincott'h WASTED HOtHE JN OOOD NEIGHBOR. hood, for colored tenant; alao wants houses to aell. pb shanties, have hqjrerg paiuag. Brown, 1697 raciAa ok he or Mf rUe am s9he Main,.

The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.